Natalie Rushman

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AN: flashback continued...


Monroe's pov

I walked into the weight room that the boxing ring was kept in. Tony and Happy have been going at it for hours. I needed him to sign some papers before I moved onto some other work.

"The notary is here. Can you please come to sign the transfer paperwork?"

"I'm on Happy's time."

I watched Tony sock Hogan's nose. Dirty move Stark. I noticed his eyes averting my way, but not quite at me. Tony turned right after as both their eyes turned soft. Nat must have entered, perfect timing. Fury had recently assigned her to watch over me as my heat passed. That and she had a side mission added along. She came over next to me so I could sign some paperwork as we acted professionally. 

"I promise you this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company."

I growled lowly as Tony's eyes lingered on Nat. She knows the effects that come with the phase. There's only so much the formula coursing through my veins could take away. Noticing my frustration, Nat brought my attention back to the papers.

"I need you to initial each box," Nat pointed.

"What's your name lady?" Tony more demands than anything.

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman."

"Front and center. Come into the church." 

"No, you're seriously not gonna ask her-" I try before I'm interrupted.

"If it pleases the court."

Nat turned to give me a reassuring look. Although it looked like I was concerned for her, I knew damn well she'd kick both their asses. I was more trying to spare them. Oh well, I tried.

"I'm sorry he's very... eccentric," I add as she makes her way to the ring. She steps in and I can't help but scoff at the way Tony eyes her. I trust Nat, Tony on the other hand. Once he finishes drinking his liquids, he steps out and asks Happy to give her a lesson. Oh boy.

"Who is she?" He asks, stepping out of the ring and sitting beside me.

"She is from Meagle and she is potentially a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep eye goggling her like that."

"I need an assistant boss."

"Yes and I've got three excellent potential candidates and they're lined up and ready to meet you."

"I don't have time to meet. I-I need someone now I feel like it's her."

If I could just sink my fangs in your throat and claim or kill you that'd be great. I knew Nat would end up working for Tony; he couldn't refuse the bait. That's her cover. However, I have to keep up this charade because one, forbidden fruit always leads to taking a bite. Two, there's a small part of me throwing sass from frustration, but let's pretend it's all about one.  

"No, it's not." It very much is. I watch Nat fake her innocence as Holgan tries to appear tougher. Clearly not loving it, she turns to shoot me a glance.

"How do I spell your name, Natalie?" Tony shouts.


"What? Are you gonna google her now?" I asked annoyed. He only hummed in response, completely focused on his results. He found many of her qualities, which most are true. Still, most of it was set up by S.H.I.E.L.D. 

'Nat, I love you, but I'm about ready to pounce on him just from his wandering eyes on your photo.' I warned telepathically. She turned to face us and sent an apologetic look.

'Just keep calm okay?'

Tony's voice had faded as I watched Happy move his hand toward's her face. She grabbed and twisted, flipping herself as her legs wrapped around his neck. Holgan was slammed to the base of the ring. Tony yelped in surprise as I chuckled a bit, trying to look concerned. He tried to play it off as a slip, but I think we all know that's not the case. Nat steps out of the ring to speak to Tony.

"I need your impression."

"You have quite a preserve. I don't know, you have an old soul?"

"I meant your fingerprint."


Definitely eavesdropping, I make my presence known, "So, how are we doing?"

"Great. Umm hey, you're the boss." He declares, signing the paperwork that makes it all official.

"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?" 

"Yes. That will be all, Ms. Rushman. Thank you." I answer for Tony as she leaves. His eyes don't leave her figure. I can't help but peer into his thoughts. Here it comes.

"I want one."


Time Skip

I followed Tony into the Hotel  De Paris. Of course, he holds up his signature peace signs to the cheering crowd before we enter.

"You know, it's Europe. Whatever happens in the next twenty minutes, just go with it."

"Go with it?" I try to understand until his name is called.

"Like that." 

I knew it.

"How was your flight?" Nat appears.

"It was actually excellent."

"We have one photographer from the ATM if you don't mind. Okay?" Nat takes his drink as I hold mine.

"When did this happen?" I questioned as if I knew nothing.

"Come on you made me do it," Tony speaks through his smile.

"I made you do what?" 

"Smile." He suggests as we both fake laugh and pose for the camera. "Stop acting constipated. Don't flare your nostrils."

"You are so predictable. That's the amazing thing." ...and that's why it worked. She's in. 

"You look fantastic," Stark compliments.

"Why thank you very much," Nat replies as they walk away. I have to keep reminding myself that Nat isn't just some random girl. She's professional, and anything otherwise is part of her mission. I follow closely behind, introducing myself to a friend. The pain may be under control, but I have to give myself a break from Tony before I push it. I walk toward the bar, but of course, he follows.

"You want a massage?" 

"Oh, God. No, I don't" 

"I'll have Natalie make an appointment." 

"I don't want Natalie to do anything." 

I don't get how he can't read the signs. I need to be alone for one second. Yet, he proceeds to talk more while his hand is on my lower back which is sending me over the edge. We find ourselves at the bar, but now he's being a complete ass.

"Green is not your color."

"Will you stop-" 

"Anthony." A man calls out. Yes. Finally. Someone to distract him from me. Somewhere in the conversation, I find an opening.

"I'm gonna-" I gesture. 

"Don't leave me." Tony pleads. I leave anyway, getting fresh air. The wind blows just right for me to catch a scent in the air. There are plenty of people, but this one is unsettling. I walk back in to check on Tony, but I can't find him. Oh no. Where have you wandered off to? I try to read a single thought that belongs to him. Found it.

'Got any other bad ideas?'

What are you up to, Stark?

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