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The three survivors had become excellent hunters, trackers, and fishers in the five months of living on their own. Both Orion and Crimson often found Stormflare gazing into the river. Crimson understood and acted fine, but she still cried sometimes late at night, when the others were asleep. They all slept side by side to comfort eachother at night. Orion had become closed off, and only talked to Crimson if it was about a plan for hunting. He'd talk to Stormflare all the time though, and it made Crimson upset. On the first day of the sixth month, while Crimson was taking a walk in the woods to scout for any animals they could eat, she heard something in the bushes.

She growled, low, and maliciously. As she pinned her ears and lowered her neck, a white wolf with black paws, a black muzzle, black ear tips, and blood red eyes stepped out from the brush.

"Who are you?" She asked, lowering her tone intimidatingly the way an Alpha greeted a potential threat.

"My name is Ryan." He stood taller and she saw he looked to be sixteen at least.

"Who are you with?"

"I'm alone. I got banished from my pack for killing a messenger wolf telling me that the pack my mother and sister were in, was slaughtered."

"I'm sorry. Which pack were they from?" She asked, raising her head.

"The Darknight Rogue Pack." He said sadly, "What are you doing here? You don't look to be but a 12 year old."

"Come with me and I will tell you our story." She said and felt an immense amount of sympathy for the stranger rogue. Sympathy and familiarity. As she led him back to camp base, she told him about that brutal night, Orion, and Stormflare.

When the two got to the makeshift camp, Orion and Stormflare were fighting.

"I want her out!" Orion shouted and she knew he was talking about her.

"She is our packmate Orion!" Stormflare roared back.

"I don't care! Since she got here everything has fallen apart!"

"Well she is the best hunter of the three of us, and we need her!" Stormflare shouted.

"That girl is nothing but a bad omen and we need to get rid of her while we can!"

"Nothing that has happened, is her fault, and you know that!"

"If you wont get rid of that two-eyed freak, I will!" He shouted as he slunk away. Stormflare
sighed and turned around, yelping in surprise when he saw the two rogues standing there.
"How much did you hear?" He asked gently.

"Enough to know I'm not wanted." She said quietly.

"No. Orion's simply throwing a tantrum. He's just being salty cause you're a better hunter, and he has to rely on a girl."

She cleared her throat and nodded toward Ryan, "His name's Ryan, and he'll be staying with us for a while." She said walking away.

Ryan followed.

"Did you happen to know my mother and sister? She would've been your age if you're 13" Ryan asked.

"What was her name?" She asked.


She whirled around to look him in the eye. "My name's Crimson. What was you're mother's name?"

"Forrestfire." He said in confusion.

"Mother's name was Forrestfire."

"That means... we're siblings." He said slowly.

Crimson was still in shock and Ryan was staring at her in awe as he looked her up and down as if to memorize every inch of her. Crimson then remembered one time her mother had mentioned her brother. She had been crying and had whispered his name. Crimson had just assumed it had been her father's name at the time but now realized her mother had been crying over her lost older brother. She then realized the sense of familiarity with Ryan came because he'd been around for the first two years of her life given when he'd said he'd turned rogue. Ryan put his head around her neck and hugged her, drinking in her scent as he did and she looped her head around his neck. As they hugged, Crimson fell to the ground and started sobbing. Her brother layed down beside her and comforted her.

"Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I thought I was alone. I thought, I would never see any of my family again." She cried.

"I'm right here. And I will never leave you again. Your friend, the gray one, he probably thinks the same. Even if he ever leaves, I will be there no matter where you are."

"Thank you." She said and started singing a song from her childhood she vaguely remembered singing with someone.

"Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover." The lyrics to the Avicii song, Hey Brother, came as natural as breathing for the both of them.

Ryan looked at her and sang, "Hey sister! Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker."

They proceeded to sing the rest of the song together.

By the time they finished the it, Stormflare was watching them.

"Wait so are you brother and sister?" He asked with a confused expression.

"Yes." They answered in union then looked at eachother.

"Ok now that's just weird," Stormflare laughed. They joined in and Orion walked up silencing it. 

"Who is he." He growled, "Y'know what I don't think I want to know," he turned to Stormflare, "Storm we need to hunt soon before it gets to dark."

"You want me to help?" Crimson asked.

"Ye-" Stormflare started, getting cut off by Orion yelling, "No, you've done enough Ghost-eye." she abruptly stopped and Ryan stepping in front of her dominantly.

"What the hell man?" He asked.

"You got a problem?" Orion said, puffing his chest to assert his dominance.

"Yeah actually, I do. You're being a douche to a girl when she hasn't done anything to you."

"Bite me then. You don't know anything about me, her, or any of us. So I suggest you back off."

"Hey, both of you back off." Crimson cut in, "Orion this is Ryan. He's my older brother." She could've imagined it but Orion flinched slightly when she'd said his name.

"Oh great now there's more screw-up mutts," he rolled his eyes, "Here's a thought, why don't the two of you leave together?"

"Orion, it's smarter if we all stick together. Besides if there's four of us we can all have more time to sleep and it'll be easier to hunt." Stormflare spoke up.

Orion thought for a minute before saying, "Fine but he has to understand not to ask questions and to pull his weight."

Ryan rolled his eyes and stepped back but held his head up and kept his ears pinned.

"Hey Crimson why don't you show Ryan around?" Stormflare suggested.

"Sure," She flatly responded walking towards the den with Ryan trailing behind, glaring ar Orion.

Crimson showed Ryan the river, the den, the training spot, and she showed him where they normally planned a hunt. Ryan didn't really say much until she was done showing him around. When she did and they were silent for a minute, he asked, "Why does Orion hate you?"

She looked at him and thought for a minute before saying, "He doesn't hate me. Not really. He's just hurting and it's showing through anger." 

"But he-"

"Ryan! You don't know him, you don't know Stormflare, and you don't know me," she snapped, "I don't care if you're my biological brother, I don't know you and because of that I see Stormflare and Orion as family more than I see you as such."

He went silent and looked at her while she turned and walked off.

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