Forty Three

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For a moment - just a moment - there was peace.

'You know, this handcuffs are starting to hurt,' Malachi said into the silence. He jangled his metal bracelet. My multitool won't be able to get through this. 'Can you find something to get them off?'

'I'll find something,' said Ellie. They untangled from each others arms and Ellie started searching.

Tila rolled sore shoulders and starting prodding and poking Malachi to check for injuries.

'Does this hurt?'

'Everything hurts. Stop that!'

'I want to make sure you're okay.'

'I'm not, but it won't get better if you keep poking it.' He nodded at Malachi. 'What about her? Do you think she's okay?'

'I don't know. That was... intense. She's been through so much but she's still going.'

'I think she gets that from you.'

'Was that a joke?'

'A compliment. Deal with it.'

Tila grumbled something in reply then said 'Is she going to be able to fly out of here?'

Malachi watched as Ellie opened another empty locker then turn her attention to the cabinet underneath the console.

'You know how much she loves to fly. I think it's the safest place for her. No one is going to catch her in one of those ships.'

'I need her to get home, Mal. You understand? Whatever it takes.'

He looked Tila in the face, and saw past the dirt and bruises and exhaustion. Beneath them was a sincere and willing sacrifice. Tila would do what was necessary to get Ellie home. No matter the cost.

'Understood. She'll make it home.'

'Found something!' said Ellie. The enthusiasm was still there but her voice was tired and her movements heavy. The come down after their shared adrenaline high was beginning to take its toll. Ellie returned with a handful of tools she hoped would be able to remove the cuffs. Malachi quickly seized one and worked it into the cuff mechanism. It let out a sad crunching sound under his attack, and then the cuffs were loose. Tila quickly pulled her hand free and massaged her sore wrist. It took another moments work to free Malachi's larger hand. He stroked his thumb against the cuff marks. It was sore but it would heal.

Ellie opened the lockers in which they had stashed their flight suits and pulled them out. She passed one to Tila and one to Malachi. They checked their suits, then swapped them for the correct sizes.

'This one is too tight for me,' Malachi explained as gave his back to Ellie and took Tila's.

Ellie had one leg in her flight suit when they heard the sound.

Ellie froze in place. 'Was that a blaster?'

Tila and Malachi exchanged a look.They had heard that sound before.

'Typhon's reinforcements,' said Malachi.

'Let's go, let's go, let's go,' urged Tila.

Ellie hurried to put her suit on. Tila helped Malachi into his.

From the corridor, closer than before, came more blaster fire. The same concussive pulse Tila and Malachi had heard by the elevators. There was a yell of pain and a body fell.

'Keep going,' Tila urged, but she put down her own flight suit and picked up her heavy staff.

The door clicked and slid open.

Tila pushed Ellie behind her and readied herself for a fight.

One of the pirate crew of the Solar Forge fell backward into the room in his haste to exit the corridor. He held a dirty knife in one hand. He was quickly on his feet again and turned and saw them for the first time. He was wide-eyed and ready to fight, but when he saw them confusion and surprise twisted his features. He looked over his shoulder at the doorway, apparently made a decision, and rushed at Tila.

Tila set her face and the staff snapped open. She wished they still had one of the two blasters but both had vanished through the airlock.

Tila darted forward but her body betrayed them all. Her injuries had taken their toll, and she was too slow. The pirate swatted her weapon aside and held the knife at her throat.

'Drop it,' he said.

Another concussive blast came from the doorway. Blue white light played around the edge of the man's features like an aura. He dropped. The knife fell from his hands. A wisp of pale smoke rose from the centre of his back.

They all looked at the body, then as one they looked at the door.

Another figure stepped through the opening, armoured in black and wreathed in smoke. A visor and helmet hid the upper face. An assault weapon was tucked tight into one shoulder, pointed at the pirate.

The figure stopped, raised the weapon to point at Tila. The barrel scanned left and right, covering and assessing each of them in turn.

Tila held her breath. She was no expert on blasters but she could see the trigger finger was curled inside the guard. If they planned to pull the trigger there was nothing she could do.

The trigger finger relaxed and lay alongside the trigger guard. The figure lowered the weapon, stepped back to the door, closed it and locked it.

They pulled off the helmet and visor, shook loose short black hair touched with silver, and gave a small cautious smile.

'Hello Tila. I promised I would find you,' she said.

Tila's body froze while her mind raced back through the years.

Ellie pulled on Tila's sleeve and asked the question.

'Who is that?'

Tila blinked once, twice. She swallowed. The answer made no sense but the truth stood in front of them all.

'It's my mother.'

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