The fight for her

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(Mothra POV)
3 months has passed and I have healed, Godzilla was kindly by my side taking care of me. If I needed water he would run to get me water, if I needed food he would either give me meat or fruit. I don't know why but whenever I'm around him my heart pounds faster and faster as if it wants to explode. His eye color representing the fire in his body when he gets mad. I was just resting on a silk bed I made at the island because my family is having a vacation here.
     "Honey we have a surprise to tell you!!" My dad said, "ok coming" I said getting up and lifting into the air soaring towards Godzilla's home. I landed next to my Mom and looked at Godzilla and my cheeks started to warm up why am I getting butterflies in my stomach when I see Godzilla? I thought. We're only friends? Right? Or do I like him more as a friend? I thought and my Dad snapped me back to reality when he said. "We're living here from now on" I widened my eyes and then jumped at my parents and hugged them with all my might with tears streaming down my face. "THANK YOU!!" I said squeezing them, "your welcome, can you also let go... it's hard to breathe" My dad said.
"Oh sorry" I said letting go and landed on the floor and looked down embarrassed, "it's ok, you just have a strong grip" My dad said. I smiled, "hey Mothra wanna go see a hidden cave I found?" Goji said. "Yeah!!" I said jumping up and down excited, "okay let's go!!" Goji said running away from his home. "HAY WAIT UP" I said taking flight, "they grow up so fast" I heard Godzilla's mom say.

I started flying after Goji hot on his tail, I get in range aaaaand.... I landed on him and we rolled down a hill laughing. "Hahaha" "hehe" "hihihi", then I landed on Goji still laughing, I looked up and we locked eyes. I started to blush but I didn't care, we were alone, he was with me. I was with him. I rested my mantis like hands on his chest cross like, "your so fluffy, fuzzy and c-cute" Goji said giving me butterflies, he put his arms on my back and pulling me closer but not with to much pressure to hurt me. I blushed so bad I probably looked like a tomato, I looked away, "t-thanks" I said not daring to get lost in his eyes.
He then took one arm off my back and put it under my chin and turned my head towards his carefully and slowly. We were inches apart, we started to get close when... "HEY GUYS!!" my brother said jumping out of the bushes scaring us. "AHHHH" Me and Goji said as I jumped off him, "sorry, was I interrupting something?" My brother said with a deviant grin making me blush and widen my blue eyes. "N-no, no" I said quickly, "ok" My brother said still smiling like a dork. "Well let's go" Goji said a little sad that our scene was ruined, we ran to the hidden cave.
We got to the cave and when we entered it was like a wonderland, crystals were pointing out of the ground in different directions. There was a waterfall with a green and blue color to it which made me feel like it's the first time seeing one. I looked in awe and saw Goji looking into the water by the waterfall, I have a thank you he might like I thought walking over to him and I reached up and kissed his cheek. He blushed and looked down at me "s-sorry, I just wanted to say thank you that way" I said looking away ashamed. He then kissed my cheek and I opened my eyes wide and looked at him.
     I blushed and Goji said "your welcome" I jumped on him making him fall on his back laughing. I saw at the corner of my eye that my brother winked and flew away, I was glad he was gone. Now it's just us I thought snuggling up onto him and was about to fall asleep when... "you know. Your so beautiful when you sleep" Goji said. I blushed and looked at him, "y-you do?" I said putting my mantis like hands around his neck making him blush. I then looked at him with half lifted eyes and I went to kiss him when an object knocked me off him.
     I flew across the cave and landed with a thud with blue red and greed crystals behind me and I was facing the mouth of the cave. I opened my eyes and saw Rodan and Godzilla circling, I bent my antennas to the sides of my face. "She's mine, so GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Rodan yelled flying at Godzilla knocking him over.
     The battle commenced, Godzilla then slashed Rodan across the chest and Rodan helped in pain. Goji pushes him off making Rodan fly a few feet from him, Goji then got up and ran up to Rodan as he was getting up and swung his tail at him. Rodan caught his tail and swung him across the cave making him hit crystals and rocks making him get bruises and one calicoes through his skin making him Yelp when he rolled over it. Godzilla got back up only to be pinned down by Rodan, "she will never love a lizard. She will love me because I can fly and can make her more happy while you can only walk and make her life miserable" Rodan said pushing his feet claws into Goj's stomach making Goji scream in pain. I then flew at Rodan knocking him off, "don't hurt him!!" I said pinning him down. "Ahhh, beautiful Mothra, say why do you like being friends with a creature that can't fly and not one that can really fly" Rodan said with a grin trying to trap me in his wings. I jumped off him and shot silk in his face making him temporarily blind. "Because he is not like who. He never wants to hurt anyone, and I don't care if he can't fly, I was also having you as a friend, now that I see that you just want me to be your mate I don't want to be friends with you" I said glaring at him. "Doesn't matter, once I finish Godzilla you will HAVE to be with me" Rodan said trying to lunge for Godzilla. Godzilla got up while we were having that argument and swung his tail at Rodan making Rodan fly at a pile of rocks and crystals. Goji was breathing really hard trying to recover from the fight he just had. When Goji came walking/limping towards me, Rodan pinned Goji down and tried burning him with his wings. I saw something blue glowing on his back, his eyes turned blue and his spikes turned blue and when Goji opened his mouth the inside of his mouth was blue and he shot a blue beam at Rodan making Rodan stumble and fall a few inches away from Goji. Goji kept using it and burned a hole in Rodan's right wing. When Goji closed his mouth smoke cane rushing out his nose, "Leave. Now" Goji said barring his teeth and making fists. "Never" Rodan whispered and flew at Goji's tail and flying up while holding Goji's fail and all I could do is stay and watch hoping Goji will be alright. Rodan flew to the ceiling and let go of Goji's tail and I watched in horror as Goji fell and landed with a blue dust cloud surrounding him. "GOJI!!" I said flying to him and putting my mantis like hands on his shoulder shaking him praying he would wake up. "Now that he is out of the way let's have me and you time now baby" Rodan said walking towards me. Suddenly he was pounced on by my brother "Don't you DARE go near my sister or her friend. YOU HEAR ME!" My Brother said grabbing Rodan's neck and strangling him. Rodan shook his head quickly and my brother let him off, Rodan flew out the cave and tried to fly but with the hole in his wing he couldn't fly well so he was swerving and swaying.
     "How did you know?" I asked my brother as he ran over to me and Goji, I was crying and holding Goji to me tight. "That doesn't matter, what matters is saving Godzilla" my brother said grabbing him and taking off and flying fast towards his house. I was trying to keep up but I was hurting and to busy crying to catch up.

