his annoying right?

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his laugh rang out throughout the room and we both started laughing together but then the nurse just had to go wreck it ! "you guys look cute! very good couple" before i even had a chance to reply hamish spits out "i know we are arint we!"

he smirked at me, great he knows!

argh!  wait how long have i been in here for? erm... about three days! 


hamish pov.

as i smirked, i wish i hadnt said that, she would never go for me, ever, argh im such an idiot why!, she just laughed at me damn well ive lost all chances with her, not that she would even consider me shes so pretty her hair goes right down, her eyes are acturally the most amazing thing, the way she walks, and talks! argh ive really liked her ever since i first met her, thanks to my older brother in high school his first friend was cliff and one time we had to go over to there because our perants had to work so they baby sat for us, the first time she opened the door in a light blue dress with her hair tied back into two pig tails, argh best times.

willows pov.

 he would never think of me like that, oh well, i got out of the nurses room and walked down the hall with hamish by my side.

we didnt see anyone and i wasnt really sure were we where going, we got to a door and he smiled and said " i think this is the room i was ment to take you haha, be out soon they postponed the whole start of the year for you," "um what?" "ahah get in the shower or bath, and then get dressed and meet me out in in twenty minutes, "okey/ i slip into my room and its has two suit cases, and a large bed, with another bed across the room, mm i wonder who that is?  anyway i dont really worry at the time i head to the bathroom that is closet to my bed and turn on the heater light, that is so good i consider a bath but then i think i wont because i might not have enough time and ill feel even worse for making everyone later then 3 days! i quickly dried my self off and walked into the room hoping that noone was there, i looked around and it was empty thank god it would be so embrassing, i had no idea what to wear but as i looked onto my bed and there was a long pink gown, i hadnt noticed it before, maybe because i was so tired, i quickly slipped it on and a note fell out of it, thinking of you, hair up but curled and light makeup.

By the time i was done i think i looked very nice the smoky eye shadow matched my black heels and my pink dress and my pink hair clip suited very well, i looked at the clock, shoot i said to my self i had been more then twenty minutes i had been around 50, i quickly found my purse and headed outside, on the ground there where little arrows pointing what way to go.

It seemed like forever untill the stones stopped but it did at these bright baby blue doors interesting i thought to myself i wasnt complaining blue is one awesome colour, i opened the doors, stupid idea!! i looked around and everyone stopped and stared, shoot, shoot, shoot that was all that was going through my head 

hamish pov.

wow i thought the doors opened all of a sudden and she was standing there her pink dress matched her tan skin perfectly her cheeks had risin in a blush, because she had just opened the doors to a massive ball room with so many people standing in it.

willows pov.

 I hated being centre of attention, argh of course my sisters knew this argh, I was a bit mad but I couldn’t really tell them off now I had at least 2 thousand people looking at me maybe more! I smiled and descended the stairs hopefully graceful, what am I saying ahah of course its going to be so bad!, I stared into the crowed and I saw the one face that I knew would make me feel safe, I smiled and Hamish slid his arm through mine I smiled, my sisters, my new brother and the old one all walked up “hey” I say sheepishly “sorry for running away” “its fine!” replies grace I smile she’s really nice!, the older brother I still don’t know his name tho…, “hey im willow”.. I know my names Owen, aww ah-ah I laughed; he smiled and pulled me into a hug, “you gave us quite a scare little one!” “hey I’m not a little one!” “yes, yes you are” “whatever I say” “ now down to serious business willow we held off the contest three days, but we have to now get ready for tomorrow, wait what do you mean? Well since you weren’t here we will explain it tomorrow, but just enjoy your night tonight okay?” “Okay” I smile as Hamish bows and asks me to dance “sure!” he pulls me out to the dance floor, everyone is dressed pretty much exactly the same as me but different colours, i dont think that night i saw another colour pink though, which is quite odd, because it is a common colour, i danced with so many different young men i lost count after awhile it was quite fun though meeting all new people and just having a fun night, but one person was on my mind i just kept thinking about him and noone else, hamish, i wonder if he wanted to dance with me again maybe not, mid way through thought i heard the microphone sound on.

welcome! everyone welcome to our 100 ball this is the start of a new year, im awfully sorry that it has been delayed, when all of a sudden everthing turned black and a screen projecter, to be fully honest with you i wasnt to sure what it was but it projected 5 words that sent shivers down my spin

willow. you. will. be. next.

the lights and music turned back on and my sister looked white, the noise started to rise and there was shouting coming from outside with that came slience, everywhere the whole ball room went into complete slience i knew i had to say something or at least try and prove that i wont be! i walked up to the front and took the microphone off my sister.

everyone please dont be worried or scared, around two thousands eyes where staring at me and i could feel my throat start to close over, everything is going to be okey, we will work together and we will make it through now everyone please enjoy your evening.

SORRY that that the chapters are short, im going to start taking them longer and its really only going to be willows from now on but on the odd occasion it will be hamishs. thanks so much for reading <3

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