“hast du Zeit? Telefonieren?“
“keine Gut Idee nach 3 Flaschen Wein“
“doch los, will deine Stimme hören“
“Könn wir nicht morgen reden?“
“vergiss es du wirst mich nicht los.“
*Telefon klingelt*
And im so Glad of not giving you apart.
and id be even more pleased if I knew if I could lay trust in the things you say, if I could put my heart into your hands.
diariable thoughts🌈🌻
Short Story↪Kind of a diary, i somehow don't want anybody to ever read and on the other side to be screamed out loud. ↪A part of my soul, with dark splinters and glittering rainbows. and as messy, chaotic as me. ↪full of crushes and lovers and friendships and...