3) Okay fine, you asked for it...

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^ don't say I didn't warn you. Now read this filth!

"Yes, young Leo! Of course I'll marry you!" I leaned in and claimed Leonardo DiCaprio's lips. Kissing him was just as amazing as I imagined. His hand trailed down my waist to my thigh, and from my thigh to-

"Owwww!!!" I screamed. Someone yanked my left ear, waking me up from my deep slumber. They pulled me out of the car and dragged me into some mansion. It was so huge that I think over a hundred people could fit in it (title of your sex tape).

I looked up to see who this ear yanker was. It was the smexy young Italian looking Jackie Chan guy from my apartment. He took me to a grand staircase and dragged me up it, all still holding my damn ear. "Who are you?" I asked. "Why did you chase me? And then kidnapp me?" I questioned but he ignored me and continued dragging me up the grand staircase. "Why do you have a gun? Gasp! Are you in the mafia?" I looked at him.

"Perhaps," he finally answered. He had a thick accent to him. Italian. He was in the Italian mafia. Hello 911? There's been a flood. Where? My panties.

"Why are you taking me upstairs?" He didn't answer. "Aren't you suppose to be taking me to the basement?" He looked at me as if I said the stupidest thing in the world.

"Why would I take you to the basement?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"You know, mafia, victim, basement, torture. You should know this."

"What's you talking about?" He made a weird face. Still hot.

"Oh come on! The basement's where all the torture happens in the mafia, isn't it?"

"No." he said that as if it was the most normal thing ever and as if it made perfect sense.

"You're kidding. What kind of mafia mansion doesn't have a basement to torture people?"

"We have a basement. That's just where we keep the meat."

"Oh. The meat." I smirked. He looked at me. I could tell he was internally cringing.

After what felt like an hour, but was probably just thirty seconds, we finally reached the top of the grand staircase. He threw me into a room. That room itself was bigger than my entire apartment. The walls were a light grey, blah blah blah, king sized bed, huge bathroom. You know just rich people things.

"Put that on," he pointed to an outfit lying on the bed. It was a black dress. A very, very short dress. Basically, it was slutty. "The boss wants to-"

"Boss? Wait so who are you then?" I sat on the bed. He looked at me, again. He was annoyed that I interrupted him. Good.

"Rafael," he answered shortly. He'd be great at speeches.

"Like the ninja turtle?" I asked grinning a little bit.

"Boss wants to speak to you when you're done." He continued.

"Oh, he wants to speak, huh?" I leaned back onto the country's supply of pillows on the bed, smirking. Rafael looked unamused. He blinked at me twice then left.

I got changed into the skimpy outfit. Right on cue, the door swung open and who I'm guessing was the boss walked in. Let the show begin...

"You," was all he said. I looked up and there he was, God himself. His biceps so big and shoulders so broad. He was tan and wore a white button up shirt that was a tad too tight for him but hey, who am I to complain? His black pants hugged his perfectly carved calves. God, he was even hotter than Rafael.

"You disrespect me. No one disrespects me." He started pacing the room. "I do you a favour. Gave you money. And this is how you repay me? By not repaying me!" He yelled. Jesus was he hot. His accent was so thick and his voice was deep and sexy. Here comes the flood again...

"And now, you've angered me." Anger looks good on him. I know he was lecturing me or whatever but I ignored every word he said. I mean, how do you concentrate when that is in front of you. "I assume you can't pay me my money back since I haven't received it in five months. You're two months over your deadline. Do you know what consequences there are for that?" I shook my head. Oh I knew. I knew what consequences there were, if ya know what I mean.

"And now," he went on, playing with the cuffs on his sleeve, "I want you-"

"Sexually?" I asked.

"What? No." He turned around and began pacing the other direction. "I want you to stay here-"

"As a sex slave?" I butted in once again. He stopped walking and looked at me.

"No," he slowly said through his gritted teeth. Sex-ay.

"I want you to stay here. You will repay your debt to me by doing that because I need you to-"

"Give you a bj?"

His hand paused at his cuff, "No." He said lowly.

"As I was saying," he started playing with his cuff again and paced the room to the other direction, "I need you to pay me the money you owe me in the form of physical labour." Physical. He wants me.

"So, Maalia."

"It's Malia." I said.

"That's what I said, yes? Maalia."

"No, it's Malia. Meh-lee-ah."

"Maalia." He insisted.

"Malia. Like Malia Tate."


"From Teen Wolf."


"Nevermind," I gave up.

I walked away from where I was standing at the foot of the bed and climbed onto the bed. I layed flat down on my back and spread my arms and legs out like a starfish. He still continued yapping away, "Anyway, since you are obviously poor, you-"

"What are you doing?" he asked. I bent my head and saw him standing at my feet staring at me as if I had two heads.

I gestured to the thotty outfit on my body, "Aren't you gonna have your way with me now?" I said in an obvious tone.

He tilted his head at me, "You are very strange, yes?"

"Who even are you?" I pushed myself up.

"D'Angelo. Luca D'Angelo. I own this place and the D'Angelo business. I don't know what my uncle Paulo told you about my business, but when I do something nice for someone, I expect to be paid back. And when you don't pay me back, then-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. I read books. I know what y'all are like," I rolled my eyes.

"Books? What books are you talking about?" He frowned.

"Books like Kidnapped by the mafia, and OMG I'm in love with the mafia boss and The mafia man's sex slave." He frowned at me. "You should really get Wattpad. You guys are all over it."

"I know not what these books speak about," he folded his arms, "But here in the real mafia, we don't like being disrespected. And when we are disrespected, then it's bad news for you. You will stay here for as long as I say, work for me, do whatever I say. Do I make myself clear?"

I can't believe this is happening... All my life, I've waited. And now, it's happening. I'm finally kidnapped by a hot and sexy Italian mafia man. God is great.

"Crystal," I replied with a straight face.

"Good." He turned on his heels and walked out.

❈ ❈ ❈

Hey kitty girls! (or boys we love all)

Do you guys like Malia?

Just so you know, Malia is based off of me.

Malia is me.

I am Malia.

We are one.

So if you like her, then great!

And if you don't, then I promise you I'm nothing like her.

I'm kidding she's obviously a more exaggerated version of me at some parts but I purposely made her cringy for the plot I'm definitely not cringy hahahahahaha........ha.

My Hot And Sexy But Also Slightly Disturbing Story With The Mafia ManWhere stories live. Discover now