Chapter 3: Birthday And Insults

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Esmera's Point Of View....

I left Masaomi and went to the house. When I got there, I got a few things and started to prep everything. I made sure to put my hair in a bun and my apron. I decided to make a bit of a feast. I made some teriyaki chicken with rice, ginger and seaweed. I also made some gyoza, taiyaki, yakitori, tempuras, seafood assortment and also okonomiyaki. When I was finished with the prepping, it was already four. I started on the actual cooking. I started to make the Ice Cream and Fruit Tarte as well as a few dangos as well. When I was finished with the Ice Cream, I put it inside the Ice Cream Maker and store it in the freezer. I finished the Fruit Tarte and made sure that it was enough for everyone. As I was done, I saw what Ema made her way down. "You were already starting without me." She said as she walked to me. "Well, I did, to make myself busy and I wanted to make sure that I got everything ready." I said to her with a smile. We both got down to cooking. I was making the cake batter as she was cutting the strawberries. When she was done, I put the batter in the oven and waited for it to cook. I started to mix some vanilla extract and heavy cream in a bowl with some sugar and stirred it. After a few moments, I was in soft peaks and ready to use. The timer went off as I started to take it out to cool it. We waited for a while till it was warm and started finishing up. She made me do the writing since I had the most experience in it. After it was done, I made sure to put it in the fridge and covered it. "We should hurry up and set the table. Your hair, looks nice by the way." I said as I complimented my hair. "Essy, I need to do your hair, as well." Louis said to me as he appeared behind me. I jumped a bit and nodded. "Alright, let's go." I said with a smile. He nodded and tookme to my room. He decided to style my hair. Since my hair was wavy and long, he put the top portion to make a braided crown to around my head. "You have such nice hair. Why do you hide it so much?" He asked me as he continued his task. "It's long and sometimes, gets in the way." I said to him as I looked at my hair. He nodded in understanding. He put the brush down and looked at his work. He looked at me with a smile before nodding. "You look perfect." He said with a gentle smile. "It's thanks to you as well. It looks beautiful as well." I said to him with a smile. He nodded but then he had to pack up and go. When it was done, I noticed that everyone was here. I quickly put on a red blouse and a long black skirt. I also had my flats on as well. When I went down, I saw everyone look at me even my sister. "You look so pretty." Wataru said as he hugged me. "Thank you." I said as I patted his head. I began to bring our the dishes and they all looked at it in him and awe. I waited as they began to eat and took pictures as well. "This is good." Wataru said as he ate some gyoza. "Well, what else do you expect from a Chef?" I joked with him. We all began to laugh and made some more jokes. I was also sneakily, taking pictures for memory. I wanted to savor this moment while it lasted. I began to serve the desserts to them. There was some Macaroons, Fruit Tartes, Ice Cream, Cupcakes, Rolled Cakes and also Fruit Parfaits that I made as well. It was a sight to see and everyone had their mouths open in shock with the exception of Ukyo and Masaomi. "Wow, this is amazing, you both made this?" Wataru asked us. "Well, Esme, made everything else and then I helped make the cake with her." Ema told him. "You both, just keep getting better and better." Kaname said to us. I honestly would appreciate if he wasn't always a pervert around us especially with Ema. "Would you care to feed me a strawberry or should I feed one to you?" Kaname asked as he grabbed a strawberry from a nearby bowl. He began to come near me and I just stared at him. "Say, ah." He said to me. Luckily, someone, came to my rescue and I let put an inward sigh of relief.

Masaomi's Point Of View....

I didn't like the way that Kaname was acting towards Esme. I mean, as an older brother, I should stop him. "Kaname, leave her alone. She is getting a little uncomfortable. Besides, this is a day to celebrate Subaru's Birthday." I said to him. "Yes, sir." He joked as he saluted. "This is the biggest cake that I have ever seen." Wataru said in amazement. "Now, Wataru, you shouldn't be more happier than the person, recieving it." I said to him with a pat on his head as I bent to his level. He looked at me and nodded. "I'm sorry, big brother." Wataru said to Subaru. Subaru  just patted his head. "It must be nice, having an older brother." Ema said in a low voice. "Do you guys, always put your hair like that?" Iori asked them. "Louis, said that since it was a celebration,  we should style our hair. He did mine while he just added a few accessories to Esme's hair." Ema explained to him. "Well, it suits you both." Iori said to them. "Thank you for your compliment." Esme said to him. I had to agree, there hair are lovely. "Well, we should start on the celebration of the Birthday Man?" Esme said as she clasped her hands together. 'She does seem very happy. I still can't believe that she made all of this, in a short amount of time.' I thought to myself. I was surprised at the fact. We all began to sing the Birthday song for him. "Don't forget, to make a wish." I said to him in unison with Esme. "Are we really doing this?" Subaru asked us in embarrassment. "Yes, we are." We said in unison, again. We looked at each other and shook our head with a smile. "You two, really have it bad. Saying sentences together was our thing." Tsubaki said as he put his arms over Azusa. We all just laughed as Subaru began to blow out his candles. I noticed that Esme, was also taking pictures as well. It has been a long time, since anyone has done that for us. "This is one very memorable Birthday." Ukyo said to us. "If we would've known each other sooner, we could've had a Birthday, made by the two of you." Kaname said in a joking tone. "That would have been nice." I said in a low murmur. "Well, that would have been quite eventful." Esme said as Ema nodded in agreement with her. We all began to eat the desserts and have fun. We were all laughing and making jokes with one another. "Anyways, before I forget, here you go." Esme said as she tossed him a present. "You didn't have to." Subaru told her. "I know but it's worth it, trust me." Esme responded to him with a smirk. He began to open the present and there was a box in it. As he opened the box, his face lit up in joy and amazement. He took out a Basketball that had all of his favorite Basketball Idols, he even took out fourteen tickets to a Basketball Game. "I don't know what to say, this must have costed a fortune." Subaru said to her. "No worries, I had enough to buy it for you. The Ball, was signed from all the Basketball Idols that I came across as well and they just happened to have been your Favorites." Esme said to him. "So, do we get a present like that?" Tsubaki asked in a joking manner. "Well, I do have a gift that is perfect for each of you as well, I'm just waiting for your Birthday or Christmas, whichever comes first." Esme replied back in a serious tone and a smile. "I was joking." Tsubaki said with a dumbfounded face. "And I, wasn't." Esme replied back to him. All of a sudden, Wataru started to yawn. "Let's go take you to bed, okay, Wataru?" Esme asked him. He nodded and wiped his face off and his hands. She began to carry him and bring him to the bathroom. I decided to also follow her and help her. "Here, let me help you as well." I said to her. She nodded and sent me a grateful smile and I returned it to her. She began to help him, brush his teeth and brought him to bed. She also began to tuck him in. She began to sing him a lullaby and he started to slowly drift to bed. Her singing could have been on an Idol's level or more. She could have easily become a celebrity.

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