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And everything is completely, entirely falling apart. My life and the world around me... it feels like it's crashing down. I can't believe he chose to believe the stupid Mullet Man over me. What would happen to us? I'm terrified, and I'm alone.

So naturally I call Stan. He's the only person I can think of to help solve this catastrophe.

"Bitch?" He asks as he answers.

I sigh. "No time for that shit. Eddie hates me. He fucking hates me! Henry told Eds that I... he told him that I cheated on him with you! He knew we were at the pier so Eddie believed him. I don't know what the fuck to do!" I feel the tears sting in my eyes. Fuck. I'm going to cry over this. Eddie hates me and now I'm crying like an ass.

"Fuck. I can talk to him.."

"No! He won't believe you. He thinks you and I hooked up. Jesus, he always thought you were gay.."


I can hear the fear in Stan's voice. Maybe I should've kept that to myself.

"Rich, I..." Stan sighs. "Stacey doesn't exist. Maybe Eds is right, but now is really not the time."

I don't know what to say. Or to do. But then an idea hits me. And it's a good idea. "I'm going to go."


I'm in my black sweatshirt and black jeans, which is completely unnecessary. But still, I need to look the part, you know? I made sure I had white, black, blue, and pink spray paint. I might as well keep the promise I made.

I did say I would spray paint the trans flag on the opposite wall.

So I do.

It's messy and it drips a little. And I sign it, Bitch. Maybe he'll see it in school. When he's avoiding me and blaming me. Maybe he won't. Maybe he'll never speak to me again.


I'm scared I can't function without him. I'm scared that I'm going to fall apart without him. Maybe it's my own fault. Maybe I'm fucked up, and maybe he was the glue holding me together. It's funny. Two and a half months ago I didn't know this boy. And now I felt like I couldn't live without him.

After I do the little art project I leave and go home. There's no point in sticking around. Waiting. Nothing is going to change.

The drive is silent and almost ominous. Like in a movie, when the main character just got some bad news, and the rain is pouring down the windows as a sad song plays. But it's not raining tonight. Damnit. If only the weather could mimic my mental breakdown. Then I could be aesthetic.

When I get home, he's sitting and waiting by the doorstep. He immediately looks up when he hears the hum of my car. I look to him. Maybe he's going to give me another chance. "Hey Eds," I smile weakly. I don't want him to think I'm too happy, but seeing him does make everything feel a little better. I walk up to him closer. Shit, he's been crying too.

"Stan talked to me," he mutters. "Apparently...he has someone else and wouldn't ever even think of you that way..." Eddie stands up and looks at me. "Rich, I'm so sorry. I believed Henry over you, I know it's stupid. I was scared. I don't want to be replaced. I don't want you to find someone better."

"I love you." It's the only thing I can think of saying in those moments. Because it's true. He leans in close and kisses me. It's the sweetest little kiss in the world and it makes me melt completely. He's everything, here and now. I know that there's never going to be anything better than him. And I am so unbelievably okay with that.


Here's the thing...

One kiss leads to another. Surely. That's how kissing usually works. But then things progress. And we didn't talk much, except when we asked each other for consent. The sex? Amazing. I never thought I'd have sex with someone so beautiful. The details? For me and Eddie only. That's something special that I'm going to keep to ya.

We lay in bed, after the whole ordeal is over with... he's just watching the ceiling with a sort of after-sex bliss going on. He's got a permanent lazy smile and he's breathing deeply. But from the sounds he made during the events I know he enjoyed it. I place a kiss to his forehead.

"I've heard a lot of good things about makeup sex, now that I'm thinking about it," I tease. He just shakes his head and laughs softly.

"It's not just makeup sex. We both just...lost our virginity." He giggles and it's absolutely adorable.

"I wasn't a virgin," I tell him.

His eyes widen. He believes me. Oh this is fucking priceless. "What? I thought..."

"No, me and your mother did it last weekend. Surprised you didn't hear. With the weight of that woman, the sex would've been loud enough to hear from the school."

He slaps me, laughing. "Oh fuck off that's disgusting!" Once his laughing has ceased, he thinks for a moment before he looks up at me. "Where were you? When I got weren't here. I waited fifteen minutes for you."

I giggle happily. "Remember when we spray painted the gay pride flag on the wall?"

He giggles loudly. "Oh my. What did you do?"

"Trans flag. Opposite wall."

And these giggles? These giggles are loud. Very loud. These giggles might shatter my ear drums but to see him so happy makes it all worth it.

//hey y'all! Checking in. I hope you're all doing well! If you ever need anything just reach out!

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