First meeting

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Ok guys just a heads up the kaijus will look like this.
Godzilla's dad- Godzilla (2000)
Godzilla's mom- Zilla
Godzilla (2019)
Mothra (2019)
Ghidorah (2019)
Rodman (2019)
Battra- Mothra's brother
Oh and the The Kaijus are all kids except the kings and queens.
Ok I think that's it. On with the chapter.
(No ones POV)
It's a lovely day back on monster island, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining on the earth making it so every Kaiju and animal is awake and can see. The king and queen then awoken and came out of the biggest cave on the island overlooking the beautiful landscape. "Morning my love" Zilla said nuzzling Godzilla (2000) "morning honey" Godzilla (2000) said kissing her. "MOM DAD!!!" A little creature said running out. It was their son Godzilla. "Hey son" Zilla said nuzzling him, "I can't wait for the surprise!" Godzilla said.
     The couple had told their son that they would receive a surprise today. Yesterday. "So wha-" Godzilla was cut off by 4 giant Moths flying towards them. Godzilla was so mesmerized by the Moths he didn't notice his parents smiling at him. The moths landed gracefully not making a sound when they landed "Good day King and Queen" Nondo said. (Look it up) "You too King Nondo" Godzilla (2000) said smiling at eachother. "Hello Queen Morhen" Zilla said walking up to the Moth Queen and hugging her, then a big black moth looked at the parents.
     "And I'm Battra" Battra said shifting himself to make himself more mature. "Hello then Battra" Zilla and Godzilla (2000) said at the same time looking at him. Then a Moth littler than Battra appeared behind Queen Morhen, "h-hi" The moth said with her hands (I don't know what they're called) shaking. "Hello there" Godzilla said walking up to her, the moth then hid more. "Hey it's ok I won't hurt you I'm nice" Godzilla said to calm her down.
"Ok. Are you sure you won't eat me?" the moth said a little nervous that her antennas were shaking as well. "Yes I'm sure" Godzilla said smiling at her, "ok. But first what's your name?" the moth said getting a little closer to Godzilla. He seems nice, and also handsome. Why am I thinking this? the moth thought, "I'm Godzilla" Godzilla said lifting his chin up and puffing out his chest. "I'm Mothra" Mothra said walking up to him, "nice to meet you Mothra, cute name" Godzilla said, he scratched the back of his neck. Mothra giggles "thank you. You have a nice name too" Mothra said smiling with her big beautiful eyes with the landscape reflecting off them.
     "Hey wanna go play a game?" Godzilla said, "sure! What game?" Mothra asked happily, "hide and go seek" Godzilla said already running ahead. "Hey wait up!" Mothra said running after Godzilla ready to take flight, "I'm coming too!" Battra said lifting off and flying after them. The trio then ran/flew off to find a place to play hide and seek, they found an area with moderate amount of trees and tropicalness. "This looks like a good place to play" Mothra said as she was looking around miring the beauty. "You like it?" Came a mysterious voice, "whose there?" Battra said getting in front of Mothra.
     "My name is Rodan" a fire pterodactyl said coming out of the bush. "You friend or foe?" Godzilla said cautious of what he might do, "I am friendly" Rodan said. "Ok. Wanna play hide and seek with us?" Mothra said coming out from behind her brother. Rodan's eyes widened when he saw her, she was like an Angel to him, "u-um s-sure I would l-love to" Rodan said trying not to stutter. Mothra chuckled at his stuttering seeing it finding it cute to her, "ok let's go!" Godzilla said closing his eyes and covering them with his hands.
"1....2....3-" Godzilla said as the other Kaijus went hiding as if their life depended on it, Battra hid in the shadows of a cave he cfound. Rodan hid in a field of red and blackish/brownish colored flowers, and Mothra hid in a waterfall. "7....8....9....10, READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" Godzilla shouted immediately running into the forest. He looked all over, he looked behind boulders, he checked ponds, he looked in some areas he thought that were never there. He then started looking and entered a cave, "hello? Anyone there? Mothra? Battra? Rodan?" Godzilla said as his voice echoed.
