The Meeting

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The Next Day

"Go ahead." The security let Harry go through. Harry gave him a dirty look. He was NOT happy to be there. He was in a bad mood. He knew that he was gonna hear things that he didn't want to. Even though he trusts Louis, he still hates his guts for interfering with his plan. I have to see that jerks face today. He was angry but scared. He didn't want to see Thomas so he was hoping that he could avoid him. Harry mumbled to himself all the way to the meeting room. He sighed before he entered. He stood there with the door open and his hand on the handle. Louis was there sitting down. They starred at each other for a few seconds before Harry fully entered and closed the door. He went to sit down next to him. Louis had his arms crossed. They starred straight ahead at the white board. Sarah wasn't there yet so they had to wait for her.

"I see that you're still stupid." Louis said not looking at him at all.
"And you're still an idiot." Harry said back.
"Ha, you're one to talk."
"What's your problem with me?"
"Everything Harry, you're an idiot. You look ugly and stupid and you're using people. Where is the old Harry?"
"The old Harry is dead, and you'll be next if you don't shut up." Harry didn't mean that but he still said it.
"Oh yeah Harry, just kill me now." He rolled his eyes.
"I will. Just watch."
"Yeah think Sarah would let that happen?"
"You trust her to protect you?"
"Apparently you trust her more than us, so yeah...I do trust her to protect me because at this point we can't trust each other anymore."
Harry stayed quiet to think. Louis just starred at the chair Sarah will be siting in. Just then, the door opened and Sarah walked in. She was joined by two security guards. She smiled at the sight of Harry.
"Gentlemen, I think I'll be ok." She told the guards and they left the room. The two guys just stared at her with a blank face. Sarah walked over to Harry. He got up and she gave him a hug.
"Wow" she giggled "you're pretty fit."
"Thanks." He said seriously as he went back to sit down.
She walked over to her chair and sat down. Harry got comfortable and waited for her to start.
"Hello my beautiful slaves." She smiled. Harry and Louis looked at each other.
"Let's get right into this. Do you guys know why I called a meeting?"
"No." They both answered simultaneously. 
"It's mostly for you Harry. I need to have a serious serious conversation with you. Also you and Louis need to work things out. So tell me Harry," she paused for a bit "Are you out of your mind?"
"I might be."
Louis looked at him. Of course he's out of his mind.
"I like you Harry, I know that you know that but you're failing me. I've had enough with your stupidity and I hope you know that. I've tried to go easy on you because I love you so much," she spoke in a soft evil tone "but I'm getting really impatient with you. To the point that I'm not afraid anymore, afraid to hurt you."
"That's all you've ever done though."
"Harry." Louis wanted him to stop making comments.
Sarah looked at him with anger in her eyes. It was very clear that she's had enough.
"Ok." She said. She knew what she was going to do so she didn't bother arguing. It made her grin.
"Um Sarah if I may," Louis sat up straight in his chair "Harry would be glad to cut his time shorter in exchange for an apology." He tried to save Harry from getting into more trouble. He tried to distract Sarah but he also was mad at Harry.
"Oh is that so?" Sarah liked that idea.
"What?!" Harry sat up and looked at Louis.
"Go on Harold, apologize to Sarah." Louis was very sassy.
"You don't want to mess with me Lou." Harry warned him.
"No Harry, you don't want to mess with me. I know what you're capable of but you don't scare me. Nothing about you scares me anymore so don't even try to act tuff, you just look ridiculous."
"Harry I believe you owe me an apology." Sarah waited.
"For what? I've been trying to help you all along can't you see that? I've got you Thomas and I'm getting you someone else and you still want me to cut my time short?"
"Look idiot, you've asked for WAY too many favors and requests that I'm done with you completely. Sarah this and Sarah that but I see no work being done from you." She was so close to yelling "You want to date this girl and you want more time and you bring me useless people, I'm done Harry. You apologize and your time will be cut shorter just like Louis said." She calmed her voice down a bit. Harry looked at Louis wanting to punch him but he knew it wasn't good idea. He grew so mad that his eyes became watery. He hated her officially, more than before. Now he had to take his plan into action sooner than he thought, just to get her over with.
