Eighty One

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Tila crept through the passageway to the main hall. She wouldn't have described it as creeping, but she walked with the concern of someone who didn't want to be noticed.

It helped that it was late. There had been another council meeting, and then another one, and then another, so this was Tila's third attempt at speaking with Theo.

Previous attempts had involved unwelcome encounters with other residents who kept asking questions, and she was tired of talking about it. The past was the past. Now she had a future to look forward to. Most people preferred to ask Ellie, and Tila preferred it that way. Ellie seemed to have endless ways of telling the same stories about Parador. As far as Tila was concerned they had landed, eaten, fought and left. Ellie made every minute sound like the adventure of a lifetime. To her it was.

Theo appeared on the other side of the hall at the same time Tila entered. His robes of office folded over one arm, and two datapads in his other hand. They walked toward each other, pacing out the distance, and met in the middle.

'Tila,' said Theo. 'What can I do for you at this hour?'

Unwilling to get straight to the point, Tila pointed at the bundle over Theo's arm.

'Why do you even wear those robes anyway?'

'Tila, the office of the council is a formal position that warrants formal attire,' he said imperiously.

This time, Tila didn't rise to the tone in his voice. She crushed the part of her that flared up in response to an authority that was going to put her in her place, to tell her what she could and couldn't do. Instead she listened, and Theo, seeing no challenge, continued.

'We have discussed changing the robes for something less onerous, like a hat or a tie, but I voted against it.'


'The robes keep my feet warm.'

Tila stared at him, waiting for more. This was... different.

Theo finally let her in on the joke, and smiled.

'Welcome home, Tila,' he said.

They fell in step as they walked across the hall, but the conversation was longer than their journey, so they stayed in the room, slowly circling the perimeter while they talked. Tila found herself apologising and explaining, and telling their story one more time. She talked about friends and family and her mother, and the hope for her father. Theo talked about the Rhino, and the cost of repairs and impounding fees, and all the trouble they had caused. He didn't talk about his own past connection with Parador.

When they had circled the room slowly at least four times, the story had been told. Theo shuffled the robes over his arm and looked around the room. It could do with another sweep, he thought. There would be lessons in here in the morning.

'And you made new friends, I hear,' said Theo as they came to a halt by the door. There were brooms next to it. He shifted the datapads to his other hand, and picked up a broom before he turned back to Tila. 'You can never have too many, believe me.'

'An idiot told me once that friends are the family you choose.' Quoting him annoyed her, but she had to give him credit for that aphorism. He must have read it somewhere, she decided.

'They sound like a very wise person,' said Theo. He draped the robes over a chair seat and placed the datapads on top.

'No, he's definitely an idiot', said Tila, 'But he was right about that.'

'You have your mother back. You don't need to choose a family anymore. And there is a rescue mission to prepare for. You don't need to stay.'

'I don't need to, no.'

Tila held out her hand. Theo gave her the broom. As peace offerings go, one involving work and dirt was unusual, but peace was peace. Plus it fit her hand like the staff, so it wasn't entirely unfamiliar.

Theo took a second broom from against the wall.

'Why don't you start over there, and I'll start over here, and we can meet in the middle,' said Theo.

Tila hesitated. There was clearly a better way to do this. If they—

'Something the matter?' said Theo.

Tila shook her head. 'No. I was going to suggest the same thing.'

'Welcome home,' said Theo.

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