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oscaramuelmeravelez: I challenge you both(steven and peridot) to sleep together and hug each other.

Steven: That's a great idea. You can sleep over tonight Peridot!

Peridot chuckled at Stevens enthusiasm.

Peridot: Ok. But why are you so excited? I sleep over all the time.

Steven shrugged a blush forming on his face.

Steven: Yea but we can make it an ultra sleepover. We can stay up late and watch movies and cuddle. It'll be so great.

Peridot smiled, liking the idea as well. He always had such good ideas, she couldn't help but adore him for it.

Peridot: That does sound great.

Nighttime fell, the sky getting dark and stars twinkling in the sky. Peridot came to Stevens house after visiting little homeworld. Steven was in the kitchen preparing snacks for their sleepover while Amethyst was sitting at the table, chatting with him. Peridot closed the door behind her and the two glanced over at her.

Steven: Peridot!

Steven smiled and walked over, placing his hands on her waist and leaned down to press a quick kiss to her lips.

Steven: Look, I already started on snacks.

Steven led her over to the kitchen where Amethyst was and the popcorn was popping.

Amethyst: Hey Dot!

Peridot: Hi Amethyst.

Peridot looked over at the popcorn suspiciously, slightly alarmed by the loud sound it was making.

Peridot: Uhh....is that going to explode?

Steven chuckled and shook his head,

Steven: No it's just popcorn. I'll show you when it's ready.

Peridot nodded and the three of them talked and laughed as they waited for the popcorn. Steven set up the rest of the snacks. He had gotten some candy and chips and Peridot was honestly surprised he had gotten so much when it was just the two of them.

Peridot: A lot of this is high in sugar Steven. I don't want you getting sick from eating this in such large amounts.

Steven rolled his eyes playfully. Peridot often worried about his health after reading all about human anatomy and how easily humans could get sick. But Steven rarely ever gets sick. In fact, he's only ever gotten sick once but that was a long time ago.

Steven: You'll be eating it too and tonight is supposed to be about fun! It'll be fine.

Steven picked up a bar of Hershey's he got and threw it towards Amethyst who happily took it. Steven looked over towards the popcorn and decided it was ready now. He took it out of the microwave relishing in the smell it distributed across the room.

Steven: This is popcorn. Here try one Peridot.

Steven handed Peridot a popcorn and she tentatively took it. She sniffed it before placing it into her mouth.

Peridot: Hmm. Buttery. I like it.

Steven smiled and gathered the snacks along with Peridot, ready to go upstairs.

Amethyst: I'll go. I don't want to impede on your fun night.

Amethyst looked at the two with a smirk and Steven blushed slightly getting Amethyst's hint. She always does that.

Peridot: Ok, Goodnight Amethyst.

Amethyst went into her room leaving the two alone. They took the snacks and popcorn with them upstairs. They sat on Stevens bed and started the night by playing some video games that Steven had. They played most of the games until they started playing lonely arms which Peridot was really good at. They played it before together and Peridot always managed to beat him.

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