a new brother?

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have grown up so much as well as my younger brother, for now I want everyone to get ready for the preparation for tonight there is a set up out side in the hallway for everyone, rooms, keys, and times for tonight will be givin out thank you for all coming and hope you settle in well with that she left off stage, she turned around and beckoned us to follow so we did as she went out the side door we stepped off the staged and followed through the doors she was waiting for us talking to someone who seemed pretty important, she turned around and smiled and for the second time today beckoned for us to come over we said hello and introduced our self this man was assistant to grace as we stopped talking another boy or rather older then a boy walked up to us smiling he look exactly the same as cliff guys I want you to meet your older brother. 



And at that moment it just gets to much and i start to run, where were they all my life they missed out on 15 years of my life, argh, i was in mid thought i ran straight into someone, "omg so sorry!,"

 I hear a laugh that im really use to and i realise that it is hamish, this day just keeps getting better and better,

he looks and me and smiles "hey willow"

"hey hamish"

" ahah this isnt awkward at all, he says clearly making the situation a little bit more awkward, "so what are you doing here?"  we both same at the same time, " i laugh and start to talk at the same time he responds, well i should probably tell you ... i am a fighter," "ahahaha" i couldnt stop laughing but then i looked back up and i knew he was serious, "wait what do you mean a fighter?" "well.. maybe i should get your older sister to explain" "no!" i said a bit to loudly "i dont want to talk to any of them, they lied to me!" "are you sure they lied to you? or where force to keep secrets"  now i feel kinda bad things where reeling in my head and i didnt seem to be able to think, my vision started to blur, and i fell sliently to the ground.

 hamish pov.

oh no!, i grab as she falls, i quickly shout down the hall, help! help! please, i lay her gently on the ground and started CPR, lucky i had taken the course she couldnt die on my i wont let it happen, i wont let the girl ive loved ever since i set eyes on her from day one die, i couldnt i hear footsteps come closer, and its the vice princable, he quickly grabs his phone and calls the nurse, "what happened?" "im not to sure she was trying to explain something and then she looked really faint and started to fall,"  he looked really sad, "are you okey?" yeh we just need to get her to the nurses office and hopefully everything will be okey, in a matter of seconds i heard more foot steps and the stretcher was brought and they carefully picked her up and carried her towards the direction of the nurses office, to be honest i dont know how they even know where it is, the halls are so confusing, i quickly follow after them making sure shes okey, i had been waiting for 3 days straight but nothing i was getting worried, i started pacing around the room it was getting stuffy and i need to open the windows i walked to the windows and opened both of them, the sunlight streaming in.

 willows pov.

i woke up the light streaming in from the curtins that where floating from the wind, all i could hear was beep, beep, beep, beep, stupid thing woke me from my dream, argh i say out loud in fustration, i hear a chuckle to my left, maybe it was my right i turn and look, hamish is sitting in those really uncomfortable looking chairs, i smile his here!, it was my dream, "hey" i say sheepishly, "haha hey willow, im just going to call the nurse back in so she can asses you and see if you can get out today!" "ayayay what the fudge is that annoying beeeeeping sound?," "hah that is your heart" "how can my heart beep?" seeing him laugh is acturally the cutest things his eyes crinkle up.

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