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(3RD P. O. V.)

The next two days news began to spread rapidly throughout the streets. The fact that those cloud ninjas that had came two days ago had lied about the peace treaty and had tried to kidnap the heiress of the Hyuuga clan. Graphic details were left out for the public because they were deemed shinobi category and not for civilians and children to hear, thus letting it be a rule for shinobis not to talk about in public. Although, even with that rule you could still hear the whispers being said by some passing Chuunins or Jounins.

The clan head had found the kidnapper and had dealt with him right then and there, in others, he had killed him. Tension within the Hyuuga compound seemed to grow and everyone was well aware that the clan head's nephew hated him down to the core, but few of the ninjas can't seem to figure out why. Except one little pinkette. He was seated within his room, glaring rather dangerously at his pillow with so much killing intent that it wasn't normal for a mere three year old. The boy....... Was beyond furious.......

He was extremely livid right now. He remained in his room even when he was called out for lunch. No reply and no sign of movement or acknowledgement from him. His parents had the slightest idea on why he was in a bad mood but his little twin was having problem figuring out why so instead of trying to reach out to him and gently coax him to tell her his problem— which she had learned from her oniicham because he did the same thing to her twin before— she thought he would appreciate it if she didn't go near him at all— besides she's too scared to go near him at the mimen. And Satoahi appreciated it because he knew very well that he was too angry to be a normal brat or to be his normal self around the three year old. Kizashi was the only one in their family who was able to approach the little male pinkette without fear and the only one who could stand being close to him.

Normally it would be Mebuki or even little Sakura but the two looked kind of scared to approach him, in which Kizashi understood in Sakura's part but not his wife. I mean, she's a grown lady so shouldn't she be able to handle Satoshi's little anger issue. He has a feeling it might have something to do with the tight security he told some ninjas to do and to also keep a close eye on those cloud ninjas, since that could be the most closes answer to his son's anger right now.

Satoshi didn't say anything for few days till Kizashi saw him heading out, muttering under his breath that he's going to give hell to those chuunins that he had told to tighten security around the village. Not waiting to know what his son would do, Kizashi immediately reprimanded him before he stepped out and grounded him until he can calm himself down and not have the tendency to try and kill someone. Although he's not sure if his son could even do such a thing, but since he's a prodigy and way too mature and smart for his age, it's really possible.


I hate being grounded..... Even though this is the first time it happened to me, i hate it.

I was currently in my room reading a medical book I made Mom buy me during that fake peace treaty parade after we had bought myself a mask (a lot like Kakashi's) while Sakura got a coloring book and new coloring crayons. Our parents deemed us old enough to have our own room so we did, I decided to take the guestroom while Sakura has our old room as our own— kind of sad that Kakashi doesn't have a room here anymore.... But he does have his own apartment though, and he can just sleep in here.... Okay since I'm not a baby anymore, sharing a bed is awkward.

Anyways, I've read this medical book three times already and understood the continents in it (since I've learned about this in my middle school) but I just want to make sure I don't forget anything and..... I have nothing else to do. Since our house is connected with other houses we don't have a backyard for me to train, and since I'm grounded I can't go to the training grounds to train as well. So I'm basically stuck inside this house and am mostly staying in my room.

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