a school called seven?

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when suddenly something behind me opened I look around of course it going to be the book case!  it always is, I look around when I see something that wasn’t there before there was a note, it read

please enter dont worry it is safe

  i quess i should but i just feel as if theres something holding me back i look once around, i feel really bad leaving my siblings there but i have a feeling id be seeing them soon.

this is going to be a really, really long night.

And i was right I came to a intersection in the path there was ten different paths, after about 30 minutes of walking by the way, I sat down this was going to be hopeless. when I had a thought it was a pretty stupid one but right now what else did I have to go onto, I got up and tried to conjure a ghost it was hopeless I had no experience I didn’t even know how to talk to them I sat down when something behind me stirred I turned around and there in the darken tunnel, was a shadow I slowly got up, it moved a little closer …h..ii.i I stutter, nothing for ten minutes hi I repeat in a more confident voice nothing, damn I thought maybe I should just give up.


I slowly walk back when a small voice croaks out

“Who are you?
“I jumped back at such blankness in the voice it was like something id never heard before like someone was controlling this person”

“h.i.i I stutter again, just confused with the blankness,”

“well I am waiting ?”                                        

“hey, sorry I said more confidently I was wondering if I could have some help I am a bit confused and I know well I thought maybe you could help me?”

“Well seeing as you asked nicely, how may I help you?”

 “Okay well ….”

I didn’t even finish when the ghost bumps in

“Don’t worry about an explanation I already know what this is about, people don’t know but we can see more then what is expected or what is told we can, well only some of us there is 6 different planes, this 1  which is alive,  2 is past 3 future  4 corftary  5 heaven or a resting place were no harm can come to anyone 6 hell,  each of this planes plays a different part and if you get stuck on one for two long that is not yours then you will be stuck unless you have a charmed ornament, charmed with all 5 powers,”

“Wait  ... wait I thought you said there were six and umm what is corftary”

“There is but alive doesn’t count as one its sort of a base for each of the others, and corftary stands for Creatures Out Of  The Ordinary, I have only been there for a few times but its an amazing place, oh and another thing I should maybe tell you there is a school it’s called  7,”

 “Okay why seven though why not 6?”


Maybe I should start from the very start,

All these planes once lived in the same realm and yes there was seven the six I told you before and another it was filled with evil to much evil that the realm decided to all split because clearly all those 7 weren’t working together to keep the peace, so everything split but in saying that they made a school that was called 7 it is placed in the middle of the surrounding planes the tricky thing is the 7 different places all circle this one particular school which you great, great, great, grandma founded, but now things are going wrong the schools losing magic and the realms are moving together darkness is once again taking over, I shell take you to this school follow me


a random door swang open, I looked inside it was very dark, I notice that that it has lights in it I start to walk in, when the ghost suddenly stops, oh no she says through a hushed breath it's already beginning as she slowly floated above the ground I saw others I was trying to ignore them but when realising that it was in fact emma and cliff 
It was weird seeing them for some reason but in saying that I was also very, very happy I can gladly admit I am pretty scared, I had no idea what was going on ad I knew it wasn't a dream because I have pinched myself about 70 times I walked in silent next to cliff and emma they were both next to me, 

We come to a door at the end of tunnle I was scared I didn't really want to go in but I had to, we all walked up to the door and one of the three ghost that had been with cliff opened  the door, I stared into a big room and gasped, beside me cliff and rach did the same 

We looked out onto a massive hall, there was a lot of kids and I'm not meaning humans either there was corftary although they were quite similar to  humans I'm not quite sure what to call the, I guess some were 

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