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(20 years later.....)

"Son will you stop passing. You will give me a headache" King Godzilla (2000) said chuckling at the anxious and nervous son. "I'm sorry dad. It's just, I'm marrying the love of my life and I just. I don't know. I want her to feel special today" Godzilla said looking at his now old father who was smiling. "Ahhh I remember the time when I married your mom. I also remember when-" King Godzilla (2000) said before being cut off by his son. "La la la. I don't want to hear you and moms love life and how I was made! Nope not listening!" Godzilla said plugging his ears.


     "Ok here we go. Come on Godzilla you can tell her. It's not like she's gonna be mad or just wants to be friends if I tell her. Right?" Godzilla whispered to himself. "You know what. I'm a grown Kaiju. I defeated my worst enemy. But this is different. You know what I don't care." Godzilla said and walked to Mothra's house which was right next to the Royals cave. In case she is in trouble and Godzilla can save her.

     Godzilla arrived in just a matter of minutes, he looked at the Rose then the wooden door, here goes nothing Godzilla thought and knocked onto the door. "Hello?" Came the voice Godzilla fell for ever since they met, "it's me. Goji" Godzilla said using the nick name Mothra gave him when they were little. The door flung open with a beautiful happy smile that made Godzilla worry only about nothing. "Hi Goji. What brings you here?" Mothra said tilting her head to the side.

     "Can I come in?" Godzilla asked stuttering a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, "of course. Come on it" Mothra said but blocked the way before Godzilla could enter. "First you have to give me something" Mothra said with half lidded eyes and a smile. "And that is?" Godzilla said with a smirk, "a kiss you oversized handsome lizard" Mothra said and kissed Godzilla and she let go after she lost her breath and Godzilla. "Oh how silly of me" Godzilla said pretending to be dumb, "now?" Godzilla said with a smirk. "Yes" Mothra said and walked inside, "what did you want to talk about?" Mothra said.

     "Is it ok if I close the door because it's kind of embarrassing" Godzilla said blushing, "oh. Oh were no where close to that if that's what you came here to tell me" Mothra said with a blush. "What? Oh no! No that's not what I came here to ask you at all" Godzilla said blushing more as if he might have that special power coming out. "Ok phew, I certainly don't want to do that. Hopefully soon though" Mothra said muttering that last sentence. I blushed even more, I thought my head was a volcano it felt so hot.

     "Ok getting off topic. Mothra, I've known you since we were kids, I also had feelings for you when we were kids. When we confessed our love for each other I felt like the happiest Kaiju around. You make me laugh better than anyone else could, you make me smile on dark times, you always give me this feeling that if one scratch on you is made by another Kaiju that their body will be so far under the Earth it will be a miracle if they survive and dig their way out. I will give my life for you to be happy, whatever you need to do in order to be happy I will make sure it happens. All I'm saying Mothra" Godzilla said pulling out the rose and got on one knee.

     "Mothra will you make me the happiest Kaiju and marry me?" Godzilla said with a smile and Mothra was shocked and was crying. "Goji you want my honest answer?" Mothra said with concern, "yes Mothra" Godzilla said smiling but on the inside he was having self doubt. "Does this answer your question?" Mothra said and got into the arms of her lover and kissed him passionately not caring about anything. "WOOHOO! THAT'S MY SON YEAH!" Godzilla's dad said from one of the windows. "DAD!" Godzilla said blushing at his dad spying on him.

     "What? It's entertainment" was all Godzilla's dad said before leaving, Mothra got out of Godzilla's arms and blushed. "I'm sorry" Godzilla said through his hands, "it's ok. If it make me you feel better I'm now your fiancé" Mothra said and sat next to Godzilla and snuggled up to him. "You never seem to have the negativity in you do you?" Godzilla said smirking down at his love. "You said it not me" Mothra said and rested her head on her lover's shoulder.

     Flashback ends

"Hey it's starting" a Kaiju guard said walking into the room, "ok. I'll be out in a sec" Godzilla said and looked at his dad. "Go get 'em" Godzilla's dad said before walking out and sat with the crowd of people. "Ok let's go" Godzilla said before opening the doors and seeing the crowd of people looking and smiling at him. He smiled back to everyone else and looked to see his bride, she wore a white flower crown and looked even more beautiful than ever.

     Once Godzilla got to the stage to face his love he smiled and she smiled back, "ok now do each of you have your vows?" The priest said. (I don't know things like these so bare my horribleness) They each said their vows and the priest said. "Do you. Mothra take Godzilla as your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?" "I do" Mothra said smiling with her hands holding Godzilla's. "Godzilla. Do you take Mothra as your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you doth shall live?" "I do" Godzilla said smiling.

     "You May now kiss the bride" the priest said, Godzilla and Mothra both locked lips and Godzilla held her cheek as they kissed. A bunch of people clapped and cheered while some cried of happiness. "They grow up so fast" Godzilla's dad said while crying, Godzilla and Mothra stopped kissing and turned towards the crowd and smiled. "I'm so excited for what comes next" Godzilla said, "me too" Mothra and they lived happily ever after.

                                  The End

There you have it. The final chapter of this book, I hoped you liked it as much as I do. I can't tell how happy I am at where this book went, I thought it was gonna be like one of my least read books because I had doubt in myself but you guys kept me going. And for that I thank you, you don't know how happy I am that I get to share my love for these 2 Kaiju with you. I will not post a second book. I hope you have a good day and rest of your weekend and I'll see you next time. Also if you cried if happiness put this emoji (😁) in the comments.
JJ out.

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