Freezing / part 2

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"You gotta make sure he gives you a ride this time, or I'll make a pretty intense call to his father!"

"Yes, mom..." I answered annoyedly while putting on my shoes.

"I'm being serious, Elizabeth. You're not walking alone anymore." She told me strictly. "It took you tree hours last time!"

"As I told you, I got lost. But it won't happen again."

"No, it won't. Because this time, Archie will bring you home, safely, right?"

"Fine." I muttered. "But I have to go now, he's waiting for me."

"With a car, right?"

"Of course." I said with a fake smile. As he would ever have the money to even buy one...

"Good. See you in the morning then."

"Bye!" I shouted to her and closed the door behind me. It was even colder today than three days ago, but this time I had gloves on.

I started walking towards the woods behind our house, to the same path as always. It was only a few miles till Archie's house this way.

Few moments later I reached the point where I had met a certain person three days ago. A person, that I couldn't forget, even though I had tried. After the moment we separated at her house, she hadn't left my mind.

And there she was again, just in the same place than earlier.

First I thought it was just my imagination. But no, there she was, sitting on the side of the path. When I walked closer, she turned to look at me and gave me a smile.

"Hey, beautiful." She said softly. "I knew you would come back, sooner or later."

"Uh, hi." I said staring at her confusedly. This time she was wearing  extremely short shorts, and a black shirt which v-neck was low enough to show her black lacy bra underneath it. "What are you doing here"?

"Waiting for you." She stated looking at the woods. "You didn't come yesterday, or the day before."

"No, I was-" I started but didn't see it necessary to finish. "Why?" I asked instead.

"I've missed your gorgeous face." She said turning to me again. "Is it bad?"

"Uh, no, I guess."

"Come here then." She said pointing at the ground next to her. I did as told and sat down beside her.

"You don't really seem to know how to dress up when going outside, do you?" I asked playfully, eyeing her outfit.

"Maybe I just wanted you to come and warm me up again." She told me looking straight into my eyes again.

"Oh." I whispered and took a deep breath. "Here, take my jacket then."

"Not really what I had in mind, but it will do." She told me and gave me a wink. I gave her the jacket and she put it on.

"What did you have in mind then?"

"Maybe you'll find out later." She said with a smirk.

I just nodded blushing a little.

"Were you going somewhere?" She asked looking at the woods again.

"Yeah, but it can wait."

"Well, what are we gonna do then, Betty?" She asked, slowing down for my name.

"You're probably freezing again, so we can't really stay here, can we?"

"No, we can't. It's actually so fucking cold here, colder than I expected." She told with a little laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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