key? lock?

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It is third period and already today has been the best day I have had  in awhile, i had maths first we had a test and I got 98 precent best score yet!! Then I had history and I found out my crush ( btw i have liked him so, so, so long! )  might like me back I was so happy, 

he is the popular type, and i am not i have really long brown hair with big brown eyes and semi tan, but he has the most amazing brown hair light brown with the most amazing sea blue eyes, his fit and very tan and pretty much every girl wants him.

 and now I have art now we get to do free drawing well sort of, it’s like we have to close our eyes and draw and we are not allowed to peek at our work until were done,

I had finished my art I was so shocked when I opened my eyes I had drawn a door and a key the door looked so alike to the one in our house but I couldn’t of drawn that could I? As I was looking at the door I had drawn a shape in the left hand side it looked very much like a person it was really wired I was getting kinda of scared of my drawing.

It was the last bell of the day I had completely forgotten about the drawing or and the door I was running to meet my brother and sister when I ran straight into Hamish! I have liked Hamish for ages! the blue eyed hamish!!!

"shit!" i swear under my breath but i am pretty sure he heard, I dropped all my homework and drawing “s-s-sorry” I stuttered as I as bending down to pick up all my things I shoved them all into my backpack and was walking off Hamish yelled “you forgot something” I turned around and quickly got my drawing “thank you,” “wow that’s really amazing” the drawing had slipped out and now was on the floor Hamish quickly bent down and picked it up for me, “thanks” I reply, but I had to leave to hurry to the spot where I meet my brother  and sister they were waiting for me like normal we were all in a hurry when we got home we were pretty nervous about the door we had no idea about what could be in there,

we got home around 3:30 when we got home no one was there we all put our bags away and walked up towards the room the door still slightly open I ran down to get some torches from the cupboard I switched mine on, we were about to walk in,

 when there was a knock at the door I’ll get it I said I ran down the stairs toward the front door I opened it was Hamish…. Wait! Hamish ( just to remind you so it doesnt sound creepy hamish lives 2 doors down from me) what was he doing here “hey”  I say,” hey umm you forgot your maths book and I know how we have that sheet that’s due tomorrow so I thought I would come around and give it to you,” “oh thanks do you umm want to come in?” “Yeah sure thanks nice house by the way,” oh wow thanks he-he I have lived in it all my life,” “ha-ha it’s so big and cool, he-he thanks it can be pretty cre... I didn’t finish my sentence because Emma and cliff came down to see who was at the door “oh hey Hamish,” “hey cliff,” Hamish bigger brother is really good friends with cliff, (that’s how I knew Hamish for so long)  Rachelle left to go upstairs to study and cliff got some food and went to sit and watch TV
thanks for everyone whose reading it might take awhile for my chapters to come up but they will xx <3 

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