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Few days later my new parents brought me and my twin home and we were surrounded by a lot of people who began to coo at us. I didn't like it and screamed at them, and they dare have the guts to just laugh at me. I decided to ignore them and focused on my Dad's face. Since my vision is currently blurry I decided to feel it who my hands.

Oh.... He has a beard........

He begins to laugh and says something that I still have a hard time deciphering for some reason. Are they using a different language or something? Can't believe I haven't thought of this before. But the names 'Sakura' and 'Satoshi' sounds Japanese, which was the language I spoke in before I got here. So why am I having a hard time in understanding them? Hm... Must be because my baby ears aren't developed enough. The only thing that is developed seems to just be my brain and senses.

Minutes passed and I'm left to lay on my crib along with my twin who wouldn't stop crying for some odd reason. I ignore her screams of agony and just focused on some kind of warm and fuzzy feeling inside me. I haven't thought of this before but if I was really reborn in the Narutoverse there's a possibility that I have chakra within me right? So maybe I could try and check it out while I can't really move at the moment. Although, just that thought now, this warm and fuzzy feeling that I'm experiencing could probably be my chakra, and if so I could try doing what all those main fiction characters I've read in fanfictions do. Try to tap into it and try to understand its flow..... I think that's what they did and if I'm wrong, well then I'm totally screwed. Or I would also feel like an idiot if this isn't the Narutoverse at all, which I wouldn't really be bothered with. Also, ever since I heard the name of my twin and observed how that name was directed towards her I knew she was a girl and I'm the one named Satoshi, which means that I'm a boy. Thankfully...


'Ack...... Sakura.... Why????' I mentally groaned as I shoved her chubby hand away from my face. I turned my head to watch her stare at me with her big green eyes. I stared back and we ended up in a staring contest. I ended up blinking and I think I saw her smirk.... shivers.... A smirking baby..... I do not like the sound of that at all.... Sounds creepy....

I decided to look away from her and I hear her giggle... 'Hmph. She's a baby, and yet I feel insulted right now...' I thought and ignored her as she tries to get my attention by pulling my arm or screaming.

5 months have already passed, and now that I think about it... I believe that the first time I was a baby I was probably intrigued by the fact that I had hands, feet or whatever I find appealing in my surrounding. But now that I'm fully aware of everything and the fact that my brain is matured to the brain of a 15 yr. old? I'm completely bored. Like, there's nothing that interests me, well aside from watching Sakura giggle and scream in joy when she looks at her chubby hands and feet... But aside from that, the only thing I can do for now is eat, sleep, cry and stare into space as I dive into my own imagination and whatnot. Something I don't really enjoy doing all the time.

Anyways, the good news is that my hearing and eyesight improved, which is pretty much a good thing because I'm now more aware of my surroundings. Plus, I was right. I did get reincarnated in Naruto and I still can't believe I'm Sakura's twin. I don't mind though, I never hated her anyway.

I forced myself to sit up and was able to see my reflection from the mirror that was displayed few feet in front of mine and Sakura's crib for some odd reason. Apparently I have bright pink hair and emerald green eyes, just like my cute little twin....

'Hmm.... Pretty sure I'm gonna get bullied for having a girly hair color...' I thought and attempted to snort but it just came out as a small gurgling sound, 'I don't really care. I'll just make sure that no one hurts my sis.' I glanced over at Sakura to see her sleeping, a blissful look on her face. I smiled and decided to lie back down and stare at the ceiling in pure silence..... Of course, it was really silent until my little twin began to scream bloody murder.

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