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My dearest Becky
You can harm Mags all you like, but that means I get permission to harm Steve Rogers. Have you any idea what he's done? He's joined Project Rebirth. I fear Dr Erskine may have actually already chosen him from the list of candidates. Oh, tell Mags I finally met that bully of hers, Gilmore Hodge. I punched him in the face on our first meeting. I understand now why you both hate him so much. The surprise on his face when he found out she's Dr Maravilla was priceless. I almost broke his arm, but I figured that's her right, considering he's always calling her a Mexican bitch. Do ask her if she'd like me to do it. I don't have any problems. Howard sends his love and don't worry, I didn't kiss him. He says he's going to get a drink soon. You should go too, then it'll be a date. Send my love to Mags. And your brother too.
Best of luck and lots of love,
The better SOE Agent

Becky smiled at the letter. Then she read it again. "Mags!"

Maggie, who had just finished reading a letter from Erskine, looked up with wide eyes. "Bucky!"

Bucky clutched Alice's letter tight as he searched the camp. "Becky!"

The three of them crashed into each other near the designated dining area. Maggi almost fell into the dead fire.

"Steve's in the army! You already knew? Since when?"

They all stopped talking, waiting for one of the other two to say something.

"Allie caught him at the expo," Bucky eventually said, "when he didn't show up for breakfast, she figured something must've happened. An explanatory letter arrived by lunch."

"Peggy's supervising the division he's with," Becky said, "she thinks he might've been chosen for an SSR project."

"Oh, he's been chosen all right. This here's from Erskine, the doctor I was working with. He likes Steve and is set on carrying him through Project Rebirth."

"I feel like I'm not supposed to know any of this," Bucky said, glancing between Maggie and Becky.

"You're not," Maggie said, "but we trust you. I can't believe Steve got into the army -- and Project Rebirth!"

Bucky scoffed. "I can't believe Dr Erskine chose him. I mean, I love the guy, but he's a little skinny for war."

"On a brighter note," Becky said, "Peg says she punched Hodge in the face and almost broke his arm. She wants to know if you, Mags, want her to actually do it."

"Oh, tell her to go right ahead. I'll even get Howard to pay her way out of trouble."

"Baby, you owe the man so much already. I'll persuade him, don't you worry. Listen, I'm going to write back to Peggy before we pack up camp. Buck, let me know if you're writing home or if I should."

Bucky nodded to Becky as she left. He turned to Maggie, who was checking her pants for ash from the dead fire. "I'm so glad you're here."

Maggie looked up at Bucky and froze. "Mm?"

Bucky shook his head slightly. "I'm serious, Magpie. I'm really glad you came with. I know you're not a soldier or an agent and you've always wanted to be a doctor. I know it's probably my fault you're here instead of helping Dr Erskine with this project, but . . . I'm really glad you're here with me."

Maggie smiled. She reached up and placed her hand on Bucky's cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her hand. "Doll, I would follow you into the jaws of death. Nothing and no one can make me do anything I don't want to. I didn't come because you asked me to. I came because I realised that you and Howard were right. You want to know a little secret?"

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