Chapter 9

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Word count: 962

A/N- Sorry, loves! This isn't edited at all, and it's really short, but I wanted to make an attempt at the update schedule. Hope you enjoy!

Draco's POV:

For the first time, I was not looking forward to meeting Y/n. I didn't want to see her and have to distance myself. After what happened with her brother, I understood something. I understood that if I was even just her friend, it would cause both of us unnecessary trouble in ways neither of us could imagine. I couldn't get close to anyone, especially not her. Not the Girl Who Lived. It simply wasn't allowed. My father wouldn't allow it, or he'd find some twisted way to hurt her using me. Yet still, there was a voice in the back of my mind telling me otherwise. Telling me that it's isn't allowed, but I can change the rules. I know that voice is correct and I want so desperately to listen to it. After all, rules are meant to be broken. 

I trudge down to the library from the Room of Requirement and nearly grimace upon seeing her sitting at a table in the front of the library. Her (h/l) hair is set in perfect plaits and her dazzling green eyes scan the pages of a book while moonlight spills through a cracked open window above the table. A gentle breeze from the window moves strands of hair across her face, which she merely brushed aside, the intently focused expression never leaving her features. Her tongue pokes through her lips and her brows are slightly furrowed as she squints down at the pages. She's beautiful, is the only thought that crosses my mind before she looks up and sees me standing in the door, just staring at her. She grins and walk closer.

"Would you want to actually study, or just talk?" she asks. I bite my lip and don't look her in the eye.

"Just talk." I reply.

"Alright. I have a question for you then," she begins. I look up at her, slightly surprised by her forwardness. "You've been acting strange recently. Is something wrong?" It was the question I had been dreading. I sigh, putting my face in my hands.

"Yes. There is something wrong," I respond.

"What is it, Draco?" The way my name rolls off her tongue makes something bloom inside me. My heart swells and I want desperately to tell her everything. But I can't and I know I can't. It would put both of us in danger. Still, I make a silent promise to tell her as much as I can.

"I-I can't tell you all of it," I start. She frowns. I hate it when she frowns.

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you that either."

"Seriously, Draco?"

"Just wait a moment and I'll explain." I say gently, holding up my hand. She closes her mouth and relaxes. "I can tell you a small bit for now. Hopefully, one day, you'll know the full truth." And you won't hate me. She nods, looking at me attentively. I take a deep breath. "I have been given a task, and I'm struggling to complete it. I've been given two tasks actually. I can't tell you what they are or who assigned them to me, but I can tell you that they are causing me a lot stress. There is no one who can help me, and you have no idea how badly I want to tell you everything, but I just can't." By the end, my voice had cracked. I hated showing vulnerability, but oddly enough, I trusted her. Trusted her enough to know she wouldn't hurt me or judge me for anything like feeling emotions. I finally looked into her brilliant eyes and noticed they were filled with compassion.

"Draco..." she whispers. "I'm sorry. I understand you can't tell me everything. I wish you could, but it's fine." I give her a warm smile that she returns to a great extent. Before I know it, she has wrapped me in a warm hug. I stiffen at first, then melt into her embrace.

"I said I would explain why I wanted you to stay with me instead of just finding another tutor." I state, after reluctantly moving away from her.

"Yes, you did, but you don't have to if you don't want—"

"Thank you, but I want to tell you," I say. She gives a small smile and gestures for me to continue. I take another deep breath. "The reason I want you and not another person who could tutor me is, er, well, I-I enjoy spending time with you. An-And I care about you."

Y/n's POV:

"An-And I care about you."

My eyes went wide and I was extremely tempted to smile. His face had turned crimson.

"I like you, Y/n Potter." he says, fidgeting with his hands. The corners of my mouth finally tugged upward into a wide grin.

"I like you too, Draco," I reply in a hushed tone. His head snaps up and his silvery grey eyes meet mine.


"Really." He smiles wider than I've ever seen him do before. This time, I feel his arms wrap around my waist first, then I place mine around his neck. Before I could process what was happening, I feel his cold lips on mine. I go onto my tip toes, kissing back immediately. After a moment, I pull away and rest my head on his chest. We sit there contently in comfortable silence for a while.

"Draco?" I ask suddenly, lifting myself off of him.

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Er, would you like to go with me to Slughorn's Christmas party?" Hermione will be proud of me, I think, blushing severely. He simply smiles and squeezes my hand.

"I would love to." he answers, speaking in a gentle tone. I beam at his response. "Won't your brother be there?" He asks. I frown, not wanting to think about it. 

"Yes, but I don't particularly care. I suppose it would be a better way to make us, er, public." I end my sentence, feeling heat flood my face once more. He merely takes my hand again and looks me in the eye.

"I'd like that." he says. I wrap my arms around him one last time before suggesting we head to bed. We walk slowly back to the common room, and he says goodnight with a short peck on the lips. I fall onto my bed, barely managing to remove my robes, before falling into a content slumber.

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