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This first part of the study guide for The Book of Lehi will focus on the format of the 5th edition, which is also included in Tres Libre.

The Book of Lehi was the original title. It has also been known as The Book of Maxwell and Sepher Lehi. The title Sepher Lehi came from a revelation to Elder Dave Ferriman and is the title most commonly used. 

Chapters:  48

Settings:  Mostly revolving around a place called Tomer, which is probably in modern day Columbia (based on a revelation I received). 

Main Characters:  Maxwell, one son of Nephi, Lehi, and Nephi. 

Demons: Acrit, Nowood, Baccara, Nemelka, Astor, and Wormwood. 


1. Lehi's Dementia

    See Lehi 11: 2 (p. 24):  "Lehi was side suffering from dementia and a lost mind."

2. Lehi's theological lessons (chapters 1 through 27; and 32 through 38)

3. Lehi's battles with the demons (chapters 28 through 31, p. 50-59)

     See Lehi 31: 27 (p. 59): "Baccaca, later saved, worshippedGod. Nowood, too. Acrit came first." 

4. Lehi's Death

     See Lehi 34 (p. 62):  "When Lehi died, thefamily mourned. The Laminates achieved ground until your dad tookfor reign, Son of Nephi. Livist was thou name at birth. Yourbirthright, your lineage, and ancestors. Son of Nephi, your grandmotherhad wasted away in body—spirit was intact. Life vivid amongststars and galaxies. Lehi played in heaven--further waiting for theResurrection. Spirit babies awaiting Earthly trials. To be rebornis second creation, of sorts. Come to Earth to live trials andreturn savvy to paradise." 

5. The Journey (chapters 39 through 48)


The whole book is set up as a letter that Maxwell was writing to one of Nephi's sons. He wrote in poetic style common for ancient literature. 

Maxwell tells of his experiences with Lehi, who was suffering from dementia at the end of his life. There were many lessons Lehi taught to those around him. Maxwell recorded all that he could. The lessons should be really taken with careful thought because Lehi was suffering from dementia at the time. 

Then, some of Lehi's past battles against evil were written about. Lehi battles three demons and, of course, came out triumphant. 

These were the memories Maxwell had of Lehi before he passed away. 

After Lehi died, Maxwell and on of the sons of Nephi went on a spiritual journey in order to find something referred to as the Enos or Enoch. Both of them faced hardships and fought against evil during their journey. Maxwell left the journey before the Enos (Enoch) was found, but the son of Nephi found what they were searching for. 

The whole book ends with Maxwell apologizing to the son of Nephi he was writing the whole letter to. 

Email:  bzhishknizak at


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