❤️ Chapter 2(My new best friend)❤️

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(Y/n) P.o.v

You and Steven were thinking so hard to find out the reason of that gem atacking earth.

After at least 30 min of thinking you toled him that your going to take spinel's gem with you.

Steven :
Are you crazy!!?
You've seen what she could do. What if she tried to hurt you after she reform?

(Y/n) :
I know Steven, but I know I can get throught to her. Just trust me with this.

Steven p.o.v

(In his mind)
Should I trust her with this idea or not?
It looks like I don't have much of choince

Steven :
Alright, I trust you, but please be careful.

(Y/n) P.o.v

(Y/n) :
Thank you Steven

After ,all of them reform(not spinel)

(Y/n) :
Emm, Steven shouldn't they look different?

He started sailent with confused look on hi face.

Few min later spinel's gem start to glow, I just stand there with dumb look on my face. She warped arms around me and not long after her form finnaly stoped glowing she starts laughing for no reason.

Spinel :
Hahaha , I'm so extited to meet you!

(Y/n) :
Wait, wait ,wait, your not mad ?

Spinel :
Mad? Why would I be mad at my best friend hahahaha...

Pearl start to sing ... Again

🎵🎶This will be fun 🎶🎵
🎵🎶Aren't you the lucky one🎶🎵

🎵🎶Her cut is Perfect ,and she's pink as well🎵🎶

🎵🎶She'll bring you endless entertaiment🎶🎵

🎵🎶Your new best friend Spinel🎶🎵

Steven :
You ?!?!

He start to shake her

What have you done to US?!?

(Y/n) :
Steven I don't think she -

Spinel :
Hahaha, boop, now It's your turn.

Then she starts to shake him up and down.

(Y/n) :
Spinel, can you please let him go? I think he had enough.

After what I said she just drop him on floor with derp look on face.

(Y/n) :
Hey, spinel do you remember anything from before?

Spinel :
Remember what?

We went outsider and show her this gigant injector.

Spinel :
Woowie, this thing sure is big. You wanna climb it or something?

I started to think what must have happend to her.

Steven :
Wait, are you serious right now? And what about this thing you said ?

A change of heart (Spinel x reader)Where stories live. Discover now