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AN: flashback continued...


Monroe's pov

Working for Tony eventually allowed a bond to form between us. I seemed to have actually developed a caring side for this obnoxious brat, despite the countless women and snarky comments. There are times when I think he's taken quite an interest in me as well, but that's crazy... right? I mean this is Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Oh yes, he's used these words specifically to describe himself multiple times. So much so that I've memorized it. I can't help but see the broken man he tries so hard to hide under his ego. Tony opened up to me quite often, followed by alcohol and a one night stand with some random chick. It was as if he was ashamed to feel. So he would build those walls up quicker than he knocked them down and pretends to forget everything until it was too much again. Tonight was no different.

"Tony, you have to go. Everyone is going to be waiting for you."

"Sweetheart, I've got better things to do than to sit and wait for my name to be called for some silly award."

"It's not silly. They want to acknowledge you for the work you've done."

"You mean the work my father started."

"And you're finishing." Sighing, I take his orange-toned sunglasses he seemed to be looking around for. "I know your parents are a subject you'd rather avoid, but do this for them. If not your father, then your mother."

Tony stood still with a sorrowful expression. He lightly took the glasses from my hands and spoke lowly, "Okay. BUT... just a few rounds. I have to take the edge off." 

"And then you'll attend the ceremony?"


"Thank you," I said softly with a small smile.

Time Skip

I had been working on some paperwork for a new shipment of more weapons for the past few hours. My phone interrupted my process with some buzzing. I tilted my phone to catch a glimpse of the caller ID. Oh no...

"Hey, Rhodey."

"Where the hell is he, Julia?!"

"Dammit. I should've known a few rounds meant a no show for Tony Stark. I'm so sorry. He's down at the casino. Said he needed to take the edge off ." Rhodey quickly hung up and I slumped back in my chair. I should've known Tony wouldn't have even considered going. Well, I can only assume he's bringing a girl home tonight. I decided to sleep early while filling my ears with some music. The next morning, I woke up and made myself coffee after getting dressed. I jumped slightly when Tony greeted himself.

"Shouldn't you be gone. She'll be waking up soon. Your room has no courtesy for sunlight and Jarvis will use that to his advantage." 

"Just wanted to check up on you. Make sure Rhodes wasn't too hard on you."

"I can deal with Rhodey, but I wouldn't have had to if you just showed up Tony."

"I know, hun. I'm sorry."

"Yeah yeah. Not the first time Stark."

"Tony?" The woman's voice echoed through the mansion. 

"Go," I whisper yelled, rushing him out and grabbed the clothes Happy dropped off before I woke. 

"Hey, Tony?" She called out again. I rolled my eyes and headed straight to the lounge area where I found the woman snooping around. Curiously, I watched her fiddle with the thermostat.  

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