Twenty Six

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Malachi fumbled with the blaster.

'Mal, you had better use that brain quick if you want to keep it.'

'I'm trying!'

'Try harder!'

The pirates were closer now. Their blaster fire growing more accurate. Tila quickly ducked back as two shots struck the wall and ricocheted into the bulkhead on the right, opposite Ellie. The door control sparked more blue-white flashes. The bulkhead seal released and the door swung open to reveal a brightly lit corridor.

Malachi looked up in surprise.

'Is that good?' said Tila.

'It's an option.'

'Options are good. Ellie, come on!'

'Will these help?' said Ellie? She stood on the threshold of the black corridor and held out two dark grey cylinders. 'Are they grenades?'

The pirates ran closer. Blaster fire impacted the wall above Tila's head.

Tila snatched one from Ellie's hand and examined it quickly. There was a button at one end. She pressed it and threw it at the pirates. The cylinder clattered along the corridor. The pirates saw it, ran back and dived to the floor before the grenade exploded.

Nothing happened.

'Mal?' said Tila.

Malachi took the second grenade.

The pirates climbed to their feet. One of them picked up the grenade and smiled. The other raised the blaster.

Malachi pressed the button and held it down. It glowed with dark red menace.

'Got it,' said Malachi. He pulled his arm back to throw.

Tila hugged the wall for cover and held out her hand to Ellie. 'Ellie, come on, we're going the other way.'

Ellie stepped forward, relieved to be out of that black tunnel.

The pirates opened fire. Blaster fire peppered the wall and intersection around them. Sparks and flashes lit up the space and forced Malachi away from the blaster fire. Reflexively he shielded his eyes from the blaster fire and dropped the grenade. It span to the middle of the intersection.

More blaster fire streaked through the doorway, directly over the grenade. Malachi looked at what he had done with wide, horrified eyes.

There was no time.

Tila's held out her hand for Ellie's. It was almost in reach. They were suddenly ripped apart by Malachi. He threw himself bodily at Tila, diving her through right bulkhead into the bright corridor.

Ellie still unaware, stepped into the intersection to faithfully follow her friends.

Malachi looked at her, eyes wide. Under her feet the spinning grenade slowed and stopped.

Malachi shouted something. He climbed to his feet in slow motion.

The pirates were so close to Ellie now that she could hear their laboured breathing. More blaster fire raked the intersection, a wall of energy separating her from her friends. Ellie threw her up her hands to protect her face and fell backward into the dark corridor. Malachi's words were lost to the ringing in her ears.

The pirates entered the intersection. The first one in held the blaster. He swung it left to point at Ellie. The second pirate entered and kicked something glowing on the floor. He realised what it was at once. He shouted and turned and pushed off from every surface to help his escape. He pushed on Ellie's bulkhead door and it swung back, narrowing the doorway.

The second pirate looked down, dropped the blaster and tried to run.

Ellie turned into the blackness and fell over the bodies of the agents. Sprawled on the floor she rolled over. Through the crack in the doorway she saw Malachi's face one last time. His face a torrent of emotions. Behind him Tila was beating her fists on his back. She was trying to pull him away from the door. Malachi was stronger. He shoved Tila away and with a last glance at Ellie Malachi closed the door.

The grenade exploded. A sharp and brilliant white bleached all colour from the world. It erased all shadow. The pirates vanished. The sound ripped through the tunnels, deafening Ellie. The noise echoed back and forth through the blackness behind her like the cry of some furious, mythical beast.

The explosion slammed against Ellie's bulkhead door.

Ellie tried to get to her feet, but the blast and noise had disorientated her. She tripped over the bodies again and fell, banging her knees painfully on the metal floor. She stretched for the door but her little fingers slipped over the smooth metal.

The door closed.

The seals engaged.

The light died.

The Dead Fleet (Juggernaut #3)Where stories live. Discover now