He soon found something in the shadows that looked like a giant moth "GOTCHA BATTRA!" Godzilla said. "Aww man you got me" Battra said standing up, "c'mon let's go find the others" Godzilla said motioning him with his right arm to follow. Godzilla stayed on the ground while Battra was flying trying to spot the rest until... "hey I found a field of flowers up ahead." "Ok meet you there" Godzilla said running to the field of flowers. It took Godzilla 10 minutes to get to the field of flowers and it took Battra 7 minutes to get there.
"Now let's see if we can find Rodan or Mothra" Battra said, as Godzilla was walking he accidentally stepped on a wing and burned his foot. "OW!!" Godzilla yelped as he held his foot and fell down on his butt, "I found Rodan" Godzilla said still clinging to his foot that was burning. Battra came flying to where Godzilla was and Rodan sat up saying "awww man you got me." "More like you got me" Godzilla said jokingly, "sorry, not my fault I'm on fire all the time" Rodan said. "It's ok, I wasn't seeing where I was going and you camouflaged pretty well" Godzilla said standing up but lift his foot up a little because it still stings.
"You gonna be ok Godzilla?" Battra said looking worried, "yeah I just need to walk it off" Godzilla said walking but limping at the same time. "Ok let's go find Mothra" Rodan said already taking off into the sky, they searched everywhere. "Hey Godzilla do you have any waterfalls on this island?" Battra asked tilting his head. "Yes there's this one giant one near a big lake" Godzilla said running/limping to that area. "Why do you ask?" Godzilla said looking up seeing Rodan and Battra flying almost side by side.
"Well it's her favorite hiding spot" Battra said remembering the times when he played with his sister and always found her in a waterfall where they lived. "We're here!" Godzilla said pulling Battra out of his thoughts, "now we just need to find her" Rodan said looking in the water and all around their surroundings. As they were looking Godzilla heard a faint giggle come from inside the waterfall. "FOUND YOU!!" Godzilla said looking at the water fall, "awww man you found me" Mothra said poking her head out of the waterfall. "Guys I found her!!" Godzilla shouted to his friends, ounce Battra and Rodan came to the waterfall it was getting late and the sun was setting. The sunset shone on Mothra making her wings and her body a red, orange, and a yellow.
"Wow you look beautiful" Godzilla said staring in awe at her, Mothra blushed and luckily the sunset hid it so Godzilla wouldn't notice. "T-thank you" Mothra said smiling a pretty smile at him, Mothra then looked down at Godzilla's foot. "Your hurt let me heal you" Mothra said getting close, Godzilla backed up, "I'm fine no need to worry." "No your not, you either let me heal you or you are gonna get hurt even more" Mothra said serious. "Ok fine" Godzilla said giving in and sitting down so Mothra can heal his foot.
Mothra blew some blue dust from her mouth and wrapped it up by nearby leaves, "there all better" Mothra said giving Godzilla room to get up. Godzilla got up but still limped "it's gonna take some time to heal" Mothra said letting Godzilla know. Soon Mothra's and Battra's parents came by and said. "Ok kids time to go home say bye to your friends" King Nondo said. "Awww ok" Mothra said lowering her head because she wanted to stay here and play more with her 2 new friends.
"Bye" Mothra and Battra said to Godzilla and Rodan, "bye" Godzilla and Rodan said to them watching them fly off. Ounce they were gone Rodan pinned Godzilla to the ground, "listen here you radioactive lizard" Rodan said close to Godzilla's face. "You stay away from Mothra, she loves me, not you. Got it?" Rodan said getting real close. "She will never love you" Godzilla spat in his face, Rodan then clawed Godzilla's chest leaving a 3 Marked scar on his chest. Rodan then flew off leaving Godzilla by himself, Godzilla got up tears streaming down his cheeks as he walked home.
When he got home his parents saw him injured and ran up to him, "son are you ok" Godzilla (2000) said. "Yeah just got bruised while playing, "are you sure" Zilla said giving him a confused look. "Yes" Godzilla said walking to where he normally sleeps and told himself what is it that I'm feeling about Mothra that I can't stop having? Godzilla thought as he fell fast to sleep.
And there it is, my new series, hope you like it, please tell me down in the comments on what you think I should do. Also I would love to give a shoutout to NoaSChan she has a book called 'Kion x Fuli: almost a love song' so go give him a boost. He has been getting hate comments and almost decided to stop working on a book he's doing but he pushed it aside and kept on working. So thank you guys so mush and see you later.
JJ out.

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