New Threat

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(Mothra's POV)
I woke up in a cold and dark room, a torch was the only light source illuminating the room with its orange and yellow flickering glow. I looked around and saw that there was a wooden door in front of me. I tried to get up but fell, I looked at my arms and legs and saw they were chained tightly to the floor. When I tried to yell for help something was around my mouth and when I looked it was a type of collar and it had holes which made me able to breath. I looked around to try to find something to free me with but I suddenly heard a clanging sound and I saw the wooden door open and in cane Rodan.

I glared at him and he just smirked, "don't be so mad. At least you won't get scared of me like Godzilla" Rodan said with a frown. "Don't ever talk about him like that you hear me?" I said gritting my teeth. "Looks like the collar isn't on tightly" Rodan said walking over to me, I backed up and when he got close I scratched his underbelly and he backed away roaring in pain. He then glared at me and walked over and scratched me, giving me a 3 scar mark across my eye. "You do that again and I won't go easy on you" Rodan said baring his teeth, he stalked out of the cell and came back in with a key. They brought me outside and into a dimly lit hallway.

     "Where are we going?" I asked looking up at him, "were going to a room to meet a friend of mine" Rodan said not looking at me. Goji I'm sorry. Please save me I thought as a tear rolled down my cheek. As we walked down I looked at what each door said and some of them said
Cell 01
Cell 02
Cell 03
And so on. We entered a large room with big metal doors with a lot of secure locks, it was terrifying without Goji with me. I sat down on the cold stone floor in the room, soon Rodan followed and sat next to me with a stern face. I looked down not caring about what was happening, "look up moth" Rodan said, I looked up and saw a giant figure walking towards us. The skin on the creature was scaly, it was sparkly in the light of the candles, it's gave it's golds scales a more gold color. It's wings were bat like and it gave a teeth baring snarl at us. "Rodan what have you got me today?" the creature said with a madden look, "I have brought you the moth Kaiju Mothra master" Rodan said bowing. "Now you insecure insect" Rodan said giving me a side glance and growled in his throat. "Now, now don't be rude to our guest" the creature said walking up to me.

     When he came closer in the light the creature had only legs and it appeared to be a 3 headed dragon. "W-who are you?" I asked backing up a bit, "I. Am King Ghidorah" King Ghidorah said with a smile. "What do we do with her?" The head on my right said looking at the middle head which must be the leader of the 3. "How about we kill her and let her rot to bones" the head on my left, I crouched in fear. "No, no, let's show her around, maybe she can be safe around us" King Ghidorah said winking at me. I blushed a bit but hid it by glaring at him, "get used to it fluffy cuteness, this is your home now" King Ghidorah said and put a wing over me. I growled making him make sure that I don't get pushed around easily.

     "You'll get used to it love" King Ghidorah said kissing my cheek, "don't call me that, and don't ever do that, I have a boyfriend you know" I said glaring at him with clenched teeth. "If you have a boyfriend than why wasn't he there to protect you when Rodan here kidnapped you" King Ghidorah said with a frown. I opened my mouth to protest but closed it realizing the situation. If only I didn't anger him or make him think that I think he's a monster than I wouldn't be here now i thought as a tear rolled down my cheek. "C'mon I'll show you around" King Ghidorah said putting a wing over me and guiding me out the door and into the hallway.

     We passed cells, black smith rooms, and even torture chambers, we turned and entered a big room with a shiny chandelier and torches on the wall flickering with heat, "this, is the dining room" King Ghidorah said while smiling and opening his wings to be extra dramatic. "Cool" I said looking around, I saw a table in the middle of the room and saw a red and gold table cloth on it with a big feast. "Take a seat and we'll serve your food" King Ghidorah said motioning me to a seat at the other end of the table, I walked down towards my seat and sat down with my wings and antennae's drooping. A few minutes later and they served me my dinner and it had a piece of pig, corn, and a potato, I also had a glass of water, I swirled my food around not even hungry since Goji isn't wit me.

     "What's wrong Mothra? Is your food cold?" King Ghidorah said looking up at me, "those lousy cooks" King Ghidorah said looking down with a snarl, "oh no it's not cold it's just.." I said trailing off looking down. "It's what?" King Ghidorah said looking up at me with a quizzical expression, "it's that I miss Godzilla" I said a few tears streaming down my face, a few ran over my scar and burned but it didn't burn as much as not seeing Goji. "Oh, so it's that reptile you miss. Well ounce you get used to living here you will forget him and be with me, my Queen" King Ghidorah said with a smirk at the end. "Y-your Queen?" I said looking up wide eyed, "yes, and if you don't like it I will force you to be my Queen then" King Ghidorah said with a frown, I backed up and try to escape but was blocked off by Rodan and his wings flung open fully. 

     I tried to back up again but ended up colliding into King Ghidorah and fell to the floor with a nasty hit, "you can't run from me Mothra" King Ghidorah said with a smile and picked me up and I drifted off to a hurtful sleep with my head throbbing from my head hitting the floor.

Sorry for not updating in a while I'm so sorry, I hope I made it up for you by making this chapter for you. :)

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