❤️ Chapter 1(Strange Gem)❤️

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Ok let's start and see how this shit will go xD
Btw art in this chapter is mine >:3c

Y/n - your name
F/d - favourite drink
F/s - favourite song

(Y/n) p.o.v.

I can't belive it's been two years since Steven established peace between homeworld gems and humans. It feels so good ,everyone can live their own life and theres no one to fight, after all these rough years we get our well deserved happly ever after!
As for me I'm (y/n) and I'm 18 years old female. I've been friends with Steven for 7 years by now.

I was eating breakfast when my phone start to ring. I've checked my phone and saw message from Steven.

Yo (y/n) ,do you have time today?

Bruh , I just get up from bed
Btw Yap,I have time

Yelp, sorry for that
Ok, I'll soon be back from homeworld so let's meet at big doughnut.
Garnet should be there too

K ,bro
See ya there

See ya too

O gosh ,I can't wait to see Steven again. After I finished my breakfast, I made some (f/d) while I listened to (f/s) It doesn't took me long to get ready to go out. I finished my drink and left my  house and lock door

After happly ever after song

You sat on the grass with your knees curled up to your chest, watching blue sky. Your only wish is for anything to stay how it is right now.
Steven: I want everything to stay like this and never change.

He smiled, closing his eyes.
Everyone agree with him

We felt a strong air, and sky turn form bright blue to purple. We saw a gigant machine. It look simular to gem injectror, we saw in kindergarden, but this one was bigger and filled with strange pink liquid.

We heard someone shouts

??? :
Hey ... Are you Steven Universe

Steven :
Hmmm ... Yes?

??? :

After that they made a horn from her pinky finger and blow on it. That made the injector active and dig into the ground.
Then this stranger jumped to lower part of this injector thing now we can see that was a a gem, and not one we have seen before, her gem was perfectly cut heart, but it was upside down. Then she starts

??? :
Well, well, well, well, well ... Lemme' get a look at the menagerie!

You must be Garnet. You must be Amethyst. And Pink's Pearl! She took you with her... isn't that just ... SWELL!

Than she looks at you

??? :
And who are you suposed to be, huh?
Another one, flesh bag that she called a friend...

Well that doesn't matter I'll make sure to get rid of you as well

Pearl :
Spinel ... But it can't be.

Spinel :
Ohhh ... But it can be, and it is. I've got a new style and few new toys, that will put and end to your happly ever after once and for all!!!

It must be a misunderstending, Steven established peace across ga-

Spinel :
Just shut it!? ... I've heard his little message on loop!!!

She kicked Steven by streching her leg. Gems got their weapons ready to defend me and Steven. I helped him up and stare at this gem

Spinel :
I just love that part, where pink diamond spend the rest od her days on this nowhere planet with bunch of ... nobodies!!!

After other friends song

I was just laying on ground. Gems got poofed.
Steven helped me up and Spinel started laugh at him. He got his sheild from his gem.

Steven :
That's enough!

Spinel :
What's the matter Steven, miss your friends already?

Then she looks at you.

Spinel :
Looks like missed one.

Then she jumped and swing her weapon at Steven, breaking his sheild in two. He's half gem, half human so it did nothing to him, at least that's what I thought.

Steven :
That's nothing!

Spinel :
Well then, you won't mind me doing it again!

She swings her weapon at him few times. Without thinking I tried to protect Steven. Me and Spinel were now fighting, I tried to get that scythe away from her.

(Y/n) :
Cut, that  Out!

Spinel :
Uhhgg... Why do you have to get in my way!!!

(Y/n) :
Why are you doing it!? What did we ever do to you?

After that she was shaking and sobing. I took a chance and get scythe away from her arms. I couldn't belive what just happen before my eyes. She just fall on a ground.

Spinel :
You don't understand how it feels like to be frown away ...forgoten.
Please just do what you need. I don't want to feel this pain. Please...just do it.

I took a swing in the air, closed my eyes, but my arms just start shaking. I opend my eyes to look at her.

I have to do it


I have to...
I have ...

I can't

(Y/n) :
Spinel ...I can't do it.
This isn't right

She just opened eyes wide, confused.

(Y/n) :
Spinel, maybe I don't understand how you feel, but I'm sure we coul-

Before I could finish my sentence Steven took that scythe from my hands and swing it at Spinel. I couldn't  belive what he just did. He changed over this two years. Last thing I saw was fear in her eyes, tears in them. After she poofed Steven tried to bubble her gem, but it just pooped, he tried again but it pooped again.

Do we decided to go to his house to think what to do.

Word count : 934

Thank you for reading this crack xD
See ya soon in next

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