Chapter 10

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Mane retro sum ... PERICULOSA!" With every wave of power i felt energy rushing everwhere; from my fingers to my toes. Strange bright shapes danced before my eyes. Fear pulsed in and out of me as i dared to open them. Gathering what little courage i had left i opened my eyes. The first thing i was met with was the clock. It was completely visible to me as there was no longer any darkness. The room was filled with so much light i had to squint round and inspect everything i saw. I had lit every single candle in the room! I exhaled a sudden gasp, i was indeed a witch. So many emotions were swimming through me but i was battling with confusion first, i could feel anixety coming in later.

"Mane retro sum periculosa,"Jack muttered under his breath. He was sprawled across on the floor, half of his body crushed into the wallpaper and the other half sitting awkardly on the carpet.  "Did you know that's latin for.." "Stay back i'm dangerous?" i finished.  I didn't actually know that in latin but i remember thinking it in my head in english. "Why did i speak Latin,  i don't even understand it?" i said gazing out and pondering on what i had just achieved. "You won't need to ever learn it because your ancestors were likely speaking latin in their days so it probably got past down in the family."He said as he brushed off clouds of dust that bellowed from beneath the gaping hole in the wall. "Did i do that?" i said, feeling shocked and slightly proud of myself. The feeling of throwing Jack into a wall lit a fire inside of me.

Gradually i stood up and walked over to where Jack was. "There was no need for you to hurt me," he said brushing off the last pieces of wallpaper that clung to his leather jacket. Yes there was i thought, you hurt me internally so i shall give you the same pain that i felt. "Oh well whats done is done" i said reaching for a piece of wallpaper that had stuck in between his hair. Our eyes glued together like cellotape as we inhaled each others prescence. Suddenly i felt his hands slide against my hips and i immediately moved away. "Bonnie listen i'm sorry for hurting Caroline and for hurting you by keeping the truth away for all of these years, i never had the courage to tell you when we were together, i thought it would ruin us." He had this sort of pleading tone in is voice, as though he was slowly breaking into little pieces the more i ignored him and the more i moved further away.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that now Jack," i said, a hint of sarcastic humour mixed with a patronizing tone. Now that i knew the truth i didn't know how to spend the rest of the night as i had school the next day. Being in year 12 I'm able to start later than usual so having a lie in is a positive i guess. I had a whole day packed with music, music technology, english and science. Jack would be in my music, english and science so trying to avoid your ex vampire boyfriend when he is in majority of your lessons was going to be pretty difficult for me.

"I guess this is it," he mumbled, staring delicately at the floor for comfort. "Yep, i don't want you coming round anymore Jack, i won't tell anyone about what you... we are. See you tomorrow." I said, shoving my hands into the cloak. The soft material touched my cold skin and gave me another bubble of energy. "Alright bye, Bonnie," He switched his gaze back to me as he said my name. I ushered him towards the door and followed lazily behind. I didn't have time for anymore drama with Jack, i was partly angry at myself for giving the guy a chance. In my dream Evelyn reffered to him as my "Guardian Angel." Psht, guardian angel my butt. Although if i never went through with this whole charade i would have never found out about what i truely am.

After sending him away i  checked every single possible door and window in the house just in case he decided to revisit. It was around 9pm and my stomach decided to re-enact a distressed whale calling so i guessed that was my cue to feed it. After scanning the cuboards for ages i came to the conclusion that noodles would have to suffice. After buttering some breads i grabbed a fork and fell onto the sofa. As i gobbled up my food many thoughts came to my head. Now that i knew i was a witch obviousy there would many things that i could do. But who will i tell? Caroline? I'm pretty sure she would just freak out, maybe now isn't a good time. I thought of my parents and how they would be soaking up the sunshine in Hawaii, whilst i - a 17 year old,  was stuck in Daventry with this burning secret. Considering my parents wouldn't be back until Christmas i thought that would be enough time to get myself together as it's already been a week into October.

The only person besides me that knew was Jack. I remembered seeing him in my neighbourhood when i was younger, he was just a child then. How did he trick me into believing he was the same age as me when i was younger: because he told me that he has been alive since 1986. Fear rushed through me. Who was that boy who lived down my street, he obviously wasn't Jack.

Realizing that it was 10pm i washed my dishes and dived into my pjamas. Curling into a ball i tried to dissolve myself into a peaceful slumber but my brain kept me up with why's and how's and what if. That night no nightmares followed me into the darkness, only light led a trail of sweet dreams. I dreamed that i was with my mum and dad in Hawaii, i was soaking up the sunshine. The heat felt glorious on my skin instead of the harsh winds that blew in Daventry. Everything was perfect, i wasn't a witch and no lies and faults weighed me down into a pile of guilt, i was... happy and thats when i drifted off into a gentle slumber.

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