The Way I Can

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This oneshot is written based on a Barchie au/edit I made for my Barchie Ig page a while ago. And besides, I wrote this in the middle of a please forgive me all those typos and mistakes ;)
Please let me know what's your opinion on this! <3


"Stop!" I shouted towards her back.

I felt anger boiling inside of me, mixed to the confusion her actions made me feel.

"You're not going anywhere. Not before you answer to my question." I said little more calmly this time.

I saw her hand dropping from the door handle, but she kept standing just in place, her back facing me. She didn't say anything.

For a moment we just stayed still in a silence, before I got up the nerve to ask her the same question, like tenth time this night.

"Why are you mad at me?"

No reaction.

"Is it because of him? Because of Jughead?"

She didn't move, but I saw how the muscles of her back tensed.

"C'mon, Veronica. We're just friends!"

Still no reaction.

"Besides, it's not really your business what we are, is it? You're not my girlfriend or anything!" I reminded her with a lighter voice, trying to relieve the dark tension with a little chuckle.

Big mistake.

Slowly she started to turn around to face me. The way she moved with every single one of her muscles tensed, got me little scared of what would happen next. I hugged my knees tighter as I sat in the corner of my bed.

Slowly she walked closer to my bed and me. Her face was totally emotionless. I had always been good at reading her, but now, I saw nothing.

She reached the end of my bed and stopped there. She looked at my eyes, in a way that made me extremely uncomfortable. Not looking away, she finally opened her mouth.

"You know what, Betty?" Her voice was so cold, without a hint of any emotion. "I don't give a fuck what you do with that little boy toy of yours. You can ride him every night, if that's what makes you happy for a moment."

I was taken aback by how she talked, how cold and harsh her tone was. This wasn't the sweet little Veronica I knew. I had no idea what it was. And even though I didn't want to, I felt my chest ache a little bit from her words. She didn't care.

Suddenly she took the drilling gaze off of me, and turned it to the floor.

"There's only one thing I want you to understand."

Then her eyes were on mine again, and she stepped even closer to the bed, if that was even possible. I just sat there looking at her worriedly.

"Do not ever dare to look at him the same way you look at me." She said harshly.

I saw something flash in her eyes. It was mix of hundreds of emotions. Anger, fear, worry, disappointment... It was jealousy.

She leaned over to the level of my eyes.

"That beanie boy is not worth it." Her voice was full of disgusting.

"Because..." She started. She leaned even closer, that her hands were laying on the bed, and her face came dangerously closer to mine, her eyes sinking into mine again.

"He can't make you feel the way I can."

I looked at her, puzzled. Where was this coming from?

Her gaze drifted to my lips.

"He can't kiss you the way I can."

I swallowed hard. My heart started racing. Could she hear it?

She leaned even closer, that her face was just about 10 centimeters away from mine. Slowly, she raised her hand, and placed it on my thigh. The touch sent shivers on my spine, and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable to be pressed into a corner.

She moved closer to my ear.

"He can't touch you the way I can." Her voice was more like a whisper, a very raspy whisper on my ear.

My breath hitched, and I felt suddenly very naked on my light pink t shirt. The room became smaller, and my head started spinning. My heart was racing like never before, and now there was no doubt that she could hear it too. I couldn't focus on anything, I was paralyzed under her touch.

And she clearly knew what she was doing to me.

"V..." I gasped. She didn't say anything.

Slowly she started moving away, letting her hand travel along my leg on the way. Her eyes never left mine, and I saw a devilish smile on her lips. She had won.

I tried to remember how to breathe again. I fixed my shirt, just to get something else to focus on, than the smirking brunette in front of me, or how she made me feel in my stomach.

She waited for me to get my breathing back, and look at her again.

For a moment we just stared at each other. Slowly a little sad smile appeared on her lips. She opened her mouth to say the last argument she had left. And she knew, she was right. At least in this one.

"Betty, that boy will never love you the way I do."

Now her voice was softer, more quiet, and full of pain. There wasn't anger in her eyes anymore. Only love, and sadness. And looking into those dark eyes, I knew she meant it.

And she was right, in every single one of those.

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