The funeral and the kiajunapping

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This might be short, I'm sorry if it is but I'm tired at the moment and I just want to get this done because I haven't updated this book in a long time and I'm sorry for it. Listen to the music while reading, my Anyways. On with the book.
(Mothra POV)
     I woke up and wasn't really in the mood for walking around, not ever since my dad died, "c'mon cotton of beauty you need to get up" Goji said walking up to me. That was his cute nickname for me. "I'm not getting up, no matter what you do" I said looking away from him and wrapping myself in my wings. Goji sighed heavily, turned, and walked away, he stopped a few inches from me and said. "Your mom and everyone misses you, their worries for you. Mainly me" Goji said then walked out of my room and walking out of my house. I looked over at him and I felt pity for not just him, but for everyone and making them worry.

I walked outside with my wings drooping and then was met with a tight hug when I got outside my house. I looked at who it was and it was Goji, I blushed slightly and hugged him back. "Awwwwwwww" everyone watching us said tilting their heads and smiling, we let go blushing madly. "You are so cute together you 2" my brother Battra said, "shut up" I muttered not looking at anyone. "Anyway, we need to get ready for the funeral" my mom said with her voice cracking on funeral.

"Ok...." I said with my antennas dropping, suddenly, someone kissed me. "I looked up and saw Goji looking around as of nothing happened, "oh no you don't I said tackling him to the ground and kissing him as long as I need to. "Let's leave them alone and let them do their thing" my brother said winking at us and flying off. I stopped and blushed super mad as if I had a tomato for a head instead of my regular one. They left leaving me on top of Goji, he was smiling nervously and blushing, I was smiling now with half lidded eyes and started to kiss him while putting my arms around his neck.

"Your so strong my titan~" I said pushing my nose against his, he blushed while smiling and whispers in my ear. "And your my only bad person on my list. You little naughty angel" he said making me get tingles down my back. I now have this feeling in my body but I couldn't put my mantis like hands on it. "Oh your a bad boy Goji" I said placing my mantis like hand on his chest.

(Time skip)

"Hey you 2 we need to go to the funeral now" my Brother said flying above us, "ok" I said getting off of Goji. "Well if you need support I'll be somewhere in the crowd of Kaiju" Goji said smiling while walking. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a front row seat next to me" I said grabbing his arm and leaning on his shoulder.

The funeral was sad and I just wanted it to be over so I don't have to experience the pain, "hey, it's gonna be alright" Goji said next to me. "Is it ok if I cry on you?" I said looking into his eyes, "of course" he said smiling, they brought him in his casket. I just was in my own little world while the service was going on, I just only pictured myself with my dad when I was first born. We would play tag, hide and seek, we would pull pranks, he would protect me no matter what. Now that he's gone, I just feel as if I was not meant to be in this world, I was pulled from my thoughts when I saw that they were burying him.

I pulled my head into Goji's neck and cried my life into his warm charcoal colored scales, "it's ok" Goji said rubbing my back.

When we got back to my cave I layer down on my silk bed I made and tried to fall asleep until I was shaken by Goji. "C'mon were gonna find Rodan" Goji said with a frown and scrunching his snout with angry eyes. "O-ok" I said following me, to be honest, even though I love him, I fear him sometimes. "Hey Goji" I said nervously, "yeah?" He said angrily looking ahead and walking out of my cave. "If you ever hurt me I just want to let you know that I love you no matter what you do" I said stopping and grimacing ready for the hit.

He put a hand on my head and made me yelp and jump away, "d-do you think I'll hurt you?" Goji said a little heart broken. I slowly nodded, Goji shed a tear and said "MOTHRA I WOULD NEVER HURT YOU NO MATTER IF YOU WERE EVIL OR NICE!" Goji shouted with tears streaming down his face. "Well when you normally are mad you scare me and I think your gonna hurt someone like me. He sighed and looked at me, "I'm sorry if I make you think that Mothra, no wonder I never have friends" Goji said sitting down next to a rock and looking down. "Goji I'm so sorry" I said going to reach for his shoulder, he pushed my claws away and looked at me.

"If you think of me as a monster then leave me be" Goji said getting up and going back to his cave. "What do I do?" I said sadly but loud enough for him to hear, "find Rodan yourself" Goji said slightly looking at me. He then went back to walking off, I was on the verge of crying again so I took flight and flew as fast and far away from Godzilla. I was having a nice time flying over the Great Lake that was neat the big ravine. I was so mesmerized I didn't notice that a rock hit me on the head and I started to fall.

I landed hard on the grassy and dirt ground, I got up and lifted my right claw to a huge bump on my right side of my for head. I then removed my claw and looked at it, luckily there wasn't any blood. "Awwww, poor little Mothra rejected from her boyfriend Godzilla, now if you were with me I would never hurt you" a familiar voice said. "SHOW YOURSELF RODAN!" I yelled and looked around, I then heard rustling from behind me and looked behind me. I saw nothing. Then I heard rustling on my right and looked. I saw nothing.

I then heard rustling and looked behind me to see Rodan towering over me with his wings spread wide and I opened my eyes to their max and backed up a bit. "No need to fear me little one" Rodan said closing his scorching hot wings around me. I was cornered, he then got closer to my face and he trapped me in his wings and he kissed me in his wings and I started to fall asleep. Soon I was fast asleep and then I heard a voice I thought I would never hear "MOTHRA......"

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