Chapter 28

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//sorry guys that was a Werid chapter you do not know how hard it is to write something like that . Anyway that was wayyy to much drama... More drama than puberty blues ... And that's something.//
Aaron's P.O.V
I tried going to Mariah place to win her back. That didnt work ... She loves harry to much ... I hate him... He had no right to take her away from me. I walked back to my house. In anger I got my keys and unlocked the door . "Oh honey some boy came here and asked if you here" "really what did he look like" i ask annoyed "oh um curly brown ha.." " i know who he is " "oh did you guys talk" "yeah we did" "oh thats nice" my mum said. I walked up to my bedroom .My eyes begin to water "your a man , you dont need to cry" i say to myself. "Cos your medicine, yeah your my medicine. I want to marry you . I said I adore you." Those lyrics kept replying in my mind . I hate myself for everything. It was my fault.
I get angry again. I lay down on my bed , looking up tears stared falling down my temples. "No NO this cant happen" I get my phone and call my brother . "I cant do this anymore" i say crying "what do you mean" "i....

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