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Nothing seems to wake you up but your own mind. Your eyes remain closed but you were aware. It wasn't so dark in the room. The blinds were open all the way. The comforter was was so comfy, you felt like you were on a cloud. You touched the other side of the bed to see if you could feel Harry. It was cold and you didn't feel anyone. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Of course, Harry wasn't there. You sighed then smiled when you remembered last night. Was it a dream Harry telling you he loved you? You forgot about the call with Louis, or at least you tried to ignored it.
"My necklace." You looked down at your necklace. It was a light baby blue color. "It does work." You were bummed Harry had already left. You wanted to say goodbye. You were scared for him, it sounded like he was in trouble. You also missed Louis too. You felt sorry that you knew Louis loved you and you were keeping that from Harry. That's what you had a dream about. You and Louis were hanging out when Harry came and asked you guys what you guys were doing together. Harry got mad and Louis had told him how he felt. Harry looked at you and asked you if you knew. You didn't answer because you felt bad. Later that day, you were home with Harry. Everything seemed fine. You watched a movie with him and cuddled together. Then you told him "Harry?" And he asked you if you were ok, then you said "I'm sorry by the way." You apologized to him for knowing about Louis. Harry forgave you. Then your dream started to go onto other things.
You got off the bed and went to brush your teeth. You fixed your hair a bit and tried to hurry downstairs to tell Monique what had happened. You could hear Liam's and Niall's voice at the top of the stairs. Carefully, you walk down the stairs and stare at your necklace as you held it with one hand. At the bottom of the stairs, the liquid inside the necklace didn't change. You sighed and shook it gently swishing the glitter side to side. Slowly you started to notice that it was changing. Before you knew it, it was that mix with red and orange. You smiled so happily. You were so excited to see Harry. You took the last step down and turned into the living room. You saw Liam and Zayn. You waved at them and they said good morning. You turned excitedly to the kitchen and you were not expecting that. Oh yeah it was Harry alright. Shirtless Harry with sweats on. You stopped all of a sudden in shock. Harry was staring at you since the moment you walked in. He smiled and walked to you.
"Good morning beautiful." He said with grapes in his mouth. He gave you a kiss on your forehead.
"Good morning beautiful." Niall copied Harry and gave Monique a kiss on her forehead.
"Ha ha. Funny Niall." Harry said as he opened the fridge.
"Never, do that again." Monique told Niall joking around. Please do that again.

It was breakfast time. Everyone sat around the table. This time Harry wanted to sit across from you. You figured out why since he kept looking at you every now and then. You felt shy because you were eating but then again, you were in a room with 4 guys who were eating like there was no tomorrow. Niall started telling this story that happened to him yesterday. He was so upset and angry because there was an old lady trying to steal his food.
"I told the lady, 'hey ma'am I think you're confused, this is my grocery basket' she looked at me with her big eyes and said," he tried to mock the old ladies voice " 'I'm sorry youngster, I think you're confused, did you get the parsnips?' I said 'yeah, I did get the parsnips, also the bread, the pudding and the rutabaga."
Liam and Zayn looked at each other like they couldn't believe this conversation was happening. Harry was drinking his juice as you two looked at each other. Harry wanted to laugh but he held it in. Monique was so into Niall's story, of course she would be.
"And you won't believe what she said next." Niall paused to be dramatic.
"What?" Harry asked taking a breath before drinking his juice again.
Niall slumped back in his chair looking very disappointed "She said 'I'll ruta-bang-a your head if you don't leave me alone."
That did it for Harry. He spit his drink back into his cup and couldn't stop laughing. He clapped and laughed the loudest. You laughed too because it's Niall. Only something like this would happen to him. Also he's kinda hard to take seriously.
"I can't believe these guys." Niall said to Monique.
"She seriously said that?"
"Yeah, some nerve she has. ANYWAY," he tried to get their attention again but Harry couldn't stop laughing and that made you and Liam laugh.
"I have to go." Harry said almost crying of laughter. He got up and went to the bathroom to try and calm down. Everyone could still hear him laughing.
"What? It wasn't even that funny." Niall said so seriously.
"It kinda was hahahaha." You laughed.
Zayn was eating his breakfast acting like if he was the only one at the table. He was still angry at Harry for not taking the job seriously. Liam tried to get Zayn to laugh but he wasn't budging. About 4 mins later Harry walks in wiping his eyes with his hands. He was smiling as he sat down. His eyes were just a little red but you preferred it being caused by laughter instead of crying. You felt different seeing him like that. Just last night he was crying in agony and now a few minutes ago he was crying of laughter. But why? You asked yourself, why does he look fine? It looks as if he was putting on a show acting like he was the victim. Maybe he was just really good at hiding his emotions in front of people. You yelled at yourself in your head to stop thinking twice about Harry. You wanted to believe what he said was true, and you did believe it but, if you kept questioning wouldn't know what to believe.
"You good?" Harry asked you. I guess your expression was giving your thoughts away.
"No she's not good Harry," Monique told him "She wants you to put on a shirt you're making her nervous."
"NO!" You didn't realize how loud you actually said that. Even Zayn stopped what he was doing and looked at you. Everyone got quiet for a few seconds which made it seem like hours. You closed your eyes and placed your hand on your forehead "No, that's not what I meant. I'm not nervous at all...I'm just..." You sighed.
"You good?" Harry asked the same question but this time in a louder voice.
"Yeah, you?"
He completely ignored your question and just gave you a smile.
"Are you gonna drink that?" Zayn asked Harry about the juice he had spit back into the cup. Harry looked at it and said ".....No."
"So you're just wasting money now too?"
The vibe at the table changed real quick. Harry was caught off guard.
"Uh...yeah." He responded. He knew it would make Zayn even more mad.
"Not surprised." Zayn got up and got his plate.
"Do you have to ruin my morning?"
"What's a ruined morning compared to your life?"
Harry looked at you. He gave you those sad eyes and you knew he was asking you for help.
"You were supposed to leave 2 hours ago, have fun when you get there."
"Zayn leave him alone." Liam beat you to it. "If you have something to say to Harry say it at a different time."
"OK Li-am." Zayn walked away to the kitchen and then left upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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