"I'm sorry for asking too much Sarah. I agree with my time being cut shorter." He fought the tears. His voice was shaky. Louis started to feel a bit sorry for him. He is my mate after all. I get that we are all human, but why am I feeling sorry for him if he's done worse to me and the guys? He saw how hurt he was.
"Thank you Harry." Sarah then continued "Tell me what's going on between you guys. I can see your faces are hurt, mind telling me what happened?"
Harry looked down to stop the tears from being seen by Sarah. Louis decided to show him some mercy so he told her himself.
"Well we had a disagreement. I didn't want Harry to ask you for anymore time but Harry insisted on asking you. We fought because he wanted his way and I wanted mine."
"I'm glad you looked at it that way Louis. You thought about me and how stressed I was with Harry. For that, I'm cutting your stay 2 days shorter. Next time you should listen to Louis Harry, you could have avoided this problem."
Harry didn't look up, he covered his eyes with his hand. "Don't think I won't let you go just like that. Apologizing was ok but I'm still very angry with you. I want you to break up with your girlfriend."
Harry looked up immediately. His red watery eyes looked at Sarah's happy face.
"What....?" He asked so softly.
Louis didn't know what to say. He was shocked. He put himself in Harry's position, he wouldn't want to break up with her either.
"No please Sarah," he wasn't ashamed about crying anymore "I said I'll stop asking if you let me be with her. I brought you someone and I'm bringing you someone else please."
"You look dumb crying for a girl. I don't feel sorry. You will bring me Evan, and those two girls you offered to bring. I will not fight with you about this. It's your consequence and accept that."
"Sarah I think maybe that's a little too far? Can't you spare him one?"
"Ha, you circus clown. I've done enough for Harry. It's his time to fully devote himself to me." She stood up and placed both hands on the table "You will not be allowed to date that girl Harry. You will bring me more people and your extra time will not be granted. I don't play games." She walked over to the door with only her heels making noise and left the meeting room. Louis looked at Harry and he broke down. He patted his back to comfort him.
"Hey, I guess you saw that coming. It's Sarah we are talking about. Our motto is "Sarah doesn't play games" you should have known what she would think." He wasn't being mean or rude to him. Harry knew that. He knew that Louis was right.
"I actually really like her Louis, she's everything to me. I can't give her up."
"Are you being dead serious Harry? Or are you putting on a show?" Louis still had his hand on Harry's back.
"I'm being serious," he looked at Louis "I know I haven't been the best person on earth lately but I'm human and I have feelings too. I didn't want to tell you about this but it's just making things worse for me."
"About what Harry?"
Harry sobbed and wiped his eyes "I had a plan to sabotage Sarah without you guys. I know we had our own plan as a band but I made my own because I know it will work. Sarah wants me and only me, I thought if I left you guys out of my plan, I could protect you guys a while longer."
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't want it to fail and let you guys down."
"But you said it would work."
"It would, but there was a chance it wouldn't."
"We need to tell the boys."
"No. I don't want to risk it, let's just keep this between you and me."
"But you're helping me, it would be faster Louis."
"What do I need to do?"
"Help me bring more people. It's the only way it would work for us."
Louis took his hand off Harry's back.
"I don't want to do that. I don't want to get people involved."
"I knew you wouldn't help me, that's why I didn't want to tell anyone my plan."
Louis thought for a second. "Ok I'll do it."
Harry was surprised.
"I'll do it under one condition."
"You tell me everything you're working on."
The door opened. Sarah walked in with Thomas. Harry was the first to make eye contact with him. He swallowed. Thomas was hurt.
"Are you ok?" Louis asked him.
He didn't respond and just stared at Harry with hate in his eyes.
"Don't worry about him, he's just learning his job." Sarah said "I'll leave you two alone. Louis you are excused." He got up and joined Sarah out of the room. Once the door closed Sarah asked Louis "So how did it go?" She crossed her arms.
"He's weak. I think we got him." Louis laughed a little.
"Great!" She spread her arms out to hug Louis. He accepted. "I think you're becoming my new favorite Louis."
"I know." He smiled.

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