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^^ Victoria's Dress ^^

The results of the exam came through an unexpected form, as our Amulets suddenly glowed, changing from 'First Year, Initiate', to our current ranks according to our Scores.

I grinned down at the glowing amulet, removing the magical cover from it as it changed, one letter at a time, to read 'Lady Victoria Avis Holborn of the Children of the Half-Mountain Clan, First-Year High Prefect of the College of BattleMages.' High Prefect, I knew, was the highest Non-Master rank in the College, the Seventh Tier. After changing the name back to Yula Lunier, I let it dangle from my neck proudly, and walked over to my family.

"Well!!! He needed to learn some manners, didn't he? Didn't think I'd be able to Throw Down with an Arch-Battlemage, did you? Ha!" I grinned at Mama and Mother, who both looked horrified and scared out of their minds.

"What in the world possessed you to attack the Dean of the College?!?" Mother hissed at me savagely under her breath.

"He was trying to be a Dick and out me to everyone here because he didn't win the Game he thought I was playing. So I took the air out of his lungs as a symbolic lesson." I shrugged.

She frowned, and hummed. "Alright... and where did you put the Prince?!?"

"A Demiplane Dungeon He can't escape unless he's of the same or more powerful level as the Arch-Battlemage over there trying to regain his ability to breath. And if he does escape... well, he won't be able to breath where there's no air." I grinned, pointing a thumb upwards, hinting at the moon.

Mama snorted, then laughed out loud at the top of her lungs, hugging me tightly. "You put his dumb ass on the MOON?!? Oh honey, I love you!!!"

I grinned and accepted the hug, before looking at mother. "So, I'm staying at the college. Am I allowed to come home whenever I want?"

She chuckled and nodded. "Yes, Darling. You can come home whenever you want, you've always known that."

"Ahh, but can I leave?" I clarified.

"Yes... yes, you can. Just... don't take your earring off ever again, okay? And talk to us more often."

"Alright. Hey, do you guys wanna see the market in of my Dungeon? You saw a little bit, but it's gotten waaaay bigger and awesomer since then!" I grinned happily, looking at the other members of my family who'd shown up. Most of them were super busy, so I could talk to them whenever I liked, but they couldn't leave their workshops very often, and they actually preferred it that way.

"I'd love to, my dear. Maybe we'll eat something and celebrate your victory and new Rank! Are there restaurants there?" Mama asked, humming seriously.

"Uhm..." I blinked, shocked by the question, and looked at Medea. "Should I have restaurants in my Dungeon Market?"

"People do have to eat, and you do have the perfect place to grow lab-grown meat, which is totally Humane, so I wouldn't mind. I still miss Burgers, and it's been twenty years since I had one." Medea sighed longingly.

"What's a Burger?" I frowned.

"In short, yes, people need food, and seeing as you're forcing people to go out of their way and hunt in a new area, but they're not allowed to eat the animals they find..." she shrugged.

"They can eat anything they find? When did I say they couldn't? They can't even access the floors with the endangered animals, so I don't care if they eat the squirrels and rabbits and fish I let loose into the other floors. They're also there to feed people, after all. And the predators are there to keep them on their toes, and make sure they understand that they're already inside a dungeon." I shrugged and opened a portal to the Observatory. "Would you like to come as well, and see what you're buying?" I looked at Queen Emilia and Galatea.

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