jalapenos can be decieving

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i walked into school monday morning exhausted. i had a great weekend, but that meant that i had to stay up late last night finishing an english project. and late sunday nights are my worst nightmare, because i always look and feel like i'm in one. so when michael walked up to me, i probably looked really pissed off. he said cheerfully, "hey haven't seen you in a while, what's up" i was too tired to anwer. "whatever could be better" " are you jealous of me hanging out with jeremy and his friends?" "no, why the hell would i be? just shut up dude." now i was pissed off, especially since i specifically told him i wasn't jealous, but my crappy mood just heightened the irritation. he asked, " what's your problem?"so like any friend, i was frank with him, "i'm not in a good mood.""ok, i gotta get to class talk to you later!" i hoped i would be in a better mood so we could hang out.  "will do mike" little did i know that would be our last conversation. by the time lunch rolled around, i was ready to start sawing logs. but i was hungry and fat boy needs to eat. so i got in line, and perked up. we were having chili!  i love chili! my mom didn't make it a lot but it was good when she did. plus, one of my best memories involved chili. at my old school our band was doing a bake sale and my ex girlfriend (yes i did have a girlfriend and she was very pretty but broke up with me when i moved, anyway, back to the point) and i were assigned to bake something. so she came over to my place after school but we didn't know what to bake so we just grabbed some stuff from the cabinets and searched the internet for something we could make out of it. it turned out to be none other than chili, since my baby brother loved beans and my mom always had them around. so anyway, we made a huge mess but had a great time and then some of my friends came over and we had a movie night and threw popcorn at each other. it was great. so i was super perky getting it. it was make your own chili, so i picked some spicy stuff since i looovee spicy things. ooh! they had jalapenos! "be careful with those" someone behind me warned as i piled them on my plate. i checked out of line and got to my table. i dug in. ooh, it was good! yum! then, the peppers hit me and i finished up my chocolate milk but my mouth was still burning. i ran to the water fountain and lapped like a dog. but then, as i was walking back to the table, it hit me again and i ran to the bathroom. all that liquid also made me have to pee. i got into the bathroom, wet a paper towel and put it on my tongue. i had a sigh of relief and headed to a urinal. that's when some bullies walked in. "so, you feel the need to snitch, bitch? well get ready to pay!" oh gosh!!!

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