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Becky was booked off work for at least two months. Maggie put in leave at the university. Peggy filed for all the leave she had accumulated while working -- a total of one month. Howard sent them plane tickets to Brooklyn.

Bucky was waiting in the airport.

The next month was spent nursing Becky back to normal. Winnifred was thrilled to have all her children under one roof again, though it broke her heart that one had to run so close to death to bring Maggie home.

Howard visited often to see how Becky was doing, to talk to Bucky about that car or something alike, to offer Maggie the job everytime. Peggy befriended both Alice and Evelyn before she left.

It was somewhere in the middle of their second month back in Brooklyn when Howard arrived at the Barnes home with a solemn expression, sans the expensive wine he usually brought for Winnifred.

Bucky opened the door. "Mr Stark."

"Mr Barnes. Is Maggie free? There's something I need to discuss with her. Something, uh . . . private."

"Kitchen's free. I'll get Maggie."

Leaving Winnifred with details instructions for Becky's movement therapy exercise, Maggie headed to the kitchen. "What's with all the secrecy, Howard?"

Howard leaned against one of the counters in the kitchen. He beckoned Maggie over.


"I'm seriously certain you should reconsider. From what I've heard, you handled the situation better than any doctor I've ever met. The army could really use someone like you. If I play the cards right, you might not have to subject yourself to being a nurse again."

"All the secrecy to tell me that?"

Howard moved closer to Maggie and dropped his voice even further. "The offer about helping me work with a German scientists who may have a superhuman formula is still on the table, and Maggie, I think your help would be invaluable. The formula is not yet complete and we are looking for experts in human anatomy as well as psychology. You fit the bill."

Maggie's eyes widened. "So it's not hypothetical anymore?" she whispered.

"You know it never was."

"I . . . I'll have to think about it, Howard. I have a job --"

"Teaching isn't what you wanted to do, Mags. You always wanted to help the world and you can. Do you really want to go back and find a new job as a nurse again? In between lectures?"

"Howard. . ."

"Or do you want to serve in the war? The way Peggy does, the way Becky does? The way only you can. You could save lives, Maggie, soldiers' lives. Imagine if Becky had had you there on that mission. She may have never gone so close to dying. You could do that for the soldiers. Or you can go back to your safe little lecture hall and walk around a different hospital being nothing more than a nurse."

"Howard Stark, I have never wanted to slap you more than I do right now."

"I'm sure there's a good reason why you haven't."

Maggie folded her arms and looked away from Howard. "It's because I think you might be right," she grumbled.

"So, it's a yes, then?"

"It's a maybe."

Two weeks later, Maggie bid her family goodbye again and left with Becky. For the next week, Becky stayed with Maggie in her apartment. Peggy eventually received orders to bring Agent Barnes back into the field and Becky was never happier to listen to a man's orders. Maggie continued as usual. Lecturing and searching for a job at a hospital. She eventually found one and her life fell back into its old routine.

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