Chapter 6

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***  A week later  ***

Today was Sunday and I had sixth form the next day. I shuddered recollecting pieces from that evening when Caroline became the victim of Jack's violence. Caroline and I had discovered Jack's true identity and I couldn't help but shake my head, as if to rid the memories from my mind. But there was something I needed to do, to confront: to say. It was Jack. Caroline will always come first to me, she is like my sister, she has always been there for me so its my time to return the favour. I'm pretty sure that she could have died last week. The disturbing thing is that it could have been me. Jack caught me, he saved me from ultimately breaking my neck but Caroline, why would he hurt her like that, especially after saving me? 

I visited her this morning and bit back tears after seeing her pale skin blend into the white, cotton sheets. I disguised the sadness with a mask and acted as though our lives were a play and that this was act 5, the aftermath. I told her I was going to confront Jack and ask him what he was playing at but Caroline begged me to stay at home. She warned me of his violence and cried out when I told her I could handle myself. We both knew staying at home would be the smart thing to do, but he could have torn away a friendship which I held close. He could have torn her away into a different realm. A realm in which I wouldn't be able to visit until death itself whisked me away.

I had that dream last night. The pendant didn't show this time, it hadn't for a while. My dream self seemed angrier when he tried to hold my hand and almost reluctantly mirrored his words when he whispered, 'I love you.' It was almost as though the dream world was a parallel dimension in which a new reality is created and circumstances, whether good or bad, remained unchanged. I knew I wasn't afraid of him anymore, I was however afraid that my anger towards him would get out of control, I feared that I would release the demon contained within him.

After getting my bag together I noticed a sharp red light burning against the corner of my eye. Turning to look, I found the familiar antique pendant hanging limply on my chalkboard. I decided to wear it, It was like this magnetism that was hypnotically encasing me to wear it for a reason I could not fathom. After shoving my ear phones in I locked the door and shoved the key into my pocket. The autumn leaves had already fallen, you could hear the crunch of the orange and yellow as they crumpled under foot. The trees shook from side to side to cover their bare and exposed bodies. The unwelcoming cold breeze sent groups of chills down my spine. It was definitely autumn but the leaves were eager to leave sooner rather than later. Tomorrow would not only be the start of another school term but it would mean that I would have gained all of the answers to the questions floating around in my head.


After stopping my music and folding my tangled headphones into a neat clump I checked the time; I was five minutes early.  Rhythmically, I tapped my fingers against the bridge that stretched from one piece of land to another. 

When looking down I could see the ripples of water that sketched into circles and then dissolved into nothingness. To my left an old woman with her dog pottered past. She looked worn out and tired, like she was fed up of the same routine. I wondered if she had any family. That was hardly the thing I should have been thinking about. Vampire, dream, pendant, violence, Caroline. All of these words continued to cycle marathons around the circuits in my mind. 

Immediately I tried to match jumbled sentences together but when spoken they came out like watery ice cream; meaningless and thought provoking. Jack why did you nearly kill Caroline? Who were you referring to by 'him?' Why do you care about the pendant?' 

"Why," I mumbled to myself aloud. "Hey." Between my logical thought process a quiet mumble grasped my attention. I knew it was him but I refused to turn around. Tucking stray hairs behind my ears I began, "Hi, we need to talk." My voice wavered, as though I was unsure of what was to come. He bowed his head, did he know what was coming next? "Listen Bonnie, before you say anything I need to do something," His eyes were glued to my chest, where the pendant lay. Why was he so adamant on the god damn thing. Before I could even think up a reply he reached for it and tore it from me. I bit my lip to stop the pain escaping . A burning sensation was left echoing on my neck. I reached for my empty chest only to find my throbbing skin reply. "Give it back!" I demanded, "You don't need it Bonnie, it won't do you any good." He sounded bored and yawned when I tried reaching for it. Just as my hand brushed against the chain he released it over the bridge and into the river.

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