❤️ Chapter 9 (Friends until the end)❤️

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Spinel P.o.v

Me and (Y/n) are getting along pretty well, I'm happy to stay with her. She's been my light throught a whole week by now. We started our day with breakfast that (y/n) made, this time she made something new. I wanted to know what it's called so I asked her.

Spinel :
(Y/n) what is this?

(Y/n) :
It's just sandwich.

Spinel :
Can I try some?

(Y/n) :
Of course, you don't need to ask me.

She gave me big smile, so I gave her a small one. I was so happy, and this once empty hole, the emptyness is finnaly filed with love that I needed.

After we ate breakfast, we sat on couch and just watched some stupid show, we're laughing so hard that I couldn't take. I wiped tear in my eye as laughter slowly died down.

(Y/n) :
Wow... That show was something, wasn't it?

Spinel :
Yeah, it was.

I'm happy her with her, I don't even need homeworld anymore, If she's here with me I don't need anything but her.

(Y/n) P.o.v

Spinel is do funny to be around and her smile make me happy. After all time I spend with her I can tell she likes me as well or even more that I like her.

This beautiful moment has to be stopped by my phone ring. I took my phone out of my pocket and toled Spinel I'll be on kitchen to answer the phone.

*Phone call*

(Y/n) :
Yo Steven what's up?

Steven :
Hey So how Spinel been lately?

(Y/n) :
She's good, I think she finnaly feel good on earth.

Steven :
That's great! I was worried she wouldn't want to open up.

(Y/n) :
And I have to admit she's kind of cute sometimes.

Steven :
So I see you're getting along pretty well.

(Y/n) :
Yap, She's awsome to be around!

Steven :
That's good to hear! Ok I 'll be going I just wanted to check on you two.

(Y/n) :
Ok bye!

*Phone call ends*

I looked in my fridge, to see what I would need to buy and made a list of it. When I was back to livingroom Spinel was just sitting on couch with her legs crossed, she had something in her hands.

Spinel :
Hey (Y/n) who is in this picture with you?

(Y/n) :
It's my family. We took this picture 5 years ago when I turned 13.

A tear started to form in my eye, memories of my family was great until one unfortunate accident.

Spinel :
You look happy in this picture...Are you happy now?

(Y/n) :
I'm happy, after all I have you! Ok we'll be going to store to buy some things. So let's get ourselfs warm clouths.

With that we went to my bedroom to unpack clouths we bought yesterday.

After 10 min we're done so we started
walking to grocery store while taking about random things.

After shopping

(Y/n) :
Ok so I didn't toled you yet, but we'll be going to Steven's house because he wanted us to come.

Spinel :
Did he toled you why he wanted us to come?

(Y/n) :

I opened door to my house so we could put things away into fridge and go to Steven's house.

(Y/n) :
Oh Spinel I almost forgot I bought you something.

I gave her a little box with little something inside of it, as she opened it I started to get nervous of what she might think.

(Y/n) :
Maybe that's not much but I wanted to give you something to make it clear that we are indeed friends.

She cut me off by hug. She was crying on my shoulder and it wasn't tears of pain but happyness.

Spinel :
Thank you (y/n)

(Y/n) :
Remember we are friends.

Until the end

Future is lookinh bright for both of us.

Thank you do much for reading this book!
I know I rushed this pretty much xD
Any way tysm for reading and see ya in next books love ya <3

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