     When we got there my brother put Goji down gently and ran to find his parents and my parents. I walked over to Goji's unconscious body and sat down beside him holding him close. I was crying really hard soaking me and Goji a bit, "Godzilla please wake up, we need you, I need you the most" I said. "So please, please wake up, my life won't be the same without you. I'm saying this because" I said looking into his eyes and putting my mantis like hands around his neck. "I'm saying this because Goji. I love you. Yes I love you with all my heart and if I didn't see you my whole world would mean nothing to me. So please stay alive" I said pulling him close to my chest, I held his right hand with my right mantis like hand and had my left arm around his neck, and a few moments later I felt his hand squeeze mine.
     I looked at his face and his head turned towards mine, "I love you too" Goji said in a raspy hurt voice that made me want to hug him to get better but instead. I leaned closer, and closer, and closer, until we locked lips and started kissing. "WOOHOO!!! GO MOTHRA!" My brother said from the mouth of the cave, me and Goji blushed and looked away. "Don't be ashamed of your feelings, we knew you were gonna end up together sooner or later" My Mom said walking up to us. "Y-you did?" I asked looking from my mom, to my dad, to my brother, and back to my mom. "Yep. I guess Godra is official" my brother said with a smirk, "what's Godra?" I asked thinking about what it was. "It's yours and Godzilla's ship name Godra" my brother said, "I like it" mr and Goji said at the same time. We looked at each other and blushed, "alright let's see if we can get you healed" Godzilla's dad said. I totally forgot he was there, "sure.
     Hey dad I got to use my atomic breath!" Godzilla said, so that's what it's called I thought. "You did! Good job! Wish I was there to see it." Godzilla's dad said picking his son up gently and carrying him into his house. "Hey dad. Is it ok if Mothra stays the night here?" Godzilla asked looking at me then his father. "Sure" Godzilla's dad said "YES!!!" Me and Goji said at the same time, we blushed and smiled, our parents laughed at how cute we were. I had one thing on my mind I wonder when we get older if we can get married and have kids? But I brushed the thought away and walked into Goji's house.

There you have it the third chapter. Sorry it took so long, I was wondering how to do this and I was gonna do it last weekend. I'm updating my books on the weekends because that's when I have more time to plan and write this story. So thank you for being patient, hope you have a good rest of your day.
JJ out.

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