Chapter 32

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A/N- Ha... sorry. Im such an awful person, I can't believe I haven't updated in so long omg. This chapter is short too. Agh, I'm sorry please don't hate me. Love you all. Enjoy 😂

Word count: 693

Y/n's POV:

What did I do? What is going on? Not again...

I can't breathe. I can't think. All I can do is sit there while Harry is carried off to the Hospital Wing by someone who I didn't have the energy to identify. I hurt him... again...
Last time it was an accident. Last time I didn't know I could even do that. This time, I knew. I knew that could happen and I still let myself go. I've always had a pretty horrible temper, but this was never something I thought could even be a possibility. Sure, accidental magic had been a normal thing for me as a kid. But nothing like that had ever happened to me. I'd never done anything like this to anyone.

"You stupid wench!" A horse like woman screeched at a five year old girl with dark hair, vibrant green eyes, and round glasses falling down her nose.
"I'm sorry, Petunia,"
"The disrespect! We have given you a roof over your head and food on our table, just for you to come through here with an attitude!" Petunia continued yelling- no, screaming at the young girl who continued taking it like she had been taught.
"You're just like your wretched parents." Petunia spit and that sent the girl over the edge. She twitched, her face reddening out of pent up fury. Her eyes rolled back into her head and darkness rolled off her in waves. Petunia was thrown backwards with a horrified and disgusted look on her face while the girl collapsed in front of her, her small body unable to handle the mysterious power that had taken over her senses.

So I had always had this. Why didn't I remember before or the first time this had happened a while ago? What am I going to do? How am I doing this? Should I go to Dumbledore?


Running had never been my strong suit, but I've never ran harder. Breaking into a sprint, I forget about Draco for the moment, and the only thought on my mind is getting to the infirmary. Tears blurred my vision, but I'm hardly sad. Terrified, yes, but I'm generally a void of emotions at the moment. How can I afford to feel anything when this had just happened? I was in the infirmary within seconds. However, I was soon pulled back by a figure cloaked in black with greasy hair.
"You can't be here," Snape said, no feeling, concern, or sentiment of any sort in his voice.
"He's my brother." I growled in response. "Please," I cry. Reality seems to hit me like a truck and I don't remember when I started yelling. Snape knew to be cautious around me; I suppose word had gotten out fast. I could feel myself revving up and energy flowing as I fought against him. My fingers twitched with the effort of holding myself together, but you could easily see black magic swirling between them. I felt cold hands grip my wrists and that nearly sent me over the edge until a pair of calm grey eyes met mine.
"Hey," he said in a surprisingly gentle voice considering the chaos around us. "Focus on my voice." I don't know when I collapsed, but I remember being comforted in warm arms.

My headache was murderous. Shifting around for a moment, I felt covers beneath me, but my head hurt too much to open my eyes. Bright light burned through my eyelids, but I simply groaned. My body was drained, and lifting my arms would be a sin with the shape I was in.
"How are you feeling?" A deep, familiar voice distracted me from my misery.
"Tired." My eyes finally figured out how to work again, but I only saw bright blonde hair, which definitely didn't heal my headache. "Your hair hurts my head," Draco just chuckled and stood from his chair to take my hand in his.
"My apologies, darling," I looked at him with a smile, content for a moment before what I'd done before I went out hit me like a brick.
"Oh my God, what have I done? Where is Harry?"

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