Avengers Initiative

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AN: flashback continued...


Monroe's pov

"Are you insane?! Not only did you blow our cover, but you put us at risk. People are going to want to come after you." I informed Tony matter of factly as Happy drove us back to the mansion in Malibu.

"So let them."


"Shouldn'tbe angry with you? I could've sworn you hid your identity until just a few days ago."

"I had good reason to. Revealing myself to you could've put you in danger. I was protecting you, but seeing how you handled the press today, you couldn't have done the same for me. But that's just it. It's always about you. Did you even think about the fact that without the cover story, people are going to ask about me? I exposed myself to the public so that I could protect you."

The car fell silent. My eyes were beginning to glow from frustration. I tried reminding myself that he had gone through so much and he's not trained to handle this type of situation like I am. I took in a deep breath, getting rid of the tension in my body. 

"Look..." I began. "I'm sorry that I lied to you. I hope that with time you can see I did it for your safety. I can learn to let this go if you will."

"It's already forgotten." Tony sent me the sweetest smile. I almost smiled back but resisted before I gave the wrong impression. He was right about one thing. I do still think about that night. How I wished the kiss actually happened, but I panicked. I'd take back my actions if I could. Maybe someday, Stark. But I can't have Fury take you away from me.

Time Skip

I followed Tony inside as he called out for Jarvis. 

"Welcome home, sir." The AI greeted. Before he could state my 'name', Tony updated Jarvis on my new found identity. I smiled knowing this meant he planned on keeping me around. "Greetings Ms. Monroe."

"Thank you, Jarvis. And thank you, Mr. Stark." A soft smile appeared on my lips. However, I turned immediately sensing a presence. The scent is familiar...

"I am Ironman'... you think you're the only superhero in the world?" Tony turned to face the man standing by the glass planes, staring out to the ocean. I furrowed my eyebrows and wondered how things were going to play out. "Mr. Stark, you've become a part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet." He turns to face us both.

"Who the hell are you," Stark questions.

"Nick Fury..." I answered first.

"Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative." Fury finished.

"Wait. So he's in?" I asked excitedly.

"Not just yet. He has to accept the offer first."

"Hold on," Tony turns to face me, "Is there anything you'd like to tell me?"

"I did tell you. For quite some time actually. I've been trying to get you to meet up with S.H.E.I.L.D. to discuss this exact subject. Things got complicated and then you found out who I really was and that was the last time I brought it up. You refused, remember?"

"Right. That. Yeah, I'm actually not in."

"You could help save a lot of people, Stark. The world depends on people like you." Fury tries.

"There is no one like me," Tony remarks.

"You are so wrong," I chuckled.

"Who's to say I can't save the world without becoming a part of your very oddly long-named organization?" 

"Me. We specialize in this area. The Avengers Initiative is a team. With you in it, work could get done a lot faster and save a lot more lives." Fury informs.

"A team? I do my best work alone."

"What if I told you that your hereby assistant will be apart of that team."

Tony turned to me as I playfully batted my eyelashes. An innocent yet begging smile was plastered on my face. For a moment it looked like he was convinced, but that theory was thrown out the window when he spoke.

"Nope. Not even for glowy eyes."

"Hey, if you're gonna start giving me nicknames, at least use the one I prefer." I pout.

"Which is...?" Tony lifts an eyebrow followed by a smirk.


After a few minutes, I walked Fury out. Convincing Tony was hopeless once he had his mindset.

"I'm sorry the trip wasn't worth the prize." I half-joked. "His mind is in the right place, I just think he needs time to heal." 

"He'll be ready. Question is, will you?" Fury asks causing me to tilt my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the obvious tension between you and Stark. I may be missing an eye, but I'm not blind."

"Oh... you caught that, huh?"

"That and Coulson may have overheard you and Romanoff spilling secrets and came to inform me."

"As much as I hate to admit it, you don't choose who you fall in love with. I didn't want you to think my feelings got in the way of my mission. I, in fact, pushed them away for so long so that I could focus."


"I know. I slipped. I understand if-"

"Agent, if you interrupt me again..."

"Sorry, sir." I look down and waited for my next call.

"Because Stark is no longer in NEED of protection, you are removed from this mission. I will be assigning you to others, just as it used to be. However, whatever you do or whomever you see off duty is none of my business."

My eyes lit up as I lifted my head, "Does this mean I can stay?"

Fury answered with not words, but with silence. I didn't have to read his mind to know what he meant. I nearly sprinted back to the billionaire but turned back with one last favor to ask. I unlatched the necklace that was hanging from my neck and held it out to Fury. As a response, he held out his hand for me to drop it at the center for him to take. 

"Take care of her for me..." I gently closed his fist on my mother's necklace and hoped he'd know how to keep it intact. Only then, did I make my way back inside to the billionaire. Shocking him, I hugged Tony ever so tightly. All this time, I was worried about being separated from him. The first time was when he was kidnapped. Then blowing my cover, which Coulson sorted through. And just now finding out Fury knew how I felt, I'm glad he trusts me. I pulled my head back to look him in the eyes once I realized what I was doing. Tony's hands were glued to my waist as my arms were wrapped around his neck. My eyes lingered down to his lips and back up his soft brown orbs. Clearing my throat, I created distance by letting go.


Tony smirked. "Don't apologize for something you aren't sorry for Ms. Monroe."

"Goodnight, Tony," I said while rolling my eyes. I made my way to my room and changed into comfortable clothing. I laid in the dark with Tony on my mind before drifting off to sleep.

Mission Complete

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