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^^ Victoria's Armored Dress ^^

After a while, I sighed and stood up, deciding to start getting ready. My vanity appeared from its usual hiding spot inside the Pocket I'd placed in my room, (separate from the one that followed me around,) and I sat down in front of the mirror, stripping everything off except my pants, for now.

"You have a Vanity?" Galatea asked, surprised.

"Yes, I do. I like makeup, it just takes a lot of preparation to put on, so I usually don't bother. But today... I'm going to be Fierce." I grinned and began my transformation.

My hair turned back to the elemental white-Silver on command, and my skin paled instantly, allowing me to skip straight to eyeliner and eye shadow, two of my main pursuits. My eyes were a blazing cobalt blue in this form, like Luna's, and I knew what she used to make her eyes seem extra ghostly, without magic, so I started there. A thick lining of deep green-black eyeliner started us off, then another line in a slightly lighter shade, until I had soft wings of forest green on either side. I was left-handed, so my right eye took a little longer, but I had an hour and a half, so I didn't rush it. Next a round of eye shadow, darkening the area around my eyes and making them seem even more piercing and cold. A blood-red shade of lipstick completed the look, and I smiled, looking at the change. All it took was half an hour of trying not to stab my eyes and I was a totally different, sophisticated woman.

"Ha! Take that, Nick, I can be a Mature Woman any time I like!" I cheered, probably ruining the sophisticated portion of the look.

"You do look ravishing... can I ask you to share that lipstick?" Galatea chuckled, encircling me with her arms gently.

"Oh, sure,-"

She kissed me sweetly as I turned to hand her the lipstick, freezing me in place, and then she smirked at my surprised features, before examining her red-smudged lips in the mirror. "Yes, I think I like this shade quite well... can you apply some for me?" She asked, sitting on the vanity and looking down at me. Her black-green eyes glittered a soft gold for a moment, and her haughty expression was replaced by a different, hungrier version; she knew she was torturing me, and she enjoyed it very, very much.

"Fuck me... yes ma'am!" I breathed softly, and slowly reached up, carefully painting her lips that same bloody-red as my own, before fixing mine as an afterthought. I didn't stand, though that would've been easier, because then I would've been taller than her. I enjoyed her looking down at me more than I'd expected, and especially when she looked at me like a cake she was saving for later, but she really, really wanted to unwrap it and eat, right now.

She turned around, leaning over and examining her lips in the mirror while her skirt swayed right in front of my face; it was so very tempting, seeing her legs move and the fabric follow, the large, shapely bottom she normally hid behind armored leggings now visible and within kissing range. Then She spoke, breaking my train of thought. "I like this red... it brings out the little fleks of Gold in my eyes."

"Mmhmm." I nodded, and swallowed heavily, my gaze locked on her thighs.

"... I can feel your gaze burning into my ass, Victoria."

"First of all: You're the one who put it right up in my face, swaying and being all sexy and stuff. Second: I was staring at your thighs, actually. Third:... sorry." I grinned apologetically, and leaned around the large, shapely bottom. "Can I have my mirror back now?"

"If you'd like it back, you may kiss my ass. Otherwise at toll of-"

Hesitation wasn't really a thing, for me, so it was pretty much instantaneous. Her skirt was up and my lips were pressed against one of her cheeks before she finished, one hand holding her skirt up and the other holding a handful of her butt.

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