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"Her name is Stacey."

That's when I know I won a bet that Eddie and I never even agreed on. Stan was straight. I knew it! And now Eddie will look like the asshole for getting it wrong.

"I'm so happy for you, Stan the Man," I speak honestly. Because I am. I never thought he'd have a woman look at him like that. And it's not even his appearance. He's not my type, I only date people shorter than me, but even I can see that he is conventionally attractive. It's his personality. He's so standoffish around girls. I don't know why, but he's almost always been that way. I guess it's just who he is. "How'd you meet her?"

"Through a mutual friend," he grins widely and seems to be genuinely proud of the story. "We're both friends with Beverly Marsh? You know her, right? She's got short hair. She's in my chem class. She's always trying to match me up with someone and help me find love, even though I still doubt that's possible. Stacey was one of the girls she matched me up with. But Stacey is so cool. She's like one of the guys, of the guys wore cool jackets. And she has a nice car too. She works at that diner you and Eddie go to sometimes."

I nod, but I'm barely listening until he mentions Eddie. Fuck.

That boy is all I think about. And I know it. And it's probably annoying as shit. But he's so...


He's so Eddie!

Which is why, when I get home, the very first thing I do is give him a call. I've dropped Stan off, so I don't have to worry about him getting offended, I just have to call my fucking boyfriend. He answers on the second ring.


"It's me, I'm coming over!" I explain.

"It's far passed midnight, you fucking idiot. My mom just started liking me again, don't fucking come."

Oh, dear.

He is angry.

And suddenly, I understand everything much more clearly. I had the choice and I completely screwed him over for Stanley fucking Uris. Bad move.

"But I'll give you a bj," I mumble. He always laughs at shit like that, so it's great. I can break the tension and hear that incredible laughter. But he doesn't laugh then. He stays perfectly silent for a moment before he finally bursts out into chaotic laughter.

"You're hilarious!" He laughs. "You thought I was actually mad at you?"

That fucking dickhead.

"You fucking dickhead!" I scream into the phone. "You're an asshole. You are. Hey, by the way, before I forget, Stan invited you and I on a double-date."

Eddie cackles. "What's the new thing's name?"


He laughs even more. "Okie dokie, then, Ricardo. Goodnight. We can meet tomorrow at the park, if you want."

I agree before I hang up. The park will probably go better this time.


Here's a hint: it doesn't!!

When we get there, everything starts off beautiful. He goes down the slide and I catch him like in the perfect romcom. And honestly, our love is sort of like a romcom. Anyone who's not in it probably thinks we're annoying and cliche. After the slide, he takes my hand and leads me to a seesaw. I roll my eyes but get on one side nonetheless. "I'm going to send you flying, you little shit."

He giggles childishly and climbs on as well. I'm the first to kick off and go high. When he hits the bottom, he laughs, but then it's my turn to fall. He kicks off and I lower until my ass hurts, and he almost falls off due to his unfortunate clumsiness.

"Hey! You little queers!"

We both turn. And in one look we're fucked. The Mullet Man himself, Henry. I let Eddie get off first, and then I. Henry's walking towards us like he's pissed about something. And then I see his car. And the blonde chick in the passenger seat. It all makes sense now. He came here to fuck.

"Your girl must get really aroused seeing you taunt two younger guys," Eddie spits at him.

"Well fuck you! Get the fuck out of here!" He yells. Eddie is right. That girl must think this is incredibly ridiculous. I'm just surprised someone even wanted to be with Henry in the first place.

"Eddie, let's go," I say, and hold my hand out. But he's fuming and he doesn't want to leave.

"No, fuck you," Eddie smiles widely.

Henry isn't thrilled. "You know what, asshole? Your boyfriend here made out with Stanley Uris last night at the pier."

My eyes widen. Really? He resorts to slander? And how did he possibly know about the pier? "Really mature, fuckface." I chuckle. "What are you trying to do? Break us apart?" I continue to laugh, but then I see Eddie.

He has tears in his eyes.

He believes Henry.

And he runs off.

Brushstrokes (Reddie AU)Where stories live. Discover now