Chapter 5: New Faces And Wedding

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Esmera's Point Of View....

I was on my way to the Airport, to pick up my Best Friend and Writer. He was a writer like me but he doesn't know that I am his sister yet or soon to be sister. His name is Hikaru Asakawa but his real name is Hikaru Asahina. I was glad that we share the similar interests but he was surprised at my age because he didn't think that I was so young when I met him. I had to admit that I would be doing the same if I was in his shoes. As soon as I looked up, I saw him standing with his hair down and he was wearing his usual outfit which was a dress with leggings and heels. He also had a purse and jewelry to match. "Hikaru, I missed you. I haven't seen you on ages." I said as we hugged. "I know, Mera. I came here for my parents wedding. I also have a package for Ema Hinata and Esmera Hinata, my two new little sisters. I can't wait to meet them both." He said with a smile. "But you already met one of them." I said to him with a smile. He looked at me with a bit of confusion. "Remember what my real name was? I signed it in the book that you got from me." I said to him as I asked him. He started to look at the book and when he saw it, his eyes widened. "THAT'S WHY THE NAME SOUNDED FAMILIAR. YOU'RE MERA HINATA!?" He shouted out in shock and surprise. I flinched a bit and when I saw that there was a crowd, I grabbed his hand and ran. I didn't want to get seen but he ruined that. "I was trying to be discreet about my name. That was the reason why I dressed like this." I said to him with a sigh. I was dressed casual since I usually dress very formal when it comes to my jobs. He looked at me with a sheepish smile and looked away from me. "Sorry about that. It was just a big shock for me." He said with an apologetic tone. I knew that he was sincere about it so I let him go. "It's fine. I didn't think you would act like that though." I said to him with a smile. "Well, I am glad that my Sister and I, shares same hobby but to think that you are so successful is something. I am so proud to have you as my sister." He said to me. I just laughed at him as he did that. I didn't think that he would be this happy about all of this but it's nice. "I am also glad that I have you as a brother. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions as well." I said to him as we walked in the night. "What is it?" He asked me with a smile. "Well, I had a new book in mind and I was wondering if I could use you as an inspiration." I said to him. "What do you mean by that?" He asked me in confusion. "It's about two Writers who come together as Friends but they both hide it from the Public but then things start to change when both their parents marry." I said as I tried to explain the book as vaguely as possible. "I don't mind that. That actually sounds like us." He said to me. I nodded in reply because that was the reason for this. "That's what I am basing it off of." I said to him. He laughed in return and then we both laughed. 'This will be good.' I thought to myself. "Please, don't tell them about my work though. I want to do it when all of them are there. The Wedding, seems like the perfect place to tell them." I said to him. He nodded in understanding and promised not to say anything about it. I thanked him and gave him a hug. "Didn't they order from Aremes Hitana?" He asked as I nodded my head. "Yep, that is why I don't want to tell them yet. I wanted to surprise all of them. I even asked Dad about all of this. I want to make their Wedding perfect." I said to him as I let out a shaky breath. "Relax, I am sure that you will be just fine." Hikaru said as he patted my back. I sent a smile to him in acknowledgement. "I know but I still can't help but worry about all of this. I can't stop but wonder about all the bad things that could go wrong. I don't want to ruin this for them. I want to make it memorable." I said with a defeated sigh. "I know and it will be. You just need to think about the positive side and relax." He said as he massaged my shoulders. I nodded as I took a few deep breaths. "Well, we should get going." I said to him. He nodded and we continued our way back home. "I don't think that you told them that you were coming over." I said as I glanced at him. "Guilty as charged. I can never get anything go unnoticed by you." He said as he smiled. "I didn't even arrest you yet or charge you. But I think you will have to sign my Sister's books for your bail." I said to him in a joking manner. "Sure, if it gets me off. I will gladly pay that bail." He said along with me. 'This is nice, it's been so long since I talked to him.' I thought to myself with a smile. I began to unlock the door and headed inside. "I'm home." I said as I took my shoes off. Hikaru did the same and began to put his fingers to his mouth. I shook my head but nodded and followed him nonetheless.

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