Chapter 8: Basketball Game

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Esmera's Point Of View....

I heard about the interaction that happened with Subaru and Natsume and waited to ask him about that. "Shiro, what do you think that was about?" I asked him. "Well, it could be something that happened as a child. From what I could see, it was as if Subaru holds a grudge against him." He said to me. "I see. The reason he got into Sports might be because of Natsume." I said as I patted his head. 'But I still have no clue about what happened. If I did, I am sure that I can help them out even just a little.' I thought to myself. Ema wanted a family and I don't want to destroy that for her either. "Essy, I'm sure that you'll be alright." Shiro said to me. He was always there for me so I did nothing but nodded. I let out a small sigh as I was sitting down. "What's with that sigh?" A voice asked as he came behind me. I jumped a little but relaxed as I saw who it was behind me. It was only four in the Morning so everyone should be sleeping. "Masa, you should still be in bed." I said to him with a small smile as I looked down. "I know but I kind of felt like something was off." He said to me with a small smile. "I see but it's nothing to worry about." I said as I shook my head. He sat down beside me and started to pet Shiro. Shiro, is actually pretty comfortable with all except for Kana, Baki, Fuuto and that's it. He didn't really like their pervertedness or arrogant personality. I could understand that but at least he doesn't attack them unless they do something. "I was wondering about something real quick but I would like to ask the two better face to face." I said to him. "I see but you can ask me anything." He said as he smiled at me. "I know but it would be better than asking them instead of behind their back." I said to him. "What are you doing awake at a time like this?" He asked me. "I always wake up at this time though. It's nothing new either." I said to him. I guess he was a bit worried about all of this. "Was it because of a nightmare?" He asked me in a gentle voice. "Well, that was partially the reason why I would always wake up early but soon enough, my body became accustomed to it. So it became like second nature to me." I said as I tried to explain it the best way that I could. "I see. Well, if you need someone to talk to then you can always come to me." He said as he smiled at me. I nodded my head in understanding and started to get up. "Well, since you are up, I guess I should make something for us to eat." I said as I got up and stretched. "Alright but then, why do you usually eat when we all wake up then?" He asked me in confusion and curiosity. "Oh, I never eat until everyone wakes up that's why so we could eat together as a Family." I said to him as I started to make my hair in a bun. "You never really keep your hair down with us. Is there a reason why?" He said as he asked me. "Oh, that. Well, I don't really know why. I just do this to keep it out of the way of my work but I usually have my hair down when I'm at home and don't need to do anything. It's mostly when I'm relaxed that I have my hair down." I said to him as I finished tying my hair. "I see, so that's why your hair is always up." He said as he thought to himself. "Does your hair ever get in your way though? It is really long." He said as he asked me. "I never really thought about that. I guess I was just so used to my long hair that I never really noticed." I said as I thought about it. He was right though, it was really long, it was practically dragging on the floor. 'Should I cut it? Or should I just leave it?' I thought as I asked myself. "It must be a lot of work to maintain it." He said with a laugh. "Well, if you ever grow out your hair then we'll see if it's a lot of work or not." I said to him as I looked at him. "No thanks, I rather keep my hair the way it is. I don't think I will ever have my hair be as long as yours though." He said as he laughed. I joined him in the laughter as well. "That's true though." I said as I was calming myself down. "Well, is there anything that you would like to eat or drink?" I said as I asked him. "I think I just want something to drink. I guess you can just surprise me with it." He said to me. I nodded my head in reply as I went off to the Kitchen. I was thinking of making a Caramel Mocha Frappe. 'I should add a few shots of espresso as well as some coffee beans. It would be good for a wake up and is also strong and sweet at the same time.' I thought to myself as I was thinking about it. I decided to get two cups, one for me and one for him. As I set it down on the table, I decided to start finding what I would be needing. I still had my homemade caramel as well so I didn't need to make it again. But I still couldn't get out what Shiro said out of my mind. 'I guess I will have to ask them about it. I just hope that they don't hurt each other in front of Ema or anything. If they do, I have to be ready to step in and stop it. I just hope that it won't be too bad though.' I thought to myself. It was sad to see that they weren't getting along well with each other. They were siblings so they shouldn't hate one another. They should talk it out and understand the reasons behind it as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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