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^^ Avon the Arch-Elemental ^^

"Experimental Log, Day Seven, Test Six: Subject A, 'Air Elemental', AKA 'Soul Elemental', AKA 'Avon', is now fully incapable of expanding beyond the Pixie Form without the permission of the Contract Holder, i.e. Lady Holborn. The use of the Carrot and Stick Protocol has been unsuccessful so far in its efforts to Tame Subject A's Rebellious Spirit, and as such a more ruthless method must be implemented.

"The body of the Subject is incapable of feeling pain, as there are no pain receptors, nor sensory methods in the 'skin'. 'Sight' is made possibly by the collection of light in a perfect sphere around the Subject, leaving no blind spots at all. The Subject was not born this way, and was in fact created twenty years prior to 17 AC, (Arrival of the Children). A First-Gen Model, you might say, and rightfully so, though there are no signs of a Second Generation, as these inorganic creatures are physically incapable of Breeding.

"Thus, the method of causing pain to a Quantum Creature is simple: Soul Tears. Methods exist to harm or erode the Quantum Amalgamation of Consciousness, the 'Soul' of Sentient creatures, as well as disrupt their Brainwaves, (though the latter is not helpful in this scenario,) and I will use these methods on Subject A, in response to rebellious or violent thoughts or actions towards Myself or My Clan. Soul Recovery Methods also exist, and they will be used in Tandem, to ensure the overall health of the Subject in the Long Term. Rewards will range from allowing the Subject to feel pleasant sensations like warm water or ocean breeze, or other things it might find pleasant. 'Brain waves', (i.e. Electrical variations in Mental Status,) are quite difficult to measure in the Subject's case, but not impossible, and so they will be measured for future, unrelated research." I stopped the dictation, watching my words appear on the screen, made some modifications to punctuation, then archived it and moved on with the experiment.

My long-distance control of the Dungeon's Interior was complete, I'd discovered, meaning I could interact with it as easily as if it was a box I was reaching into; this was very useful, and reduced the danger to me from my experiments by quite a bit.

"Now... let's start with the pain of a paper cut, which will be defined as 0.1/100 on my Scale of Pain." I nodded.

Surprisingly, it was not difficult to expand the Field of the Quantum Amalgamation (Soul) to hold more Magic Crystals, meaning they could easily get larger. From the knowledge my 'torture' had gifted me, Earth Elementals were just other crystal beings who had, instead of air abilities, the ability to connect with the rock or crystal around them, and control it remotely. A sort of Geokinesis, it appeared. So, with an Air Elemental, expanded to be the same size as the Earth Elemental, I wondered if the size (and therefore greater Mana Reservoir,) would be what allowed them to connect to greater density things, like dirt and rock.

I placed some rocks and dirt into the dungeon, and watched carefully as my Subject A approached them suspiciously.

"What do you want me to do with this? I'm not an Earth Elemental." She muttered, and the sound entered my mind.

'Attempt to control it as you do air, that is all I ask.' I responded, making her flinch.

She placed a hand into the dirt, and hummed, muttering about stupid Mages who didn't understand the concept of Elemental Opposites. She seemed to want to protest, but instead gripped her fist, making the dirt roll into a sphere. The rocks were not affected, -as they were still too dense, it would seem,- but she gasped and stared at it, confused. "Did... did I do that?!?"

'Yes, you did. I hope this makes clear that I am more informed as to your abilities than perhaps you are? No more rudeness, please.' I replied dryly.

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