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"You don't understand, the likelihood of getting cancer decreases when you know the causes! You can still get it, but you can be prepared, like me, I wear SPF50 at all times, if I'm showing skin," Eddie explains, sitting at the table with us. He can be a bit silly at times but hey, it's an adorable kind of silly so in a way it's forgiven.

"You can get diseases from sex, but people still hump it out all the time," I mention. Stupid little virgin I was, talking about sex like I understood it. I just hadn't found the right one yet. Or maybe I did, but we definitely weren't close to that stage yet.

"I won't! Not unless I love him." At this, both Stan and I glance up. Eddie catches on almost immediately. "Her, I meant. I said her. That's what I said."

Stan shakes his head. "Wow."

I shoot him a glance. "Hey! Eds isn't doing anything wrong, even if he is queer."

"Eds?" Eddie asks softly. I think it was quite possibly the worst time possible to bring out a new nickname. Oh god, it made it look like I was...

And aren't you, Richie?

"That's what your mom told me your name was last night," I reply coolly, and quickly change the subject. If I have to talk about sexuality for more than a moment I shut down, I can't really help it. And I hate myself for it. "How about the three of us have a little get together this weekend?"

Stan shakes his head. "I'm visiting relatives all weekend."

Eddie smiles and my stomach churns mechanically, but I just ignore it. "I'm free. mom can be overprotective sometimes, so we have to do it at your house. She won't approve of anyone, it's not really you or anything."

I laugh. "Well, I don't kiss and tell."

He looks confused for a moment and then his eyes widen with understanding. He rolls said eyes and shakes his head. But he giggles...the cutest sound in the whole damn world.

"You should have a sleepover," Stan suggests. "that way you guys can get close. Watch some movies. Have a great time."

When lunch is over, we go to the rest of our classes. I meet Eddie after school in front of the building, fiddling with my keys and trying to look natural. He approaches me and I smile. "Let's stop at your place before mine, so you can grab some stuff."

He nods. "Yeah..." he looks at his feet. "Richie, my mom can be a little..."


He laughs softly but shakes his head. "I hate her. I hate her so much. You come inside with me and I'm sure you'll understand."

I drive him to his house. The whole time we talk about art and other students. I make him laugh, a lot. Which is rare. "Shut the fuck up, Richie, you're so fucking strange."

"My brain is wired differently," I shrug and finally he tells me where to pull in. It's a tiny house, honestly. And not a pretty one either. I sigh uncomfortably and get out of the car. We walk to the front door and enter. There's a lady... a big one... sat in a recliner. She gazes to her son, and then at me.

"Eddie, who is this?"

I feel like I'm at a job interview or some shit. Eddie stumbles over his words. "He's just a friend, mommy. His name is Richie, I'm going to stay at his house tonight."

She watches for a while before even moving. "Eddie, you can't stay over at someone's house. They could have asbestos, or bedbugs, or for all we know this kid could be a queer. I can't let my sweet boy go and stay in a home like that."

I clench my fists. "Hey!"

Eddie shoots a glance at me. Maybe I wasn't supposed to yell.

"Listen, lady, I'm sure you think you're doing what's best, but he can't live being sheltered away all his life. It's just not how it works."

Her eyes widen. What was I thinking? "Get the hell out of my house!" She yells and I do as I'm told. I storm out and walk into the driveway. I slam the door to the car after I get in and sigh sadly. I had fucked up big time.

"Open the car!" Eddie calls from outside. I look at him bewildered for a moment, but then unlock the door and let him climb in. He sighs. "She's a bitch, isn't she?"

"Ah, come on. Let's not spend our sweet time worrying about such a big lady." I pull out of the driveway and make the way back to my place.

In some ways, it's hard for me to understand the feelings that someone has towards parents. I don't remember my mom and dad sometimes, that's how much they ignore me.


"You're the weirdest person I've ever met!" He cackles and stuffs his face with chocolate candy. "Richie Tozier, answer me this."

I hate questions like that.

"Why did you talk to me on that first day of school?" He asks curiously.

I think for a moment. The real answer could never be said. "I thought I had seen you before. The overalls were cute." I grin. "Stan likes you too, he's just quiet. And I'm loud as shit, so I think it's a good mix. And you're in between."

"I can't believe I'm doing this," he giggles. "I'm at a sleepover with an idiot, eating garbage, talking about kids I barely know!"

He's so cute when he laughs, watching him makes my heart flutter in the most beautiful way. That sounds gay. It's not gay. It's just Eddie.

"Are you gay?" I ask abruptly.

He looks at me. "Uh...yeah, I think so. I've never kissed anyone, but I think boys are really pretty and I'm never really into girls."

I sigh. "That's cool." I fiddle with my fingers and don't say anything else.

"So you're gay too, but you're in the closet because of past experiences," he says.

Smartest boy I ever knew. Stan didn't notice after sixteen years, I didn't think he ever would. But this kid... he knew.

"If you tell anyone, I'll tell them you're lying." I think for a moment. "I might be gay, but trust me, you're not my type, my type is Johnny Depp."

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