Who Do I Run To?

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Last night, you and Louis had a normal conversation after what he just told you about Sarah. You two starred at the view of the park. You guys talked about old memories and laughed. It was nice to remember something that wasn't unpleasant. You never felt uncomfortable knowing that he liked you. He acted as if he never told you, that's what you like about him. That he can just go on and pretend it was all ok. Deep inside though you knew that the best actors, were the ones hurting the most. You can tell when he's being genuine and when he's not. In that moment when he smiled and laughed, you could tell that it was real. That made your heart smile. Yeah Louis is just your friend, that's what you kept telling yourself all night. Ever since he told you about Harry, you've had this feeling towards Louis. It's hard to explain. Maybe Harry wasn't a good person after all? You seemed to feel safe around Louis, that was the feeling you had. Thinking about going back to your boyfriend is what scared you. Louis told you to act normal around him, otherwise there's no telling what he could do. Louis also didn't tell you about the part where Harry wants to use you. He felt like Harry should man up and tell you himself. It was also a plan to see what he would do. If Harry tells you, then it means that he still is the good person that he has been, if he doesn't tell you and goes through with his plan to use you, then he really did become a traitor and his intentions could be bad. You guys walked home. It was really dark and really late. The walk was really long to. Louis said he ran most of the way just to calm down after the fight.
"You know, I want to believe that there might be good in him still. Otherwise, I don't think he would let you come. He's weird in a way, he knows things that we think that he doesn't know. I don't know how he does it. He probably had extra training."

"He knows things like what?" You asked.
"Well, I mean...he can tell when someone is lying. He can figure out a secret without him asking questions. He just watches but he does it so good, you never know when he's watching. I know it sounds creepy, I think he might be a spy."

"I have something to tell you."
He looked at you and waited for you to finish your sentence.
"Joel isn't my cousin." You looked down with shame and felt guilty.
Louis stayed quiet and you guys kept walking. The house was close by. The sound of dragging feet against the pavement was all you guys could hear. Louis reached out to you and rubbed your back, he saw how embarrassed you were.
"Who is he then love?"
"I met him at his work, he found me on Instagram. He wanted to pretend we are cousins cause I told him I had a boyfriend. I didn't want to do it but I did. At the party he told me that he only wanted to be friends and he didn't like me more than a friend. So we are just friends now. I feel bad because Harry thinks he's my cousin and I didn't want to lie to him. Then again, he keeps asking me if he's my real cousin."
"Well I think we both know that maybe Harry knows he isn't your cousin. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew that. He figures everything out."
"It's not like I want to be with Joel, he sees like a cool guy and I just want to be friends but I thought that maybe Harry wouldn't allow it."
"Trust me darling, if you tell him the truth, he'll let you be friends with him. Just be extremely careful, we don't want to get Joel or his friends involved."
"Lou, can I tell you something." You stopped and made him do the same. "I'm scared."
"Have I ever told you I love you?" He smiled.
You felt a sudden rush of comfort, but you didn't want him to notice so you stayed neutral.
"Now that you know, you don't have to be scared. I will do anything to protect you and you'll be safe with me. Ignore the Harry stuff we talked about, just live normally and I'll have your back whenever you need me. You'll be ok love." He went in for a hug. No other words were said while he hugged you.
Before you guys turned the corner, he stopped you to say his last words.
"Whatever happens, you can count on me and I'll be there from the outside."
"Lou, don't leave."
"I'm doing this for us. For our friends and family. The most important thing for you to do is, trusting me."
"But, when will you come back? When will I see you again?" You sounded both worried and sad.
"I don't know." He said so sadly "One day, I'll just show up. As long as we all live here still." He forced a chuckle to lighten the mood. It made you crack a smile.
"Then can I call you or text you if anything happens?"
"I'm not sure, she usually gives us new phones each time and destroys the ones we have. New number and everything."

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