Party In The UK

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It was already around the time where guest should be arriving. The decorations and food looked very very good. Louis was happy like if nothing bothered him, he was really cute. Liam wanted to show off his muscles so he wore a tank top but he still looked very stylish. Zayn was breathtaking, literally he has no competition at all. Everyone was calm and the vibe was chill. Except for you. You were having a mental breakdown in the bathroom. Joel was 10 mins away and he told you. You were texting him for an hour now. The last text he sent was a winky face. The day was nice, it was gonna be golden hour soon. Louis likes to make the parties late so everyone can stay up all night. In the kitchen was Louis and Monique. Liam was going back and forth taking the food outside to the table. They could hear Niall, Zayn and Harry all argue about what would hold the decorations up better from the kitchen. Niall wanted tape but Harry said string, Zayn said staples would be better.

"Well if you would have just been careful Niall, then maybe you wouldn't have knocked over the drinks and decorations." Zayn stated.
"Why is everything my fault. Am I joke to you?"
"Even my jokes aren't as bad as you." Harry couldn't hold in his laugh. Niall threw the stuff down and just left inside. He went upstairs to make sure he was looking and smelling good. Zayn just laughed at him as he walked away. Poor poor Zayn with no care in the world, little did he know that it was about to change in a few minutes.

You managed to control yourself a tiny bit, just enough for people to see that you weren't worried at all. Still any breath or any movement made your heart pound faster.
Louis saw you walk by the kitchen and managed to make you stop "Hey" he said with a big smile.
You stopped suddenly and violently "What? What happened!?" You looked shocked.
He was confused but didn't show it "Oh, uh nothing I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"Oh HAHAHAHA." You left to the backyard. Louis just starred in your direction. He took out his phone and dialed Harry. You went up to your boyfriend and he smiled at you. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight. He hugged you back. You closed your eyes for a second and tried to relax. You focused on the wind and imagined a sunset at a beach. You drifted away and forgot you were even standing.
Then the door bell rings and you wake up immediately. Your eyes opened very wide. You could see Louis walking to the door from the backyard. You let go of Harry and take a few steps to breath deeply. You went to look at Harry's face "Harry," you were about to tell him that your cousin is here but then when you looked at the door from the outside, it was just some of Louis friends. You calmed down a bit and sighed with relief.
"Yes?" Harry responded.
"Oh I was gonna tell you that my cousin was here but then it's just Louis' friends."
"Oh." Harry looked over to the door "Let's go say hi to the band." He tried to grab your elbow so you can follow him.
You looked at the door confused, then your stomach dropped. Joel and his bandmates walked in after Louis' friends. You saw Joel wearing a shirt that completely shows off his muscles. He wore a black bandana around his head. A guy with red hair and a cool style walked in after. A guy with yellow sunglasses and a beanie came in. This tall guy with platinum blonde hair also came in and finally this pretty boy with beautiful eyes. Louis shook all their hands with a smile and greeted them inside.
Harry noticed that you weren't moving "You coming?"
"Oh, yeah. My cousin is here actually haha." You let out a nervous laugh and decided to lead the way. The faster you get it over with the better. You thought I'll just introduce him to everyone as my cousin and then that's it. Then I can do my own thing and not even hang out with him.
You walk into the house nervous as hell but you're hiding it so well. Harry behind you was walking too close, you stopped and he bumped into you.
"Oh sorry." He laughed. You looked around the room and Joel was casually looking around the room too until his eyes meet yours. He smiled from across the room. Your breathing got a little faster.
"Cousin!" Joel spread his arms out and walked in your direction.
Harry noticed him and stayed serious. He watched him with angry eyes walking over to you. He looked very familiar.
You were so nervous that you couldn't even smile or say a word back. You just let him go to you.
He went in for a hug and you screamed inside. Your cheeks became red at how embarrassed you were at pretending he was your cousin. You felt like everyone knew that you guys were lying. Finally what felt like years, he let go and you said your first words.
"So nice to see you." You forced a smile. Then you did what you felt you needed to do, introduce him to your boyfriend. You looked back at Harry and grabbed his elbow to get his attention. "Harry this is Joel," you swallowed "my cousin." You regretted that. The guy with the short red hair was looking at you. Joel reached to shake Harry's hand.
"Hi, I'm Joel nice to meet you Harry, it's such a pleasure."
Harry shook his hand and gave him a smile. "Nice to meet you too Jason."
"Hahahaha!" You could hear the guy with the yellow sunglasses laughing from where he was standing.
"Haha,"Joel laughed nervously "It's Joel."
"Oh haha my bad, nice to meet you Joel." You noticed that Harry seemed a bit tense. Joel just looked at you with a smile. Then he got distracted by one of his friends.
"Ay I'm Richard," he walked over to say hi to you and Harry. He gave you a quick hug and then he gave Harry a handshake "Nice to meet you guys, thanks for inviting us."
"Ya tu sabes." Louis replied outta nowhere.
CNCO all said "Ayyyeee!" At the same time.
"That song is so good, you guys did a great job, even though I don't know what your saying."
"As long as the beat sounds good you know what I'm saying?" Richard shrugged.
You meet the rest of the band and everyone met each other.
"So nice to finally meet you Alize's cousin." Monique looked at you after she was done with her sentence. She reached to shake Joel's hand. His grip was strong "Wow." She said so impressed.
"Ay I'm Christopher." He put his hand out in the middle of them. She let go of Joel and just starred at Christopher's hand like, what do you want me to do? She took a little long to get his hand. Once she did and looked into her eyes, she smiled. Christopher kept giving her those LOOKS. Like the I'm totally checking you out looks. You know when you got a crush and you give them a few glances here and there and make it so obvious that you like them? Yeah that.
"Monique." She responded and they let go of the handshake. His brown eyes were pretty nice though.
Niall came downstairs "What's going on here?"
"Hey Niall this is CNCO, also Alize's cousin." Louis pointed to Joel with his beer in his hand.
"Hey everyone," he went in a line shaking their hands "Nice to meet ya."
"The pleasure is ours." Richard said.
Monique stared at Niall as he was shaking their hands. He moved closer to the end and unblocked Christopher. She looked at him but he was already looking at her. He gave her a sweet smile. She smiled awkwardly and looked back at Niall. You stood next to Harry and you were holding his hand. He was leaning his right side against the wall. Joel kept looking at you here and there. He looked kinda unsettled once he realized that Harry was your boyfriend. Harry kept giving Joel a few glances as well. He saw how his body language changed. He went from very confident to looking kinda uncomfortable.
Harry stood up straight and tightened his hand a bit.
"Nice meeting you guys, we're gonna be in the backyard." He smiled and lead the way. There was music playing in the backyard. The food and snacks were set and the sun was slowly going down. Harry took you to a place to sit together. You felt like you were in trouble for some reason. You felt like you have to attend your cousin since you knew he was there to hang out with you. Harry was staring at you the whole time while you were thinking. You noticed and looked at him.
"Did you know you're beautiful." He said it not sounding like a question.
You smiled instantly and blushed a little. "Thanks Harry." It was sweet that he said that, but there was a catch.
"So about your cousin," he started which made you tense up.
"Yeah?" You said so casually.
"Is he your real cousin?" You saw the worry in his eyes.
Great. Now what do you say? The whole truth would be a lot easier. Somehow, you still managed to play along.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm just trying to ask, how long have you guys known each other?" He paused and then continued "Like cousins. Do you guys go way back?"
"Well, I've known him ever since I could remember." Literally.
"Hm." He looked away. You could tell something was bothering him. Maybe he knew you were lying?

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