The Plan

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(Godzilla's POV)

I ran as fast as I can back to the cave to tell my parents that Mothra is missing. This is all my fault. If I didn't snap at her this wouldn't have happened I thought finally reaching the royal cave.

When I entered I was out of breath and my parents ran towards me and supported me as I caught my breath. "Honey what's wrong?" My mom said looking at me, "M-M... Mothra. Is.... g-g.. gone" I said still taking deep breaths looking at my parents. "What? What happened?" Mothra's Mom said, how did I not see her? Anyway that's not important. "Well when we went to find Rodan I must have gone to far and I yelled at her an-and I instantly regretted when I went to find her I c-c..." I couldn't finish when I started crying again.

"Hey it's ok. It's not your fault" My dad said, "YES IT IS! IT'S MY FAULT SHES NOT HERE, SHE MIGHT BE DEAD BECAUSE OF ME AND I CAN'T LIVE WITH THAT!!" I screamed angrily. "Well find her" Mothra's Mom said looking at me and having her mantis-like hand on my back. "I just want to know if she's safe and I want her to be safe no matter what's happening" I said looking down sad. The grownups suddenly hugged me and I hugged back thinking about what's happening to Mothra right now.

     I swear if one tiny microscopic scratch is on her I will kill anybody who gave her it, no one hurts her as long as I am around I said growling like a wolf. "What do we do?" I asked my dad and mom, "well we send out search teams" my dad said looking at Mothra's mom and my mom. "Ok" I said quietly, "hey. Well get her back. I promise you and we won't stop until we do" my dad said kneeling down to my level.

     "Thank you. But can I help? I feel like I should help since part of it is my fault" I said looking at my dad. "Sure" my dad said smiling and walked out of the cave, when he came back a army of soldiers entered the cave. "Ok I want you guys to go out in groups of 5 to look for a Kaiju moth named Mothra" my dad said pointing to a picture of Mothra. "Yes sir!" The soldiers said in unison, soon every soldier ran out and searched every spot on the continent.

     "Follow me son" my dad said making a follow me Motion with his arm. I followed and we went to an area covered in jungle and shrubbery. My dad walked into the dense dark jungle and when I entered I felt soft mushy materials under my feet. When I looked down it was just mud, I followed my dad and I soon found myself next to a semi big cave. It was covered in vines and he moved the vines as we entered. As we entered a big room that needs tending to with vines, moss, overgrown vegetation on the walls on the floor. "Son, this is the planning room where I make the plans and come up with ways to help the Kingdom" my dad said smiling down at me.

     I smiled up and him and in one swift motion of his tail the shrubbery disappeared like as if it wasn't there. I'm gonna have to ask him later I thought in amazement. My dad led me to a big large stone wall with chalk and some stuff to erase it with. Nest to the wall was a big ledge and in front of the ledge was a big pond with lili pads and frogs on the lili pads. On the wall was just smudges and some dust particles from previous chalk writings.

     "So you said you split up here?" my dad said pointing to a area of the map on the wall of which I did not see him make. "Yes" the area was roughly in the middle of the continent but not directly. "Ok. So she might have either been kidnapped here. Here. Or here." My dad said circling parts of areas near the place me and Mothra split up. One was near a big waterfall with tall grass around it, another was in a forest with so much trees and vegetation I probably wouldn't have seen in the forest.

     Another was just in the open and I don't think that could be possible since someone would have notice right? Right? When my dad was still a soldier came running in out of breath. "What is it?" My dad said looking at the soldier with a quizzical look. "W-we...." the soldier was having trouble breathing. Worse than what mine was.

     "What? What is it?" My dad said walking closer and I suddenly got a surge of happiness and rage at ounce when he said. "Sir we found a clue as to where Mothra is"

I'm so sorry if it's short. I'm also sorry that I haven't updated in a while. There's only one more chapter before the epilogue. So yeah. I'm again sorry for the late chapter and the shortness of it...
JJ out.

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