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It was just another busy and boring day in Kyoto High. The teacher lectured away and most of their words just jumped over my head to avoid getting killed by my boredom soldiers. I keep my eyes on the cloud as they passed by. The school bell rings and school is finally over. I, along with my classmates and everyone else in this school bid our teacher goodbye before gathering our things and leaving the premises. I was just half way across the school when my name was called.

"Oi! Keisuke!!!!" I turned around to see my childhood friend run up to me while waving his hand and smiling like an idiot. I lazily waved back. "Yo, Yosuke."

"Mou, can't you be more energetic than that?! You sound like you're not happy to see me!!!" He whines as his gray eyes glares into my soul.

I raised a brow. "I practically see you everyday of my life since we were kids, Yosuke. So why would I really need to feel really happy to see you like you've went missing for years?"

"That's mean!"
"Who ever said I was nice?" I asked, pure amusement sparkled in my droopy brown eyes. Yosuke growls in response and punches my arm playfully.

Both of us chatted away as we made our way home since our house was just next to each other. We were now close by but had to cross a road to get there. I wanted to get home as soon as possible and continue watching Boruto and sleep away, unfortunately, the traffic light was red, so I decided to just watch some cars pass by while Yosuke continued talking. I was barely listening to him since I was buried in my own thoughts, unfortunately, he finally noticed.

"Oi, Keisuke! Are you even listening to me?!"
I turned to him with a bored expression. "Hm? Did you say something?"

"You little bastard...." He growls but doesn't say or do anything after that. I just gave him an eye smile before looking away.

"Tch. As I was saying..... Oi! Listen to me!"
"I am. I am."

"You better! Anyways, I was asking what course you're gonna take in college? I'm taking up Criminology! Why? Heh, I want to do some investigating and be up for some action!"

'Why am I not surprised?' I thought before replying, "Hmmm..... Well, I was thinking of picking that, but I prefer the Crime and Interrogation Unit---"

"Great! We have the same courses! Now let's pick the same school! I say we enroll in Tokyo's University!" Yosuke beams as he throws a fist in the air. I let out a sigh. 'I didn't even finish yet..... Ah whatever. No point in changing his mind when he's already filled with determination....' I thought and let out another sigh and kept my focus on the traffic light. "Whatever. I have no other colleges in mind anyways...."

"Alright!" Yosuke fist pumps the air again before looking at me with an accusing look. "Although I'm pretty sure you just agreed with me because we're in our last year, school's almost done and we have too much workload. You don't want to think too much..."

I gave him another eye smile. "You know me well. Plus I don't wanna stress myself out that I already am. It's troublesome when you have a dare-devil Mom who gives no shit about you and just sleep with a lot of men and a Dad who's too much of a pedophile."

Yosuke grimaced. "Good thing you're not a girl and you don't have a sister. That would be horrific."

I nodded my head. "True. But it's also a good thing that he's straight. Otherwise, I'd have a problem."


We remained quiet and allowed a comfortable silence to fill the air.... Of course, Yosuke couldn't stay quiet for even at least one minute. "Hey, Keisuke?" I hummed in response. "If we like, ever got separated after college and end up meeting each other when we're adults or old folks....... How would we know each other?" He sounded upset.

I shrugged. "Honestly, I don't really know. You can come up with a code if you want."

"Ah! Good idea!" He yells as he points at me then crosses his arms and closes his eyes in a thoughtful manner. "Hmm..... What should the code be...?"

While Yosuke continued mumbling to himself I noticed a family of four standing next to me, their kid was playing with a ball, giggling away with pure happiness. I looked away. 'Those parents shouldn't let their kids play with a ball when they're next to the road.... They'll definitely go after it if it bounces away.' I thought, kinda worried that thought might come true. I shook my head. Hopefully not....

"Aha!" I glanced at Yosuke. "I finally thought of a code! A really creative one at that! Our code is gonna be this: I see London! I see France! I see your big shiny underpants!"

I gave him a deadpanned look. "Really? That's all you could think of? Among all the wondrous words out there you picked that one? A childish insult? And how the hell is that even creative?"

Yosuke scoffs and crosses his arms as he sends me a dirty look. "Fine then! If you don't like it, then you come up with a better code then, asshole!"

I looked away, "Don't wanna. It's troublesome..."

"You little bastard..... If you're not going to come up with one then we're sticking to that one, and you're going to live with it!"

I let out an exasperated sigh. " Fine..... Why don't we just use Pain's philosophy? Or Kakashi's motto? Or the one Obito told him which he then told Team 7 ?"

"No! Pain's philosophy is too long! And Kakashi's motto or even the one Obito told him isn't creative enough! And why are all of your suggestions from Naruto?!"

"Hm... Why not.... You know what? Never mind. Let's just go with the childish insult." I say as I let out another sigh in defeat. Yosuke grins like an idiot and nods in approval. We remained again in another comfortable silence... Of course, it was interrupted once again. This time by a familiar looking ball that suddenly bounced passed us.

Yosuke and I blinked.

"What the? Is that a kid's blue ball?" Yosuke thinks out loud. I didn't respond. I just stared at the ball with wide eyes, knowing fully well that the thing I was worried about was about to happen.

"Ah! Our ball!"

Soon enough the kids of the parents next to me quickly ran passed us and chased after their toy.... Just like I predicted.

"Hikari! Ayumi! No! Get back here!" The Mother yells in worry. Her husband was just about to run after them but I beat him to it. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and dashed forward, ignoring Yosuke's surprised call. Once I reached the kids Yosuke was beside me as well, scolding both me and the kids. I ignored him and we both shoved the kids to the other side when we noticed that a speeding truck was coming at us. The kids were safe....... But Yosuke and I didn't make it.....



A/N: So there! This is the first time I posted one of my fanfics. Hopefully it's okay! TAT"

I do not own Naruto at all. He belongs to Kishimoto-sama. The only one's I own are the 2 main characters and some unknown peasants that will soon be appear in this fic.

Sometimes I wonder if the people I've met really think of me as someone strong or I'm just plain weak in their eyes...

- Haruno Satoshi

Just cause I'm smiling and acting like a complete idiot, doesn't mean I won't be able to see the pain and sadness in your eyes.

- Yamanaka Inori

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